Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Tag: Emily Fairfax

This was a fun report yesterday, Today it is being picked up by all the science sites around the internet and even Yahoo news! Never mind that it’s not strictly accurate, I mean beavers might be moved in Utah but they still aren’t being moved in California. It’s a lofty goal to which we aspire. Right?

Did you ever play “Kerplunk” as a child? You and your friends pull out stick after stick hoping no marble will fall or maybe just one or two. But at certain point there are so few stickings holding the marbles in place that any one you choose is going to have significant results.
This is the sound of many marbles dropping at once.

‘Letting beavers be beavers’ | Here is how beavers are helping in California’s firefight

CALIFORNIA, USA — California’s drought is a multi-billion dollar issue that we’ve dumped a lot of resources into, but climate scientists are finding that working with what nature provides could be more effective than our synthetic solutions.

They say sometimes, you just gotta leave it to the beavers.

This is a passion project for Emily inspired by events like the 2000 Manter Fire in the Southern Sierra.

“That fire was really intense, and it caused a lot of damage around the Pacific Crest Trail, and the bunch of beavers up there were absolutely completely fine,” Fairfax said.

Photos from that fire show green patches directly near the beaver dam surrounded by charred out land. 

Something tells me it’s all going to be down hill from here. Set your motors to ‘coast’ and enjoy the ride.

“When beavers move into a landscape especially dry places like the American West by building dams and slowing water down they end up creating patches that are very resistant to both droughts and wildfires,” She added.

Their dams do this by holding water on the land longer, recharging the groundwater, and improving plant health.

These green stretches of land then act like speed bumps to fire spread. And after a fire, the runoff of hazardous debris slows at the beaver dam. Then settles to the ground, making the water healthier downstream for fish and other aquatic species. 

“Beaver provide all these services these environmental benefits for we the people that we’re currently spending hundreds of millions of dollars to address they provide all those benefits for free and they do it better and cheaper,” said Brock Dolman, co-director of Water Institute Occidental Arts and Ecology Center.

Dolman is part of the “Bring Back the Beaver” campaign. Along with other advocates, they are working to reverse the state’s position that beavers are a nuisance.

I believe were in the front of the bobsled now  ladies and gentlemen. Tuck your feet in and try to hang on. Let gravity do the work.

Another big part of this plan, education

“Understanding the beneficial effects that beavers have, understanding how you can live with beavers,” said Gardner.

Adding another important tool in the tool chest addressing drought and wildfire impacts.

“If you think about all the rivers and streams that we have and should have in this state, a lot of them aren’t super healthy right now. If we can get just a fraction back in resilient and functioning state then every single one of them is like a speed bump to fire or drought effects,” said Fairfax.

I am not clever enough yet to frame this video the right way, But click on the link to  go see it properly. This is going to get  a lot easier from here,

Do you all hear that whirring draining sucking sound all around us? It’s the noise of the tide finally turning. We knew it would happen. But mark July 25th in your calendars. It will all be easier after this. Remember that.

Op-Ed: Want to fight climate change and drought at the same time? Bring back beavers

Millions of highly skilled environmental engineers stand ready to make our continent more resilient to climate change. They restore wetlands that absorb carbon, store water, filter pollution and clean and cool waters for salmon and trout. They are recognized around the world for helping to reduce wildfire risk. Scientists have valued their environmental services at close to $179,000 per square mile annually.

And they work for free.

Our ally in mitigating and adapting to climate change across the West could be a paddle-tailed rodent: the North American beaver.

Oh My GOODNESS! I’m so excited. I’m sitting in the front row so eager for the state of California to read this article I can’t see strait.

There’s a strong consensus among scientists and environmental managers on the benefits of working with beavers to protect our natural environments. Beavers can help us continue to live on, work with and enjoy our Western landscape. As ecosystem engineers, they build dams and dig canals to escape predators. Their manipulation of plants for food and building materials produces wide-ranging environmental gains.

Yet despite beavers’ ecosystem benefits, we have long pushed them out of their homes. When the European-American fur trade killed hundreds of millions of beavers, it destroyed the engine that built and maintained North American wetlands. California alone has lost an estimated 90% of its wetland area. Humans continue to tear down beavers’ dams and lodges when they get in our way.

Rather than chase beavers off, it is time to invite them back.

Watershed scientists and state and federal land managers can identify the thousands of streams most suited to beavers. Simple steps can help bring them to watersheds in need — whether that means helping restore river environments to attract dispersing juvenile beavers from existing nearby populations, or reintroducing beavers to locations where they had thrived before the fur trade and habitat degradation destroyed them as well as their homes.

I think it’s kind of odd to suggest we are just telling them to “move along, we don’t need your kind around here” instead of directly stating that we are in fact KILLING them and throwing their treasures down to toilet because it would require an ounce of effort to manage their behavior.

But that’s just me.

Beavers can then set in motion protective natural processes. Their dams and canals slow the flow of streams and rivers, spreading water across the floodplain. Once slowed, the water loses its ability to carry sand, silt and gravel, so these materials accumulate. The wet ground and regular sediment deposits make fertile conditions for vegetation that has evolved with beavers and is more productive when regularly chewed. All of this builds and maintains wetlands.

This nature-based restoration can in turn help stave off the worst effects of climate change that are warming streams, deepening droughts and fueling wildfires. These threats harm native fish and wildlife in our communities while draining billions of dollars from our economies.

Riverine wetlands rebuilt by beavers can counteract rising temperatures, nourishing vegetation that stores carbon and benefiting sensitive species including steelhead trout. Spreading water across the floodplain creates a network of firebreaks — gaps in combustible vegetation that can stop or slow wildfires. And beaver wetlands help combat drought because their dams raise water levels so the ground stores water like a sponge, percolating out in drier seasons, which keeps streams flowing instead of going dry.

As part of a team of state, federal and university researchers, we tested the capacity of beavers along an eastern Oregon creek so eroded from years of poor management that the water ran many feet below the surrounding terrain. The erosion led to dried-out floodplains, dead stream-side vegetation and a self-sustaining cycle of drying and degradation in the channel.

Well now this is definitely going to piss off the folks in San Diego that are sure beavers aren’t native and destructive to the endangered magic arroyo toad. I hope they have an extra cup of coffee this morning.

Fixing the creek would require slowing that water down, piling it up to reconnect the channel to its floodplain. This would be a big ask for beavers on their own, so we helped. We hand-built structures to mimic beaver dams to begin slowing and spreading the flow.

This work attracted the first beavers from other environments. In just a few years, more beavers found the spot and assumed the maintenance. Building on our initial efforts, they transformed logs, mud and sticks into structures that spanned the valley and spread the water across many small branching channels, canals and ponds. Willows and other stream-side vegetation emerged. Water soaked the ground in storage that gradually filtered back out, offsetting dry spells.

Stream-side communities might worry that letting a wild dam builder loose might spur flooding that could damage property. But beavers are creatures of habit, meaning we can predict which locations have the lowest potential for human conflicts and greatest potential for environmental benefits. We can entice beavers to remote areas such as millions of acres of national forest and other federal and state lands. And we have tools to prevent beavers’ work from damaging property, such as devices that keep beaver ponds at safe levels, fencing or paint to protect trees and screening to ensure drainage systems are not plugged.

The work is also relatively cheap. The main costs of beaver-based stream restoration involve helping them get a foothold by starting restoration work ourselves and, where necessary, transporting beavers to the right natural site. This approach typically costs thousands of dollars per mile, not the millions per mile we often spend on infrastructure   solutions.

Well that will turn some heads. BDAs are like crack or meth to these folks. Your first hits free. They aren’t excited yet about the actual B’S but that will come. We hope.

This solution also requires not destroying our population of environmental heroes. Last year alone, approximately 25,000 beavers were killed by wildlife control officers in response to people’s complaints and requests to protect their property. Imagine the value to communities of promoting nonlethal options instead, such as adapting the environment for coexistence with beavers or, when that’s not an option, moving them to less conflict-prone locations.

The job is enormous, but so is the capacity of beavers to help. Modest funding for beaver restoration was added to California’s budget this year. Groups that protect wildlife, fisheries and wetlands should join forces across the West to make beavers integral to a coordinated climate change response.

That’s a weird statistic to share. Why not focus on beaver deaths in California specifically? We know how many permission slips were handed to kill beavers in the golden state. Why not report that number maybe even specifying how many in the bottom half of California?

Still. Still WONDERFUL to have an OpEd in the LA Times and wonderful to think of all the eyes it will be read by. At a certain point this is going to make sense to people. And we’re going to get to stop clearing the path with a machete through the back country.

Remember July 25th.

Oh and what a great day to share this video that Cheryl caught of our new beaver friends in Pleasant Hill. Which is suddenly looking a whole lot more pleasant to me.

Some great coverage for Chris Jordan and Emily Fairfax’s new article on climate change, this time in Scientific American. I’m sure this will get seen by some of the right eyes. The article ran first in Politico with a photo of a nutria but I’m sure none of us our surprised.

The Beaver Emerges as a ‘Climate-Solving Hero’

CLIMATEWIRE | Behold the beaver: master engineer, wetland dweller and a national symbol of Canada.

Now add climate change specialist to the list, scientists say.

According to new research, beavers are among the world’s most effective practitioners of climate adaptation and resilience, something biologists have known for years but have recently documented through field study.

Experts from the Northwest Fisheries Science Center and the California State University Channel Islands say that as droughts and floods become more acute with global warming, dam-building beavers are helping stave off the worst impacts by holding back essential water that otherwise would run off or dry up.

“It may seem trite to say that beavers are a key part of a national climate action plan, but the reality is that they are a force of 15–40 million highly skilled environmental engineers. We cannot afford to work against them any longer; we need to work with them,” Chris E. Jordan and Emily Fairfax wrote in their paper titled “Beaver: The North American freshwater climate action plan.”

Whooo hoo hoo! I’m an American and I think that’s plenty scientific. The article continues:

The research, published in the journal WIREs Water, found that the kind of climate benefits provided by a species like the beaver — categorized as “low-tech process-based stream restoration” — are “rapidly gaining traction in the face of looming climate and biodiversity crises.”

“If you just put a beaver there and let it do its thing, the number of ecosystem services they provide to help with climate change, it’s huge,” Fairfax said in a phone interview last week.

“It’s also less expensive: Beavers are free.”

Yes they are. They’re born free and they have a right to live free. And not be dropped in parachutes over every scarred mistake this country has made. But that’s just me.

They are also abundant, which poses a unique challenge for the landscape-altering mammal both in North America and elsewhere.

For centuries, Eurocentric cultures valued beaver only for their pelts, and they were hunted to fractions of their natural populations across their traditional range, according to researchers.

As human settlement encroached upon streams and wetlands, beaver populations crashed again by as much as 90 percent, even as they continued to thrive in wild areas and pockets of protected habitat. Their dam-building ways also earned them a reputation as pests, especially to farmers.

Fairfax noted that while restoring public acceptance is a gradual process, wildlife managers have come to value the animals for their role in creating fire protection.

She characterized such natural adaptation measures as “low-hanging fruit” — meaning it requires virtually no effort on the part of those seeking fire protection. “Wildfires in California are getting out of control year after year, so people are saying, ‘You know, I’ll take the flooding if it means I won’t burn,” Fairfax said.

Good point. But of course people don’t have to “Take flooding”. They have to “Address flooding”. Just like they fix a flat tire on the way home from the feed mart. If you can fix a fence you can fix a flow device. We need to think of them more as investments in our landscape and less as  curiosities. I’m dreaming of the day when insurance even reimburses you for properly installing one.

“I’m happy to see people going out of the traditional disaster mode and taking a chance on beavers,” she added.

In Oregon, the nonprofit organization Beaver Works has promoted beaver swamps as a critical habitat for other species such as deer, elk, fish and songbirds that also provides cool riparian environments during hot days. “Without these ponds and channels — without the beaver — wildlife habitat on high desert landscapes becomes increasingly scarce which accelerates with climate change,” the group states on its website.

California recently approved a specialized license plate program sought by Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom that should yield more than $1.6 million during the next fiscal year and $1.4 million annually thereafter for climate resilience through beaver habitat restoration. When introducing the proposal in May, Newsom characterized the beaver “an untapped, creative, climate-solving hero.”


This was delivered at Beaver Con2 and it’s well worth watching. I know we’ve all have heard Emily’s talk about her dissertation on large fires in five states right? Does she have anything new to teach us now? Yes she does. Her research has grown by leaps and bounds. Which is good because our fire season has grown by leaps and bounds too. How do you think beaver habitat stood up to the new MEGAFIRES we recently invented? Better hang onto your hat. This has a strong updraft.

If I were you I’d watch the whole thing.  If I were me I’d probably watch some parts over again after that.

And if I were the governor I’d play it on repeating loop in my lunchroom.



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