Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Tag: Elizabeth Winstead

Good news. Golden Gate Audubon is planning another visit to the Laurel Creek Beavers. September 24th, say do you think it’s in honor of my birthday?


Beavers are a keystone species, engineering wetland habitats for themselves that also benefits fish, amphibians, and mammals like otters and muskrats.  The water, food, and shelter found in beavers’ riparian habitats are among the many benefits to birds (

Beaver dams are known to double the probability of willow flycatchers and the density of song sparrows compared to areas without beavers.  The story of the FAIRFIELD BEAVERS (  on Laurel Creek involves the city of Fairfield, which can get a permit to kill beavers, and has removed their dams in the past due to their worries about flooding, but is currently leaving the beavers alone due to the presence of a kit. 

First we will watch the beavers near sunrise for about an hour and then bird the creek (about 1 mile long and then back again) that they have dams on. Virginia Holsworth is the admin of the Laurel Creek Beavers Facebook page, and she has led many beaver field trips. She will help us find signs of the beavers (old dams, new dams, slides, chews, etc.) and give the latest updates on these beavers. 

We will walk about 2 miles round trip on a mostly flat trail (dirt, partially paved). We will be in a residential neighborhood, so there are no bathrooms or water nearby, and no places to sit. (We suggest visiting a gas station for a bathroom prior to the walk.  The nearest public bathroom is at the Laurel Creek Park, which opens at 6 AM, but note that the bathroom stalls do not have doors.) 

Participants are asked to be quiet, since we will be meeting early in a residential neighborhood.

This trip is free but advance registration is required. Registration will open two weeks before the trip and close at 4 pm on Thursday, September 22.  Directions for registered participants are below.

Directions Final directions will be given a few days before the trip, to the beaver dam location with the most current activity.

Don’t you want to go? It’s already filled with the beaver curious but I’m sure I could talk them into making an extra trip if you’re interested.

Do you remember back  before the festival when Elizabeth Winstead wrote that excellent article for Golden Gate Audubon about the Laurel Creek beavers in Fairfield? Well folks were SO excited about this that they wanted a field trip so this weekend Elizabeth and Virginia Holsworth teamed up and gave them the morning they never had before.

Look at these photos and you’ll understand why Audubon matters so much to beavers. Great work ladies!


Yesterday was a banner day for beavers with the publication of Elizabeth Winstead’s fantastic article in the Golden gate Audubon Blog. You know her because of her fantastic photo of the fairfield beaver lodge that sometimes adorns this website. Does this look familiar?

Like many fantastic beaver photographers she started hanging around beaver ponds because she was interested in birds. So her article is the perfect outgrowth of this. I knew this was coming and helped brainstorm and edit the article but she outdid herself with the final product. Enjoy,

The Birds and The Beavers

I may not be the best birder since I’m not much of a morning person, but recently I woke up at an ungodly hour to drive to Fairfield for the dawn. I thought, “Who is this person who really doesn’t like to be cold, but is so captivated that she forgets she is shivering, and her hands are numb on a wind tunnel of a bridge despite a hat, gloves, and multiple layers, because she is waiting for, of all things, a baby rodent to appear?”

The dawn slowly lit up the small creek below as I searched the water because I heard there was a beaver kit, and I’m a pushover for baby animals. Suddenly, a Green Heron erupted out of the marshy edges and flew across the creek and over a nearby house. Green Herons have declined by 68% (from 1966 to 2014) and can be elusive to find as they hide in vegetation. Who would’ve thought that you could find a family of beavers in the middle of a city on a human-channeled creek surrounded by houses on both sides, and that the beavers would be able to create enough habitat to attract waterbirds like Green Herons? Happily, I got to watch both an adult beaver and a kit swim in the creek. The kit seemed annoyed by a nearby mama Mallard and her five ducklings and slapped the water with a cute tiny whack.

My goodness who WOULDN’T wake up early to watch beavers??? Is that rhetorical? Especially beaver KITS. So many Junes we were up at dawn and out after dark trying to see ever last moment of our new generation in the creek. Elizabeth you have all our solidarity!

A love of nature led to a love of birding, which led me to notice a reference to the California Beaver Summit in a Golden Gate Audubon email last year. Worrying about climate change, I was intrigued by their hook—what if one of the solutions to problems like drought and wildfires was simple, affordable, and nature-based? What if it involved an unlikely, plump rodent with buck teeth and a flat tail?

Before the California Beaver Summit, I had never seen a wild beaver, so I got excited when they told me there were some in Fairfield and on the Napa River. The Fairfield beavers had a Facebook group with a map, making it easy to find them. I visited these crepuscular critters five times in the last year, both at dusk and dawn. Like any curious birder, I looked to see what birds would be found along their urban creeks. So far, I’ve seen a total of 32 different species representing 21 different bird families with at least 455 individual birds counted on an approximately one-mile section of Laurel Creek.

I am very powerful. I wrote the copy for GGaudubon that invited folks to the summit. And I announced at the summit that there were beavers in Fairfield shocking the panelists. But apparently I’m not so powerful that I can stop very smart people from claiming that beavers are CREPUSCULAR.

Obviously an animal that round with that much to do and that  unnutritious of a diet needs to be awake more than 2 hours a day to get the job done. SHEESH

USFS Wildlife Biologist Karen Pope talked at the California Beaver Summit about how beaver dams doubled the probability of willow flycatchers and doubled the density of song sparrows compared to areas without beavers. So, I wanted to learn how else beavers might benefit birds.

Beavers affect biodiversity because their activity slows water, stops soil loss, creates pools and canals, and is associated with increased plants and beetles. Beavers transform stream habitats from narrow strips of vegetation to wide dense wetlands with lots of plants. Their dams and burrows can create microhabitats for amphibians like red-legged frogs and northwestern salamanders. Muskrats, water voles, minks, and otters benefit from the abundant prey and den sites in beaver ponds. Some restoration projects for endangered salmon and trout have built structures called beaver dam analogs (BDAs) which slow streams and imitate beaver ponds with slow cold pools for the baby fish, resulting in huge increases in juvenile fish and survival rates.

I actually didn’t realize Elizabeth came to fairfield because of the California Beaver Summit. It really makes me feel a little dizzy to think of making something happen that inspires people enough to inspire other people to keep inspiring more people.

Riparian habitats provide for birds’ basic needs: water, food, shelter, and nesting sites. “Over 135 species of birds native to California use riparian forest habitat.” The insects supported by native riparian trees and shrubs are vital food for birds like the least Bell’s Vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus) and Yellow-billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus), both riparian birds in decline.

A review of the impact of beavers in their wetland habitat noted that insects abound near beaver ponds, providing food for songbirds. Shallow water along pond edges contains plant particles, seeds, and invertebrates for ducks. Swans and geese have built nests on the tops of beaver dams and lodges, for protection against predators. As beaver dams flood an area, drowned trees attract woodpeckers and other cavity-nesting birds. The dead trees and snags are also used by raptors.

The diversity of bird species near a beaver pond has been found to be 50% to three times greater than that near an unmodified waterway. A study in Wyoming and one in the Adirondack Forest in New York found more bird species at beaver sites due to wider riparian zones and tree diversity. Another study in Wyoming found 75% more waterfowl on streams with beavers than those without.

Streams with beavers are associated with willow, vital for the federally endangered southwestern Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii extimus).  The Sierra population of Willow Flycatchers occurs in small numbers and within less than 100 meadows in the Sierra Nevada and Southern Cascades. More Willow Flycatcher habitat could be restored by encouraging beavers and their activities.

Go beavers Go! If I wanted a whole bunch of birds in my stream I’d want a family of beavers to move in right away.

But there’s more than just the wetlands. Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s 2019 study noted that of the almost 3 billion birds lost in the last 50 years, the grasslands areas posted the biggest losses, with over 700 million individuals lost across 31 species since 1970 (a more than 50 percent decline). A study on the conservation of grassland birds in North America said: “… elimination of beavers resulted in the loss of floodplain meadows that supported grassland birds…The systematic destruction of keystone species such as beavers and prairie-dogs is one of the greatest and least-appreciated reasons for the loss of biological diversity in grassland systems.” Also, when beaver ponds are abandoned and taken over by grassy areas and shrubs, resulting in the creation of beaver meadows, these areas had the highest levels of bird biodiversity when compared to other adjacent riparian areas.

Another interesting discussion in Ben Goldfarb’s compelling book, “Eager: The Surprising Secret Life of Beavers and Why They Matter” and this webinar is how the declining Greater Sage-Grouse would benefit from beaver-created wetlands in their increasingly fragmented arid sagebrush habitat.

On undammed streams, storms and floods propel water racing down a single thread channel, causing erosion. The streams can become more and more incised, and much water is lost to the ocean. Since the large peak flow is in the spring after the snowmelt, there isn’t much water left in the streams for nearby plants in the summer.

But things are different on a stream with the North American beaver (Castor canadensis). These rotund rodents are clumsy on land but are agile swimmers with webbed back feet. Nature’s engineers build dams and lodges made out of sticks, logs, and mud to create a big watery pool where they can be safe from predators. They build canals into the sides of streams to reach more trees via water. Their iron-strengthened orange teeth never stop growing, so they can cut down more trees. When floodwaters race downstream, their dams slow water, spread it out, and store it into the soil so it takes more time to release. During the summer drought, there is enough water stored in the soil and water table to keep plants green. The beaver-dammed stream has flattened the bell curve of streamflow and releases the water much slower and later in the year, so it’s available during the summer.

Beaver activity increases the riparian areas around streams and their plants thrive and don’t dry up in the summer, so they don’t become fuel for wildfires. Beavers create wetlands that become fire breaks and refugia during wildfires, protecting plants and other animals.  Beaver dam areas have three times more protection from wildfires than areas without beavers.

The California Native Plant Society reports only 5 to 10 percent of California’s riparian habitat remains today. What would happen if we encouraged beavers to repair and restore some of that habitat?

I am dreaming of millions of SF birders waking up early to drive to fairfield and photograph beaver dams. I am dreaming of every audubon chapter in California having a “Beaver” focus team to scout all the beaver dams in the area to make sure everyone visits them because they matter so much to birds. It could happen.


The story of the Fairfield beavers on Laurel Creek involves the city of Fairfield, which can get a permit to kill beavers, and has removed their dams in the past due to their worries about flooding. Yet other solutions exist, like beaver flow devices and cost-effective pond levelers.  Meanwhile, the city of Napa recently celebrated these peaceful vegetarians’ biodiversity effects with interpretative signs.

Currently, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife allows property owners who consider beaver as pests or nuisance to remove their dams and kill them. However, Governor Gavin Newsom just proposed a new “Beaver Restoration” program to be run by CDFW, which would promote their restoration and conservation.  This budget proposal, which needs to be approved by the Legislature states: “It might be odd, but beavers are an untapped, creative climate solving hero that helps prevent the loss of biodiversity facing California. In the intermountain West, wetlands, though they are present on just 2 percent of total land area, support 80 percent of biodiversity.”

What if like our bodies’ miraculous ability to heal, we can trust nature’s ability to heal and repair the land? As someone who doesn’t want to choke on the inevitable wildfire smoke coming our way, what if we trusted in nature’s engineers to help restore streams and build resilient habitats?

When threatened, beavers use their big, flat tails to slap the water with a loud startling whack. What if instead of seeing beavers as pests, we heed their “whack-up” call? Beavers, birds, and our lungs will thank us.

And the money shot? Thanks especially for this Elizabeth.

Want to learn more about how beavers matter to birds and other wildlife and how cities can live alongside them? Attend the 13th annual Beaver Festival sponsored by Worth a Dam, on Saturday, June 25, 2022, at Susana Park in Martinez, from 11 am – 4 pm.

An excellent article with a link to the beaver festival in a major        publication at just the right time. Thank you VERY much!








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