I am tempted to think beavers have reached ‘critical mass’ in their renaissance story. Public opinion has swung recently in their favor because of Ben’s book and this article the journal Natural Resources and Environment makes it look like the entire forest service has voted in their favor.
It’s about time.
Restoring Beavers to Enhance Ecological Integrity in National Forest Planning
Got that? Seven years ago our Forest Service was mandated to incorporate principals of sustainability and ecological environments that would last and replenish themselves. The directive is that forests should sustain more than just trees. And in fact take care of the wildlife that uses them if they want to promote healthy growth for the long term. And guess what does that really well?
Oh yeah, You just read that right. These are some senior Montana thinkers and writers saying that the number one thing public lands need to keep them and the wildlife they sustain going is – pinch me I’m dreaming – BEAVERS!

You see what happened in that paragraph? They referred in the same sentence to Ben’s article and the Restoration Guidebook that I wrote part of!! Later on they quote the article by our other friend Rob Rich! Put that on my tombstone and tuck me in for the night. Beavers are finally starting to get the respect they deserve!
Okay way more Ben’s credit than mine BUT still!!!
I just LOVE thinking that Ben’s wonderful book is getting read by the scientists and policy makers than can direct the use of national lands to protect beavers!!! Isn’t that wonderful?
Oh quotable Ben. I’m so glad that if it was time for this book to be written they chose YOU to write it. You ol’ phrase-turner you!
Next the article discusses how beaver reintroduction has been occasionally used by the forest service but it needs to be much less haphazard and done on a regular basis. Not only moving problem beavers but PLANTING for future beavers. Yes you read that right.
Oh oh oh. I don’t ever ever want this article to end. I’m going to post the entire PDF at the end and you really should read it, For now lets just find one more jewel to savor. Finally it ends with a discussion of the recent lawsuit against USDA for removing beaver in salmon habitat and says, hey, the forest service has ESA rules too. We shouldn’t be doing that either.
My my my. You better read the whole thing and send it to everyone you know. Some day beavers are going to be on everyone’s lips and you’re going to be able to say you knew them first, back before they got famous. I snagged this great photo from a facebook friend Alan Law from a drone in Canada but I think you’ll understand what it illustrates.
Beavers are on the rise to stardom. And it’s no wonder why. It couldn’t happen to a nice ecosystem engineer.
NR&E article (1)