Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Category: Who’s saving beavers now?

Tuesday night was beaver night in the city council in Oakley. Their meeting started with a presentation from Flood Control about the pesky beavers that built the dam in Marsh Creek and were subsequently shot. They assessed the dam as raising the water by a whopping 7 inches and restricting their 50 year flood plan for a particular segment of creek 400 feet upstream of the dam. You can watch the whole thing here, and the presentation is the very first part after the pledge of allegiance, but this was my favorite part of the meeting.

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It’s nice to know Martinez made some ripples in the world, although clearly the head of flood control thinks beavers live IN the dam. Sign. Our work is never done.

Yesterday a new buddy Jorge Echegaray, on the beaver management forum posted the first beaver booklet released in Spain explaining to landowners about their new odd flat-tailed neighbor. I took a look through and thought you’d be interested. My retired spanish-teaching sister very kindly translated the chapters for me which get me very interested.

Robin grabbed this as her favorite photo for obvious reasons.

I was intrigued by the range of questions, especially ¿Para qué sirven los castores? (What good are beavers?) and the even more intriguing ¿Son los castores un icono de conservación y educación ambiental?

Are beavers and icon of conservation and environmental education?

Let me save you some time gentlemen. YES. Yes they are.

Sorry about my silence yesterday. But one of the things I liked especially about Mike Digout’s tailslap video was that we have almost the exact same footage. Since I’ve become more of an expert I realize beaver tailslaps in the wild are MUCH MUCH FASTER and more intense. And I was always worried. Are our beavers delayed? Sick?

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Seeing Mike’s video made me understand that our beavers are relaxed. That’s a tailslap from a beaver whose not so much alarmed as irked or making a point to friends. Isn’t that wonderful?

Meanwhile there’s some nice news from Calgary.

Residents upset about beavers being trapped in southeast community wetland

CALGARY — Jen Corbett discovered a dead beaver in a trap behind her home in the southeast Calgary community of Riverstone a few days ago, something she says has been ongoing since her family moved there last fall.

“For the past three years they’ve been trapping and killing them,” said Corbett.

“As opposed to finding other solutions that aren’t lethal, that would include maybe grates on the culverts or water levellers or other implementations that would allow us to co-exist with them.”

Hurray for Jen! And hurray for neighbors who care about wetlands! Apparently our good friend Adrien Nelson of FBD just installed a flow device not too far away so maybe the word is catching on. Stay tuned because this story could get even better!

Oh and I finally found peace after my disruption yesterday.

Plenty of good beaver news this morning, with this from Vancouver Island. There’s a brand new beaver advocacy group in the world and the teamed up with our friends at FBD to install a flow device. I just checked out their website and was surprised to see my name – not just Worth A Dam or martinez beavers which is more expected.

Well, if you’re going to make a name for yourself, I suppose there are worse ways.

And right out of the gate they installed a pair of outstanding flow devices,

City of Port Alberni learns to coexist with beavers

Port Alberni has become the first beaver-friendly community on Vancouver Island.

The city has partnered with The Fur-Bearers (a non-profit society dedicated to protecting fur-bearing animals) and VanIsle Wetlands (a Port Alberni company that specializes in non-lethal methods of managing beaver activities) to have beaver conflict sites fitted with “flow devices” that will reduce lethal trapping while protecting local infrastructure, wildlife and the greater community.

Lesley Fox, the executive director of the Fur-Bearers, said the non-profit reached out to the city of Port Alberni about a year ago, proposing a sustainable, coexistence-focused solution to beaver conflict sites.

“Most people are surprised to know that beavers are a part of our cities,” she explained. “This is an opportunity for understanding the role of beavers, and the important role they play in keeping the water on land.”

Hurray for the Vancouver Island beavers! It’s wonderful to see good work being done so near by. Let’s meet the new kids on the beaver block, so to speak.

Chris Holtslag, the founder of VanIsle Wetlands, says beaver dams can also protect downstream spawning areas, which helps increase salmon and trout populations.

“You get better fish, bigger fish when you have slow-moving streams,” said Holtslag.

However, dams can also lead to infrastructure damage. A blocked culvert, for example, can cause flooding and damage to nearby roadways. Removing dams and beavers are short-term solutions, as new beavers will return to the sites where beavers were removed. Beavers are triggered by the sound and flow of the water to build a dam, explained Holtslag.

Hi Chris, great to meet you. I’m so glad this work is happening!

Flow devices are a solution that can protect both the animals and the infrastructure, by allowing water to continue moving as designed regardless of damming activity. These devices have now been installed in two locations on Lugrin Creek: one can be found just off of Beaver Creek Road, across the street from the Alberni Co-op, while the other is located on the Kitsuksis Dyke trail.

The two sites were “especially troublesome” with beavers, said Fox. The mouth of the culvert on Beaver Creek Road had been blocked by a four-foot dam. Holtslag installed a culvert protection fence, as well as a pond leveller: a pipe and cage system that helps to manage the height and volume of water near beaver dams. The cage at the end protects the intake from damage.

“It was a lot of work, very muddy,” said Holtslag. “I put a hole in my hip waders in the first five minutes.”

At the other site on the Kitsuksis Dyke trail, Holtslag installed a pond leveller straight through a beaver dam.

 Now that’s a familiar site! And a great look for you, Chris. Beavers will be very happy to cooperate with your efforts.

Fox said she’s not aware of any other municipality on Vancouver Island that has made this commitment to addressing conflict sites, although the Fur-Bearers have worked with other municipalities in the Lower Mainland to install flow devices.

“It’s really taking off in other places in B.C.,” she said. “This is a great success story, not only for Port Alberni, but the Island as a whole. We’ve had a lot of positive feedback from local residents, who are happy to see a more long-term solution,” she added.

Fox says a shift in policies is happening at the municipal level when it comes to wildlife.

“We’re responding to a need, and it’s coming from the municipalities, for long-term, safer ways of managing wildlife conflicts,” she said. “And we hope to see more of it on the Island.”

Beavers are great teachers. They’ll make sure you know right away if anything needs tweaking or changing. Thanks Chris and Leslie for giving the beavers of Vancouver Island a fighting chance. It’s hard work to colonize a place when you first must cross a strait filled with Orcas. They worked hard to get there.

It’s the least you can do.

Okay, there is a sweet local article this morning about the little baby beaver at Suisun Wildlife Rescue but we are indulging me because I’m doing the typing. This article from Edible is actually in the perfect location to care enough to report this right. And I just have to share it.

Dammed If They Don’t

Could a creature left out of Southern California history revive its waterways?

This piece was supported by a Society of Environmental Journalists funding award, underwritten by The Hewlett Foundation, The Wilderness Society, The Pew Charitable Trusts and others.

And Leslie’s article is worth EVERY PENNY. I tell you.

Parts of Ventura County’s Sespe Creek are nearly as wild today as they were in the early 1900s, when Joseph Grinnell first caught wind of the “unexpected find” there. It’s hard not to wonder what might still lay hidden among its rugged terrain.

If you know what to look for, you can still make unexpected finds of your own: old chewed up sticks or, via satellite, structures bearing the characteristic signature of the creatures’ engineering feats.

Where did the beaver come from, are they still here, and do they belong here? “It’s like a Sherlock Holmes mystery,” said Rick Bisaccia, Ojai Valley Land Conservancy’s former stewardship director, of the 100-year-old hunt for answers. And the answers could point the way out of many of Southern California’s ecological quandaries.

Oooh ooh call on me! I know!

In 1937, Joseph Grinnell, the first director of the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology at Berkeley, answered that question in a hefty treatise on California’s fur-bearing mammals: no. Or rather: no, but…. On his California beaver range map stood a lone question mark far south and west of any other native population. Grinnell was apparently unconvinced of what had been found there. The mark was right atop Sespe Creek.

Fifty years later, Rick Lanman looked behind his Bay Area home and wondered why a stream that used to flow year-round until the 1950s was now dry half the year.

Oh I know this story! YOU know this story. We like this story. 

“One of my theories was maybe beaver perennialized it,” said Lanman, who is a physician, researcher, self-proclaimed serial biotech entrepreneur and founder of The Institute for Historical Ecology. Beavers’ heavy ponds push water into the ground during wet times. Then, in dry times, the replenished groundwater feeds the stream.

But according to the ghost of Grinnell, who continued to haunt official beaver range maps, the Bay Area was also a beaver desert. “Which doesn’t make any sense,” Lanman said. The animal thrives in both the Canadian tundra and the deserts of northern Mexico. Why not coastal California? Lanman and his colleagues went digging for answers.

Oh I’m I feel like I’m back in kindergarten sitting criss-cross applesauce on the teachers rug and listening to my favorite story told over again. Aren’t you?

Luckily, history is written all around us and in 2013 Lanman and his co-authors published their results. All over California, they found beaver evidence in old newspapers, ships’ logs, fur trapper journals and place names. Local Chumash references included words for beaver, a beaver dance, a shaman’s beaver-skin rainmaking kit and perhaps even a beaver pictograph. It appeared the once-widespread creature had been hunted—in some places to near extinction—by the time Grinnell examined their range.

These were clues, but in science direct physical evidence outweighs words. A skull specimen and carbon-dated dam remains settled the case in the Bay Area and the Sierras respectively. What about Southern California?

What Grinnell had symbolized on the map with his Sespe question mark was, in life, the origin of a beaver skull specimen. And when Lanman uncovered letters between Grinnell and the skull’s collector, zoologist John Hornung, the Sespe question finally got its answer:

On May 19, 1906, Hornung chanced upon the dying beaver near Hartman Cold Springs Ranch in the Sespe. An “unexpected find,” he called it. Perhaps, though not too unexpected. “There are still quite a few beaver in Southern California,” he added.

“What Grinnell… had failed to account for,” wrote Goldfarb, “was history.”

How Lucky can you get. A reporter who contacts Rick Lanman, and Emily Fairfax, AND reads Ben Goldfarb’s book. Now I’m not stupid. I knew this day would come. But I truly never thought it would come from Edible magazine in Ventura County!

California beaver work remains complicated by its history. For example, policy remnants prohibit beaver relocation, says Fairfax. And, according to 2016 WATER Institute report, Beaver in California, no CDFW codes promote beaver stewardship or restoration.

Public perception can also complicate the matter. Though Fairfax’s work details how beaver activity can act as a fire break and drought buffer, beavers have their own agenda.

“Beavers are absolutely an agent for good in the environment, but…sometimes they will conflict with humans,” she says. A dam-induced flood enriches soil and improves water quality and availability in the future, but it’s hard to stomach a flooded farm crop to get there.

Luckily, beaver experts are also innovators. Inventions such as “beaver deceivers” give humans influence over pond levels or dam locations and simple trunk treatments can discourage the gnawing of a prized tree. Beavers and humans won’t be able to coexist in every situation, Fairfax cautions, but she encourages “taking that extra minute to stop and think: If there is a beaver, how can I interact with it in the neutral way, instead of trying to control it?

And perhaps, in the end, relinquishing a bit of control is the moral of the California beaver story. In an increasingly dynamic climate, we humans still think and build statically, encasing our rivers in concrete. Beavers, however, build for flux, for generations and for an interspecies community.

“The beaver is the story of someone who is working hard and they’re trying to make the environment a better place… for their families and for the future,” says Fairfax.

Yes, beavers belong here because they benefit us and other creatures. But mostly, one might point out, they belong here because they always have.

Oh my goodness. I could read hear this story over and over. Thank you so much Leslie for this retelling. It is the best one I can ever remember.

Leslie Baehr is a science writer and content strategist who works with media outlets, research institutions, not-for-profits, and companies. An alumna of MIT’s Graduate Program in Science writing, she enjoys exploring the interplay between science and ideas.


Let’s spent the very last day of August visiting some old friends shall we? The official part of summer – the summer that never came – is over, And we are beginning to feel the first stirrings of fall in the air. Lets have some nostalgia for people and places past, shall we?

Monkton finds a humane beaver solution: Deception

MONKTON — On a warm sunny Friday afternoon last month, Theresa Payea, dressed in waders, stood atop a well-established beaver dam in Monkton Pond (also known as Cedar Lake). Payea was there, along with a few other members of the newly re-established Cedar Lake Association, to help bring a decades-long battle with beavers to a peaceful, humane conclusion.

“I’ve lived here 28 years, but I’ve never seen the dam so close up,” she said. “You don’t realize how much trouble beavers are capable of.”

Payea and her neighbors got an up-close and personal view of that trouble last fall, after the beavers in Monkton Pond had outwitted an old baffle cage installed by the Vermont Department of Fish & Wildlife to maintain water levels. Beavers clogged up the hole and the water began to rise.

Hmm Monkton is about 2 hours away from Grafton in Vermont. I bet I can guess who they got to help them. Can you?

Down in the water, a few yards away, beaver expert Skip Lisle of Grafton was busy assembling a custom-made system that he invented to keep the water flowing, regardless of damming activity.

He calls it the “Beaver Deceiver.”

Over the past 25 years Skip Lisle has installed more than a thousand Beaver Deceivers all over the country, and around the world.

“Beavers do very little deductive reasoning,” Lisle told the Independent in a phone interview. “That’s the starting point. Most people assume animals think like people, but beavers are not capable of stepping back and taking a look at the big picture.”

A robust Beaver Deceiver system requires two things, Lisle said: a large, long pipe and a sophisticated filter.

Lucky for you Skip was on hand when the deceiver installed by Fish and Wildlife failed. I’m not at all surprised. They just refuse to learn from the source that’s right under their noses. Thank Goodness Skip was near by to correct their mistakes.

“We’re now experiencing the very real effects of climate change, and beavers do a wonderfulQ job of mitigating climate change, so it’s money well spent.”

Hurray for Skip! And hurray for solutions that keep the beavers around doing what they do next! Meanwhile in Colorado Sherri Tippie just got together a band of friends and relocated some beavers that were in harms way. So happy to hear she is recovered from her fall and doing what she does best!












I guess our friend Eric Robinson from San Diego and B.R.A.V.O. has been working with Sherri to get her back on the ground running. He sent these photos along with the summary “we have recently built a successful team around Tippie to support her efforts to rescue and restore beaver in the Denver area.”











You know those beavers are the luckiest this side of the Canadian border. Just listen to her croon to them.[wonderplugin_video videotype=”mp4″ mp4=”” webm=”” poster=”” lightbox=0 lightboxsize=1 lightboxwidth=960 lightboxheight=540 autoopen=0 autoopendelay=0 autoclose=0 lightboxtitle=”” lightboxgroup=”” lightboxshownavigation=0 showimage=”” lightboxoptions=”” videowidth=600 videoheight=400 keepaspectratio=1 autoplay=0 loop=0 videocss=”position:relative;display:block;background-color:#000;overflow:hidden;max-width:100%;margin:0 auto;” playbutton=””]



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