It was nice to see Martinez’ swarthy hero on the teevee this morning, doing what he loves best. Hurray for Bolton, Vermont which has solved a problem instead of trapping it! I can’t embed the video but if you click on the image you will go directly to watch the report. Say Hi to Skip when you do.
Bolton installs beaver device to protect trails
BOLTON, Vt. (WCAX) – The town of Bolton is working to battle beaver issues.
A public trail runs along Preston’s Pond in the Bolton Town Forest and beavers are building dams that occasionally flood the trail.
Crews Wednesday built and installed a Beaver Deceiver. The device controls the flow of the water so when it gets too high, it will drain while keeping the trail from flooding.
“For me, I’m just trying to keep live beavers in ecosystems. I’m trying to help people solve annoying problems — so, it’s the same everywhere in the world,” said Skip Lisle, who designed the device.
“It’s better to have a wetland here than a pasture, so that value you get, and you get to keep it without the trouble of beavers flooding your road or your culvert or whatever, by putting in a device like this,” said Rob Mullin, Bolton’s animal control officer.
The money for this project came from donations.
You bet it’s better to have a wetland than a pasture. Nice work Skip. It was better for Martinez to have a healthy lush creek filled with wildlife than it was to have a drainage ditch filled pollution too.