Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Month: July 2023

This was a stunning webinar to attend yesterday.  I was overwhelmed with the twin urge to scream the whole time MARTINEZ DID IT FIRST and dazzled by the ensuing thought of how wonderful it would be to have this video to guide us all those years ago.

Well lots of lives got easier today.


A couple of weeks ago I was contacted by AP reporter Amy Taxin regarding the beaver policy change in California and what it meant. She was also interested in what we saw in Martinez all those years ago when we decided to coexist with our beavers and our recent festival. She said their photographer needed to  see some for the story  so I introduced her to Rusty and the beavers in Napa.

When we talked about  CDFW’s policy change and how we had been a test case for coexistence she quipped “So now the policy is to Martinize California?”:

Don’t look at me. I didn’t say it.

California aims to tap beavers, once viewed as a nuisance, to help with water issues and wildfires

(AP) — For years, beavers have been treated as an annoyance for chewing down trees and shrubs and blocking up streams, leading to flooding in neighborhoods and farms. But the animal is increasingly being seen as nature’s helper in the midst of climate change.

California recently changed its tune and is embracing the animals that can create lush habitats that lure species back into now-urban areas, enhance groundwater supplies and buffer against the threat of wildfires.

A new policy that went into effect last month encourages landowners and agencies dealing with beaver damage to seek solutions such as putting flow devices in streams or protective wrap on trees before seeking permission from the state to kill the animals. The state is also running pilot projects to relocate beavers to places where they can be more beneficial.

The aim is to preserve more beavers, along with their nature-friendly behaviors.

“There’s been this major paradigm shift throughout the West where people have really transitioned from viewing beavers strictly as a nuisance species, and recognizing them for the ecological benefits that they have,” said Valerie Cook, beaver restoration program manager for California’s Department of Fish and Wildlife. The program was funded by Gov. Gavin Newsom’s administration last year.

You make it sound so simple and bloodless. A policy shift. Funny how minds just change like that. I mean it’s not like there were law suits and letters and heated meetings or anything.

The push follows similar efforts in other Western states including Washington, which has a pilot beaver relocation program, Cook said. It marks a new chapter in Californians’ lengthy history with the animals, which experts say used to be everywhere, but after years of trapping, attempts at reintroduction, and then removal under depredation permits, are found in much smaller numbers than they once were — largely in the Central Valley and northern part of the state.

It is unknown how many beavers live in California, but hundreds of permits are sought by landowners each year that typically allowed them to kill the animals. According to the state’s Department of Fish and Wildlife, the beaver population in North America used to range between 100 million and 200 million but now totals between 10 million and 15 million.

Kate Lundquist, director of the WATER Institute at the Occidental Arts & Ecology Center, said she expects California’s changes will lead to fewer beavers killed in the state and a growth in wetland spaces. She said she believes the past three years of drought and devastating wildfires contributed to the state’s shift on beavers.

“There has been increased motivation to identify and fund the implementation of nature-based climate smart solutions,” she said. “Beaver restoration is just that.”

Beavers live in family units and quickly build dams on streams, creating ponds. The pools help slow the flow of water, replenishing groundwater supplies, and can also stall the spread of wildfires — a critical issue for a state plagued by fires in recent years, said Emily Fairfax, professor of environmental science and management at California State University, Channel Islands.

“You talk to anyone who has lived near beaver ponds. They’ll tell you: These things don’t burn,” said Fairfax, who has researched beavers and the ponds they build.

Well okay, Before Emily leaves her job at Channel Islands and heads off to Minnesota pastures let her stand once more and recommend we need beavers here.

This is only part of the article I really LOVE. And see our influence in.

California will continue to issue depredation permits as needed, but the state wants people to try other solutions before resorting to killing the animals, officials said. Those could be wrapping trees with wire mesh or using flow devices on streams to control beaver pond levels to prevent flooding.


California has planned two pilot relocation projects, including one to bring beavers back to the Tule River. Kenneth McDarment, a councilmember for the Tule River Indian Tribe, said the tribe started seeking ways to reintroduce beavers nearly a decade ago due to drought and hopes to see them relocated later this year.

“We’re going to give these beavers a chance to do what they do naturally in a place where they’re wanted,” he said.

The state is also hoping to educate people about the benefits of beavers.

Rusty Cohn, a 69-year-old retired auto parts businessman, said he knew little about the animals before he spotted chewed trees on a walk through the Northern California city of Napa in a region better known for winemaking than the critters. He later observed beavers building a dam on a trickling stream, converting the area into a lush pond for heron, mink and other species, and became a fan.

“It was like a little magical place with an incredible amount of wildlife,” Cohn said. That was eight years ago, he said, adding that beaver sightings in that spot are becoming rarer amid increased development, but he can still find them on streams throughout Napa.

Ahh Rusty you took the words right out of my mouth! So glad the article ended with you. I guess it’s fine that our hour long conversation appears no where in it. You know how it is…

Always a bridesmaid and never a bride,


Another slam dunk from the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission.

How on earth did this slip by me? It’s five years old and still one of the best arguments I’ve seen about how beaver affect on salmon. I can see I’ve written about Mr, Trask before, but this should have gotten star billing. Don’t miss this.

I’m a big fan of matrushka dolls. I have a beautiful set of nine I bought for my office years ago at a Russian store in New Orleans as a reward for presenting my paper at a conference there. I have other sets that have come to me over the years including little one my parents brought back from Russian visit.

Yesterday I looked at them and thought, Beavers bring so much biodiversity with them or in their wake, they are like a present you endlessly unwrap. Why aren’t there beaver nesting dolls?

So In honor of the one month anniversary of our last festival I poked around to see if there were any already and what it would take to make some and realized they were far out of my price range. Then I I came across this video which gave me a host of ideas.

What a fun simple art project for kids to do that could easily be adapted to show the many species that are dependent on a beaver pond. So of course I set right to work.

Obviously someone with more artistic talent than I could have a field day with this idea. But it has the whiff of something that just might be  very fun and instructive.

And yet within a month.
a little month
let me not think on it,
frailty thy name is woman!’
A little month!

Hamlet is not the only one that can’t believe his eyes at what too place just four small weeks ago. It feels like another age, Or another millennium since we flung ourselves into and out of the beaver festival. How could we ever have done it again? How could all those exhibits and musicians and children found their way to our shores and how could all the auction items finally have found their forever homes?

Magic, that’s how. Beaver Magic.




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Ranger rick

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