Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Month: March 2023

Tulocay Creek for many years was a diversity wonderland for Beavers and the wildlife that thrives in and around Beaver Ponds. The primary dam was located next to a hotel on one side and an Indian burial ground on the other.


Upstream of the pond are condos and residential homes and downstream is a car dealership and Home Depot.

As I watched the Beaver Pond thrive more and more wildlife came to call Tulocay Creek their home. For the first five years or so it had a quite well maintained lodge directly next to the hotels parking lot. Every year the pond would become lush with cattails and grass and other vegetation and during the winter storms the dams and vegetation would be washed away on and off.

While Heidi is on the mend I have been asked to fill in for a while. I will be posting some of my observations of the downtown Napa City Beaver ponds that I have followed for several years. Rusty

Napa Mayor Scott Sedgley reading a Beaver Proclamation at dedication of new Beaver Habitat Interpretive signs in downtown Napa at Napa Creek. Also on hand were

Napa County Supervisor Brad Wagenknecht.   


The main downtown Beaver Dam in better years. The pond has its ups and downs with changes in water flows and food supply and other factors possibly, such as people living under the bridge next to the ponds and flood control projects for bank stabilization.

There will be a brief interruption in your regular beaver reporting because I had a fall and went to the hospital and then working on getting well. In the meantime Rusty will be sharing some photos. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Lots more good coverage of the beaver letter to Biden while the crazy beaver dam removal article from TWS dissolves into obscurity. This morning there is even coverage from Oregon Capitol Press, which means it will be seen by the broader capitol Press.!

Group asks Biden to ban beaver trapping on federal land

BAKER CITY, Ore. — A coalition is calling on President Joe Biden to issue an executive order banning trapping and hunting of beavers on public land managed by federal agencies.

The group, which sent a letter to the White House on Feb. 27, contends that killing beavers — most are trapped rather than hunted — is preventing beavers from expanding their populations.

They advocate for the federal government to help boost beaver numbers to take advantage of the benefits of their dams. Chief among those is storing water, both in ponds and wetlands, which can help ease the harmful effects of drought and climate change on a variety of activities, including farming and ranching, said Suzanne Fouty, a retired U.S. Forest Service hydrologist who lives in Baker City.

“Our public lands are the best place to begin landscape-scale stream, wetland and riparian recovery needed to help tackle the challenges our communities face,” Fouty said.

Fouty is one of two co-signers of the letter to Biden, along with Adam Bronstein, Oregon and Nevada director for the Western Watersheds Project.

Which is good because Suzanne was anxiously watching who might pick this up, the louder the message the more likely it is to be heard. The article itself seems a little AI to me because it quotes Fouty and then says “Says Fouty who has a doctorate”

Hahahahaha. Maybe you could say that a little better? You know like “Hydrologist/Soils specialist. Retired Forest Service from Wallowa-Whitman National Forest”

Just a thought.

The Herald and News out of Klamath Falls does a slightly better job.

Advocates urge Biden to protect beavers, Oregon’s state animal

Beavers are natural engineers. They build dams, slowing down and spreading water that would otherwise run off — and that makes them a natural ally for Biden’s climate agenda, said Suzanne Fouty, a retired U.S. Forest Service hydrologist who co-authored the letter.

“It turns out that wetlands, which beavers are capable of creating very effectively, are a tremendous carbon storage zone,” she told the Capital Chronicle.

Wetland soil can store up to 10 times more carbon than the same amount of forest soil, and up to 35 times more than grassland, the letter said. Carbon in the atmosphere from burning fossil fuels is the primary driver of climate change, and scientists say we have to both reduce our emissions and pull more carbon out of the atmosphere to stabilize the climate.

Bronstein points out that beaver trapping is only one use that actively competes with the other services that wetlands with beavers can provide. In Oregon, fewer than 200 people actively trap and hunt beavers to sell their fur or because some landowners consider them pests. Others hunt them recreationally. “Public lands belong to all Americans, and wildlife is in our collective trust,” says Bronstein. “We want our public lands to provide the greatest benefit to the greatest number of people.

From your fingers to Biden’s ears, here’s hoping that this message gets carried outside Oregon soon.

Well that was fun. My circulation of the TWS removing beaver dams to rescue trout article raised some hackles among the fish savvy academics. Bob Boucher of the area already wrote them the night before when the article was scheduled to air. I wrote the president of the North West chapter and got a fairly thoughtful response although they did say things are that the topography of the great lakes is different than everywhere else so the research  I cited may not apply. This morning I heard from Rick who wrote a response article and is asking Pollock to sign on. Pass the popcorn I say. This could get good. At the very least be ever so slightly more cautious before posting such an article next time.

Amelia sent this yesterday…very comicbook superhero,,,what do you think? I’m a big fan of the old timey watercolors but the word SHAZAM springs immediately to mind. You shouldn’t throw around the term superhero unless you’re prepared to go all the way, right?




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