Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Month: September 2022

Now this makes me happy, beavers in Mother Jones. Hi Ben.

Beavers Are Finally Getting the Rebrand They Deserve

It’s been a good week for beavers. On Monday, the New York Times ran an article highlighting the rodents’ position as “highly skilled environmental engineers” capable of mitigating threats like wildfires and drought. The same day, the San Francisco Chronicle dubbed beavers “one of California’s best chances to fight climate change.” And on Tuesday the Los Angeles Times reported that the Golden State is seeking applications for its brand-new beaver restoration unit to protect this “untapped, creative climate solving hero.”

And it’s not just California; pro-beaver policy changes are happening across the US. Here’s the Times:

Beavers, you might say, are having a moment. In Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Wyoming, the Bureau of Land Management is working with partners to build beaver-like dams that they hope real beavers will claim and expand…In Maryland, groups are trying to lure beavers to help clean the water that flows into Chesapeake Bay. In Wisconsin, one study found that beavers could substantially reduce flooding in some of the most vulnerable areas of Milwaukee County.

All of this beaver buzz prompted my editor-in-chief, Clara Jeffery, to ask via Slack, “is…it possible that beavers got a publicist?”

Or a new publicist? Honestly the old ones have been working as hard as they could but it was obviously time to bring in some new blood.

Beavers, after all, have long been seen as a nuisance among some landowners, pests that cause flooding and property damage. According to a federal report, the US Department of Agriculture’s Wildlife Services program exterminated nearly 25,000 wild beavers in 2021. (Authorities employ various methods to eliminate beavers, including trapping, shooting, and snaring. Back in the ’70s, researchers at Auburn University attempted to investigate whether alligators could be used to slim down beaver populations, but after an increase in alligator attacks on humans in Florida at the time, the study was discontinued.)

So, what changed? When I (half-jokingly) asked Ben Goldfarb, author of the 2018 book, Eager: The Surprising, Secret Life of Beavers and Why They Matter if beavers have a new PR agent, his answer was yes—kind of.

To be sure, beaver fans have been around for centuries, if not longer. As Goldfarb writes, many Indigenous groups have long recognized beavers’ value. The Blackfeet tribe, for instance, viewed beavers as a sacred species and prohibited killing the animals. And after Europeans hunted beavers to near extinction to make stupid-looking hats, American naturalist Enos Mills wrote in his 1913 book In Beaver World that beavers were actually “useful to man” and should be viewed as the “original Conservationist.” “This notion of beavers as valuable and good has always been with humans in some form,” Goldfarb says.

But he also notes that in recent years there’s been a growing body of peer-reviewed evidence hyping the utility of beavers. “They improve water quality, they create salmon habitat, they store water in the case of a drought, and they help mitigate flooding after really intensive rainfall,” Goldfarb says. That science is finally trickling down to policymakers and journalists.

I don’t know that it has anything to do with science or facts. I certainly hoped science would persuade Martinez officials to appreciate beavers in 2007 and it really helped very little. I think it has more to do with the dire hopeless situation we find ourselves in. The climate is really messed up.

And beavers? They are worth a shot.

Goldfarb points to one particularly influential study: In 2020, California State University Channel Islands environmental scientist Emily Fairfax co-published research showing that beavers and the wetlands they create could help prevent forest fires. It was a phenomenon that scientists had observed before, but hadn’t fully described it in the scientific literature—until Fairfax documented it. “Emily’s wildfire research broke through into popular culture in a way that no other beaver research previously had,” he says.

On a personal level, Fairfax has also in recent years spoken out in favor of beavers, including by advocating for the US Forest Service to change its mascot to Smokey the Beaver and producing a stop-motion video illustrating her research that ended up going viral. (See below.) “Emily is a really prominent beaver voice,” says Goldfarb, who covered Fairfax’s work for National Geographic in 2020. “I think a lot of the media boom is really thanks to Emily.

Fairfax herself has no qualms about speaking for the beavs. “I kind of joke that you can’t spend a whole lot of time with me before you also become a beaver expert because I talk about it so much,” she says. She is quick to note that messaging from grassroots community groups and individual landowners has made a difference too. “We’re reaching that critical mass, there are enough people who have taken that chance and gambled with beavers and found it successful that the message is really—pardon my pun—spreading like wildfire.” Clearly, the work of Fairfax, Goldfarb, and other so-called “Beaver Believers” is working.

In the US, it’s rare for rodents to achieve any kind of all-star status; critters like mice, rats, gophers, squirrels, and porcupines have yet to secure their spot as environmental heroes in the eyes of most Americans or the media. (Has anyone, for instance, referred to a gerbil as “highly skilled” at anything?) But in the case of the beavers, they are finally getting the rebrand they deserve.

This is true but it’s also true that Emily was inspired to work on beavers because of Jari Osborn’s beaver documentary on PBS which showed the amazing scene of Carol Evans and Suzanne Fouty measuring water in a beaver dam in a desert and Suzanne’s dissertation inspired Mary Obrien who inspired all of Utah who inspired all of the west and Kent Woodruff who inspired Ben Goldfarb to write the book in the first place.

It’s critical mass. It’s all about us adding a little piece to the puzzle. And finally people can see it all taking shape.[wonderplugin_video iframe=”” lightbox=0 lightboxsize=1 lightboxwidth=960 lightboxheight=540 autoopen=0 autoopendelay=0 autoclose=0 lightboxtitle=”” lightboxgroup=”” lightboxshownavigation=0 showimage=”” lightboxoptions=”” videowidth=600 videoheight=400 keepaspectratio=1 autoplay=0 loop=0 videocss=”position:relative;display:block;background-color:#000;overflow:hidden;max-width:100%;margin:0 auto;” playbutton=””]

Well the universe took pity on me yesterday and a reporter from the Globe and Mail in Canada actually wanted to talk to me about beavers. So I was able to say FLOW DEVICE and SOLVE PROBLEMS and COEXIST over and over again until the pounding in my head stopped. He also wanted to talk about beaver trapping in California and depredation so I sent him this and he was suitably horrified.

I remember being in a media storm. Back when the Martinez Beavers were first THE NEWS and channel 2,3,or 7 or the Chronicle was always on the phone looking to talk. I remember how crazy it all got. How there were so many people saying so many things that it was next to impossible to stop the inaccuracies from blossoming. Someone reporting the mayor wanted the beavers or that a child was bitten by the beavers or that beavers eat fish.

It was impossible to control the narrative. The best we could manage was to just hang on.

It was like riding a dragon. There was no telling when it would go and when it would stop and which direction it might turn next. All your could do is cling tightly to the scales and hope you didn’t fall. What I learned is that the media is like sharks. Once they see other sharks biting they all join in. They al want to say just what the other guy is saying and everything happens at once.

Until it stops.

We are in a beaver shark moment right now.  But not about Martinez. about how beavers can benefit the planet as we cope with climate change. About California in particular. Yesterday the LA Times and LA magazine, and Yahoo news ram the story. Everyone is saying the same thing. And every cringing mistake is being repeated at gale force.

We are riding the dragon, Hang on.

California says the beaver can be superhero in fighting climate change

California launches beaver restoration effort to fight climate change - Los Angeles Times

Okay raise your hand if you see the quote that will drive me insane when every news castor in the world repeats it.

Here it is: “Alternative strategies are underutilized or simply not considered, said Lundquist, who added that landowners could save time and money they spend trying to unblock beaver dams.”

Trying to unblock beaver dams? TRYING TO UNBLOCK BEAVER DAMS? How could a sentence like that possibly happen? Was Kate talking about a flow device and the reporter just wrote it down wrong? Do you honestly think farmers and ranchers HAVEN’T tried to unblock beaver dams? It doesn’t work because beavers FIX them. That’s why the killing happens.

Please please please please say the magic word flow device the next time the phone rings. Who ever it is. Whatever they ask you. You can always spot the seasoned politician in a crowd. Whatever question you ask they are going to answer by saying the thing they wanted to talk about in the first place. Be seasoned. Control the narrative. Say Flow Device. Or Pond leveler. Or Beaver Deceiver. Or Beaver Baffler.

Pretty please. For me?

Sure the NYT does a great article on beavers that people will be sending to me for years but the SF gate could not be outdone so the published an article the same day by their friendly intern. Of course it had a photo of an otter originally but the pulled that eventually. Beaver. Otter. What’s the diff?

Why this underappreciated rodent is one of California’s best chances to fight climate change

They’re stocky, furry and usually a bit damp, and they’ve been underappreciated for decades. But not anymore. Meet one of California’s best climate-change fighting tools: the beaver.

Lauded as some of nature’s most effective engineers, a motivated group of beavers can divert rivers and streams with their dams of sticks and mud and, in doing so, keep the land they occupy moist, helping fight the ongoing drought. That moisture can also play a key role in slowing the state’s virulent wildfire season — flames can’t burn wet sticks. Smokey Bear? Think Smokey Beaver instead.

This year, the state has begun harnessing the beaver’s potential, pumping over a million dollars into restoring these industrious rodents in each of the next two years.

“This new beaver restoration program is not just figuratively but literally a watershed moment for Californians to recognize beaver as a climate change and nature-based solution partner,” said Brock Dolman, co-director of the Water Institute at the Occidental Arts and Ecology Center in Sonoma.

Dolman and Water Institute Co-Director Kate Lundquist have been a part of what they call the “beaver believer” community for decades, advocating for beaver restoration in the state. The money — which amounts to $1.67 million in the 2022-23 fiscal year and $1.44 million in the 2023-24 fiscal year — will fund jobs for five new environmental scientists who will work with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to revise outdated beaver policies and prioritize beaver restoration projects.

So how exactly does this group of rodents help solve some of California’s drought and wildfire problems? It all starts at home.

Beavers live in dams they construct from tree branches and mud surrounded by water, which create a hard barrier that’s difficult for predators to penetrate. They have underwater entrances to these lodges, which are usually home to two monogamous adult beavers and their offspring. These barriers aren’t just homes. The blockade spreads water from small streams into vast wetland areas.

Oh and just between us girls, BEAVERS DON’T LIVE IN DAMS.

These wetland areas allow water to slowly seep into the soil so when droughts happen, enough water is stored in the ground to keep areas green, explained Emily Fairfax, assistant professor of environmental science and resource management at California State University Channel Islands. They help support all kinds of wildlife from salmon and trout to lush plant life.

The rodents are also constantly chewing vegetation to create their lodges, keeping greenery “a little bit less old, less stagnant, and shorter,” Fairfax said. Taken together, the beavers are essentially building firebreaks before a fire ignites: “It’s wetland and wet plants and not a bunch of big old trees. And that’s hard to burn,” she said.

Well okay, if you’re going to talk nice about beavers I can forgive the otter. Just as long as there isn’t another egregious outburst  that I can’t ignore any time soon. I know the gate would rather eat it’s own arm off than say nice things about beavers so this is something, right?

Beavers are native to many parts of Northern California, including the Bay Area, but not everyone recognizes their ecological value. Once prized for their meat and furs, they were nearly hunted to extinction by European colonizers from the late 1700s to the mid 1800s, according to Lundquist and Dolman’s research. By the early 1900s, there were just 1,000 estimated beavers left in California, they said

A reprieve for the beavers came in 1911, when the California Division of Fish and Game, now the Department of Fish and Wildlife, passed laws protecting remaining beavers from being hunted. But, it was only temporary, and the law was revised to allow landowners to kill “nuisance” beavers. Their dams, while impressive, often cause damage to farmland and can pose a flood risk.

Depredation is still a threat to California beavers today. Before landowners can kill beavers, they must apply for a permit through the Department of Fish and Wildlife. The department issued 148 of these permits in 2021. Just because a permit was issued doesn’t mean it was used to kill a beaver, though. Alternatives can be limited. Relocating beavers is illegal in California, according to Chad Dibble, deputy director of the Department of Fish and Wildlife.

In 2007, the city of Martinez nearly exterminated its beavers after its dams were reported to create a flooding hazard. Because the beavers could not legally be moved, killing them appeared to be the only option. Public outcry was so great that the beavers were ultimately allowed to stay.

Don’t you even. Hey did Rick Lanman have something to do with that research? I forget. And oh year MARTINEZ KEPT BEAVERS BY INSTALLING A FLOW DEVICE. Jesus Christ on a ritz cracker. To drop us an honorary mention without actually saying the point makes me homicidal. And did she actually glance at those papers? Didn’t she notice that their names weren’t at the top?

“There’s that phrase that a crisis is a terrible thing to waste, and our sense is that a living beaver’s life is a terrible thing to waste,” Dolman said.

It’s hard to say how many beavers inhabit California today, according to Dolman. He explained there currently is no monitoring of beaver populations at the state level. But, they could be doing better.

“We are absolutely hemorrhaging beavers out of the Sacramento River Delta and out of the Sierra Nevada and it should not be that high,” Fairfax said. “Especially if we are also having these really intense fires and droughts in those regions.”

Many in the “beaver believer” community hope the state’s efforts at restoration will create a new age for the animals in the Bay Area and California. The Department of Fish and Wildlife has already spent millions implementing beaver restoration programs, including creating beaver dam analogs that mimic the form and benefits of natural beaver dams, according to Dibble.

But he explained the department is now going to take a “more holistic and proactive approach towards supporting beavers,” including prioritizing beaver restoration projects, fostering better partnerships with local communities, indigenous tribes and landowners and updating and adopting policies for better beaver management throughout the state.

Lundquist added the new program could identify some places for potential pilot relocation projects, taking beavers from where they aren’t wanted and placing them where they’re needed.

Dolman is optimistic the department’s efforts will have a positive impact on beaver populations in California.

“The beaver glass is more than half full with benefits and half empty with problems, and we have affordable legal code and strategies to address all of those problems,” he said.

That’s exactly how I feel about this article. It’s kinda nice that  it got written at all and it says nice things about beavers. But it’s kinds annoying to say that the junior author of the papers did the research, that martinez is a bed time story, that beavers live in the dam and run a photo of an otter.

I guess that’s life in the beaver city.

This was the best possible headline on this hot, hot morning.

WELLS, Nev. — Horace Smith blew up a lot of beaver dams in his life.

A rancher here in northeastern Nevada, he waged war against the animals, frequently with dynamite. Not from meanness or cruelty; it was a struggle over water. Mr. Smith blamed beavers for flooding some parts of his property, Cottonwood Ranch, and drying out others.

But his son Agee, who eventually took over the ranch, is making peace. And he says welcoming beavers to work on the land is one of the best things he’s done.

“They’re very controversial still,” said Mr. Smith, whose father died in 2014. “But it’s getting better. People are starting to wake up.”

As global warming intensifies droughts, floods and wildfires, Mr. Smith has become one of a growing number of ranchers, scientists and other “beaver believers” who see the creatures not only as helpers, but as furry weapons of climate resilience.

Last year, when Nevada suffered one of the worst droughts on record, beaver pools kept his cattle with enough water. When rains came strangely hard and fast, the vast network of dams slowed a torrent of water raging down the mountain, protecting his hay crop. And with the beavers’ help, creeks have widened into wetlands that run through the sagebrush desert, cleaning water, birthing new meadows and creating a buffer against wildfires.

True, beavers can be complicated partners. They’re wild, swimming rodents the size of basset hounds with an obsession for building dams. When conflicts arise, and they probably will, you can’t talk it out.

Ohhhhhh I like this article. Even if it does start out by repeating beaver lies without correcting them. No one blows up beavers homes. What would be the point? They blow up their ‘offices’.

Beavers flood roads, fields, timber forests and other areas that people want dry. They fell trees without a thought as to whether humans would prefer them standing. In response to complaints, the federal government killed almost 25,000 beavers last year.

But beavers also store lots of water for free, which is increasingly crucial in the parched West. And they don’t just help with drought. Their engineering subdues torrential floods from heavy rains or snowmelt by slowing water. It reduces erosion and recharges groundwater. And the wetlands beavers create may have the extra benefit of stashing carbon out of the atmosphere.

In addition to all that, the rodents do environmental double duty, because they also tackle another crisis unleashed by humans: rampant biodiversity loss. Their wetlands are increasingly recognized for creating habitat for myriad species, from salmon to sage grouse.

Beavers, you might say, are having a moment. In Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah and Wyoming, the Bureau of Land Management is working with partners to build beaver-like dams that they hope real beavers will claim and expand. In California, the new state budget designates about $1.5 million a year to restoring the animals for climate resiliency and biodiversity benefits.

Hohoho. How’s this for a fine article on a Tuesday? Nevada! Colorado? Now what about their ugly stepsister California?

“We need to get beavers back to work,” Wade Crowfoot, California’s secretary of natural resources, said in a webinar this year. “Full employment for beavers.” (Beaver believers like to note that the animals work for free.)

Further east, where water and beavers are more plentiful, the job market isn’t as hot. But there are projects. In Maryland, groups are trying to lure beavers to help clean the water that flows into Chesapeake Bay. In Wisconsin, one study found that beavers could substantially reduce flooding in some of the most vulnerable areas of Milwaukee County.

Instead of killing beavers, the federal government should be embracing them as an important component of federal climate adaptation, according to two scientists who study beavers and hydrology, Chris Jordan of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries, and Emily Fairfax of California State University Channel Islands.

“It may seem trite to say that beavers are a key part of a national climate action plan, but the reality is that they are a force of 15-40 million highly skilled environmental engineers,” Dr. Jordan and Dr. Fairfax wrote this year in a perspective article in the research journal WIREs Water.

Dr. Fairfax’s recent research focuses on how beaver complexes interact with wildfires. For now, her findings indicate, they are too wet to burn. But as climate change makes wildfires more intense, she said, that could change.

“We cannot afford to work against them any longer,” she and Dr. Jordan wrote. “We need to work with them.”

Oh my goodness. All my favorite beaver voices gathered in one place. I need to sit down.

Caroline Nash, a river scientist at the consulting firm CK Blueshift LLC who has published research on beaver-related restoration, emphasized that projects should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

“It’s all about identifying those locations where beavers’ survival interests align with humans’ survival interests, and they’re not always aligned,” Dr. Nash said. “And so suggesting that they’re always going to be aligned is creating a recipe, I think, for broken hopes and expectations and a loss of trust.”

Before Europeans arrived in North America, beavers’ engineering helped to shape the landscape and hydrology of the continent from coast to coast. But their fur was popular in Europe for felted hats, and trappers had nearly eradicated them by the late 1800s. As their numbers climbed back, in part because of reintroduction programs beginning a century ago, conflicts came, too. Even in places where beavers are honored as a state animal (New York, Oregon) or a national symbol (Canada) people in low-lying areas did not like their property returning to wetland.

Beavers build dams with logs, sticks, stones and mud to create deeper water, which helps them dodge predators like bears. Their lodges have underwater entrances, and they stockpile food below the surface for winter. Beavers’ front teeth are orange from the iron that strengthens them for gnawing trees.

Perfect. Now if only there were some kind of discussion about how conflicts can be solved. not just moved I’d be in heaven.

When human-beaver conflicts arise, they can be addressed without killing the animals, experts say. Paint and fencing can protect trees from gnawing. Systems like the Beaver Deceiver secretly undo their handiwork with pipes that drain water from beaver settlements even when the animals keep building. Such measures are actually a more effective solution than removing the animals, according to advocates, because new beavers tend to move into empty habitat.

If coexistence is impossible, a growing number of groups and private businesses are seeking to relocate, rather than kill, nuisance beavers.

“We put the nuisance in air quotes,” said Molly Alves, a wildlife biologist with the Tulalip Tribes, a federally recognized tribal organization just north of Seattle that moves unwanted beavers to land managed by the United States Forest Service.

The group’s impetus was a desire to expand the extraordinary habitat that beavers offer salmon, a culturally and economically important species. When they started in 2014, the Tulalip Tribes had to invoke their sovereign treaty rights to relocate beavers because doing so was illegal in their area under Washington State law. After a lobbying push, beaver relocation is now legal statewide and the tribes are advising state officials on a program to train others in best practices.

One lesson learned: Keep beaver families together.

“They’re much more likely to stay where we put them if their whole family is there,” Ms. Alves said. “Beavers tend to form really tight-knit familial bonds.”

But in many states, it’s illegal to relocate beavers (and other wildlife), in part because officials worry about people simply moving the problems elsewhere.

And officially sanctioned beaver killing continues. Suzanne Bond, a spokeswoman for the United States Department of Agriculture, which runs the program that kills tens of thousands of beavers each year by trapping, snaring and shooting, said the agency was reviewing the relevant science and was “committed to increasing our capacity to respond to beaver damage and impacts with nonlethal mitigation techniques.”

Okay. Move if you must. But promise me you’ll try to solve the problem first. And maybe educate people about the futility of relocation.

Mr. Smith’s father got so angry at beavers in part because the sides of their dams would fail during the rush of the spring snow melt, sending damaging sediment onto his hayfields. But the younger Mr. Smith decided to try a different approach to cattle management, moving them around his land and letting them spend less time around the creeks. That allowed shrubs and trees to grow in along the banks, making the whole area more stable. Eventually, if the beaver dams did give way, they would do so at the center, and the surge of water would stay in the channel.

Over time, beavers expanded the wetlands. New meadows grew in. Willows sprout from beaver dams, having taken root where the animals anchored them. The water runs clear. Fish and frogs have returned.

“Now the only time we get crossways with beaver is if they start building dams in our irrigation ditches,” Mr. Smith said. “But we’ve learned ways to discourage them from doing that.” Pulling out the dams a couple of times usually does the trick, he added.

Part of what has made the partnership successful is Mr. Smith’s flexibility. For example, beavers have completely rerouted one section of creek. But Mr. Smith doesn’t see the change as good or bad, “just different.” The most important thing, he said, is how much water they’re storing on the land.

Now more than ever, he said, “water is liquid gold.”

Catrin Einhorn reports on biodiversity for the Climate and Environment desk. She has also worked on the Investigations desk, where she was part of the Times team that received the 2018 Pulitzer Prize for Public Service for its reporting on sexual harassment. @catrineinhorn

HUZZAH!!!!!!!!!!!! It isn’t every day you can say you knew every word in a NYTimes article before it was published but this is pretty good! Now let beaver phones everywhere start ringing with job offers. And lets get this party started.




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