Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Month: March 2022

Now this is a delightful read about our old friend Skip Lisle in Halifax Vermont. Enjoy every paragraph because you don’t wake up to this every day.

Bothersome beavers bedevil Halifax

HALIFAX — Keystone species are those that have a disproportionately large effect on their habitats. “They help maintain biodiversity and there are no other species in the ecosystem that can serve their same function,” wrote Amy McKeever, for National Geographic. “Without them, their ecosystem would change dramatically or could even cease to exist.”

When a keystone species is removed from its natural habitat, the result is known as a trophic cascade, a disruption of a natural food web in a particular ecosystem.“Beavers are a keystone species that help with flood resiliency and create environments for a full range of creatures from salamanders up to moose,” said Stephan Chait, the chairman of the Halifax Conservation Commission. “They are important neighbors we need to learn to live with.” (more…)

So yesterday was the big beaver talk for the Texas Audubon. And guess what fate brought? A funny funny fate joke! I lost all internet sometime at 8 that morning. Spent an hour pleading with comcast and as weirdly able to get a “priority” tech visit from someone who actually knew what they were doing. Found a line CHEWED BY A SQUIRREL that had to be changed it out. Internet restored with 40 minutes to spare before my talk no less.

A squirrel!

I’m sure it was a case of RODENT ENVY. The squirrel complains to other squirrels “She’s always talking about those dam beavers. She never talks about us! We’ll show her!”

Anyway Rio Brazos Audubon were a very good group and worth the trouble. very environmental and open to beaver good news. They had lots of good questions and arranged to do their next outing on nearby beaver habitat. And after my VERY HARROWING DAY I went to sleep and felt like I had done good service for beavers.

Today I was planning to sleep in and eat strawberries in the sun but it looks like I have to write a letter to stupid Mother Earth News which just published this fun article about conservation; I’m sure we’ll be talking about it soon. A beaver woman’s work is never done.

How to Get Rid of Beavers Naturally

For the purposes of CDFW the state of California is divided up into six regions – 7 when you include the ocean. We’re the Bay Delta region and that includes just what you’d expect. Fresno is the central and Placer and Sacramento is the north central. Each region is in charge of granting permits for trapping in their respective boundaries and they all do things a little differently.

Here is a graph of the allowed depredation permits issued for beavers in 2021 by region. Let me know if you spot any patterns.


Don’t be alarmed. That big BOOM you heard was just the sound of your neighbor blowing up his beaver dam. Perfectly legal destruction. Just ask the sheriff who doesn’t sugar coat it. He tells it how it really is. I mean it’s like anyone in Newberry South Carolina needs clean water, wood ducks for hunting,  trout for fishing or protection from fire, flooding or drought, right?


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Remember a few days ago we talked about the great new park in Delaware based on stories of the Nanicoke tribe? I showed you the new climbing structure where parents can use their smart phone to hear the creation story of “How the beaver got its tail” and I was so impressed I said I would go looking for it. Well I did and I just know you want to hear all about it.

Well according to the Ojibwe legend, the beaver used to have a beautiful fluffy tail – kind of a cross between a squirrel and a fox and a wolverine. And it would stroll vainly across the forest like Princess Diana in her wedding veil and ask other creatures if they admired it? (more…)



Beaver Alphabet Book



Our story told around the county

Beaver Interactive: Click to view




Ten Years

The Beaver Cheat Sheet



Ranger rick

The meeting that started it all

Past Reports

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