Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Month: November 2021

Have you ever noticed that sometimes when people have broken things beyond repair and pretty much given up on making them right they are willing to magnanimously allow the hated stepchild to try fixing them? I don’t mean actual stepchild of course, I mean the thing that nobody trusted or appreciated before is suddenly handed the keys to the burning castle and told “knock yourself our”. Maybe it’s your teen age son who insists he can handle it by himself and them suddenly at two in the morning wakes up mom for help. Or maybe it’s your boss who never lets you give presentations because he believes Jake is better at them, but one afternoon he finds out that Jake is stealing piles of toner from the printer room and the boss gets so mad he lets you try to give the talk instead. It happens all the time with republicans and the economy who once in a while give a democratic president a chance to fix the hole they’ve dug America into. (more…)

You know all those articles we have been reading about how the anglers hate beavers coming back to Scotland because they’ll ruin things for all the salmon? (By which they mean trout?) Well get ready to watch some Scottish fishermen sputter.

The response of a brown trout (Salmo trutta) population to reintroduced Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) habitat modification

This study investigated the response of a population of brown trout (Salmo trutta) to reintroduced Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) habitat modifications in northern Scotland. The field site comprised two streams entering a common loch; one modified by beavers, the other unaltered. Electrofishing and PIT telemetry surveys indicated abundance of post-young-of-the-year (post-YOY) trout was higher in the modified stream. Considering juvenile year groups (YOY and post-YOY) combined, abundance and density varied with year and season. In the modified stream, fork length and mass were greater, there was a greater variety of age classes, and mean growth was positive during all seasons. Beavers had profound effects on the local brown trout population that promoted higher abundances of larger size classes. This study provides important insight into the possible future effect of beavers on freshwater ecosystems. (more…)

This came up last week and I wanted to get to it but there was too much good news. Now this seems more familiar. A universe we recognize and know our way around in.

Metrolinx battles beavers on Toronto rail lines and people aren’t happy

A move to drain water that could flood Metrolinx tracks has upset people who want to save beaver habitats. The issue of beavers and Metrolinx is an ongoing one, Metrolinx’s head of media relations and public affairs, Anne Marie Aikins tells blogTO. (more…)

I was thinking this morning. You know what our politicians and bureaucrats really need? They need a nice simple explanation of all the good things beavers can do for them in language so simple a child could understand it. Hey we’re in luck! Because Suzanne Fouty just recorded a talk for Families for Climate. I think she does a super job. What do you think? (more…)

Sure ODFW  want beavers. kind of. But they are not willing to actually read about it or put in a few BDAs to make it easier for them to stay.

Can beavers save the Klamath Marsh?

The Klamath Marsh National Wildlife Refuge looks very different today than it did 35 years ago.

Alex Gonyaw, senior fisheries biologist for the Klamath Tribes, said these are the impacts of man-made calamities on the marsh that span more than 200 years.

After settlement, the view of wetlands was to drain and convert them to something useful, even though they were perfectly useful to the people who’d lived here for 15,000 years,” Gonyaw said of activities like farming and ranching that diverted water from the area to larger swaths of arable and grazing land.

This water diversion has shortened the wet season in the marsh, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

All of a sudden, “What began as a complex, emergent wetland and open water system was converted to a couple puddles,” Gonyaw said. (more…)



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Ranger rick

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November 2021

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