Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Month: November 2021

Every day, from here to there
Beaver things are everywhere.

Glancing up and down the pacific coast you realize the world has definitely changed. Oh I’m not saying the tide is turning or its a new day for beavers or anything inspiring like that, but there are sure a lot more voices in the theater than there used to be.

Why Metro Vancouver is planting trees near the Meadow (beavers, it’s because of beavers)

As beavers chow down trees in Crippen Park, they plug streams, build dams and reshape the area. “It’s part of a natural process and [the resulting] wetlands are really great,” says Robyn Worcester, a natural resource management specialist at Metro Vancouver Regional Parks. The problem comes when an area flooded is just grass, like the Meadow. “There wasn’t anywhere for the riparian edge — the plants and trees along the edge of the stream — to expand.” (more…)

Hey do you remember that awesome beaver habitat that was just across the water from Martinez and in the news this week? Well  you’ll never guess what Virginia Holsworth filmed yesterday in the creek by her house. Hold onto your hats.

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Yesterday was crazy good for beavers with the article in Bay Nature, and three new donors to Worth A Dam because of it. Today looks even better with a great new edition of Oregon Field Guide about fires and a segment about our furry friend. Every is in it, Jakob Shockey, filmaker Sarah Koenigsberg and Emily Faifax,  Send it to your non believing friends and make sure eveyone shares it on their phone or fb page.


This article is so nearly everything I ever hoped it would be. The author Carolina Cuellar did a great news piece for KQED about Emily and contacted me back in April. I introduced her to Virginia and Fairfield and she visited in May. She attended the California Beaver Summit and was fairly convinced that they matter, I later gave her the depredation reviews we have been working on with Robin.

Beavers Can Help California’s Environment, But State Policy Doesn’t Help Them

One month into 2020’s shelter in place order, Virginia Holsworth and her family decided to change things up by walking in the opposite direction of their usual daily stroll through suburban Fairfield. That’s when she first encountered the amassment of sticks blocking the path’s adjacent creek, Laurel Creek.For the next few months she watched cormorants and blue herons among the cattails and tules. Supposedly the creek even contained so many rainbow trout, a member of the community — illegally — caught 40 of them. The way the beavers and their dam had changed the landscape and reinvigorated the habitat enthralled Holsworth, and she became devoted to preserving them in her community. (more…)

Nice article this morning out of Ventura County. Never exactly the place you expect to read great things about beavers but never say never. Thank you Emily Fairfax for keeping this at the forefront,

“A BIG WEB OF WATER ON THE LANDSCAPE” | Are beavers our new firefighters?

Communities across California, as well as many Western states, are searching for ways to fire harden urban interface zones and buffer areas. One emerging concept — that seems new but is actually rooted in millions of years of habitat and wildlife evolution — is that encouraging the North American beaver to return or to be reintroduced to historic habitat areas may have a positive impact in terms of fire resistance. (more…)



Beaver Alphabet Book



Our story told around the county

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Ten Years

The Beaver Cheat Sheet



Ranger rick

The meeting that started it all

Past Reports

November 2021

Story By Year


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