Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Month: August 2021

I have been very dogged looking for the creator of the beaver interactive. It is the work of Kyle Kosma who has an amazing portfolio of work. Go check out his body of work because you won’t stop gasping.


Snooping about on the google I found that he has a sister who finished her dissertation in humpback feeding patterns, which explains his awesome whale displays. And I found his scratch pad for the beaver interactive on vimeo. Here’s one of the videos.

[wonderplugin_video iframe=”″ lightbox=0 lightboxsize=1 lightboxwidth=960 lightboxheight=540 autoopen=0 autoopendelay=0 autoclose=0 lightboxtitle=”” lightboxgroup=”” lightboxshownavigation=0 showimage=”” lightboxoptions=”” videowidth=600 videoheight=400 keepaspectratio=1 autoplay=0 loop=0 videocss=”position:relative;display:block;background-color:#000;overflow:hidden;max-width:100%;margin:0 auto;” playbutton=””]


I’m a designer living in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. I’ve been designing for about 8 years, crafting experiences from touchscreen interactives and event branding, to scientific illustrations. If you’d like to know more about me or my work, contact me

He’s done graphic work for lots of museums in Oregon and Alaska. I’m just wondering now whether beavers can afford him? Or afford NOT to ensnare him?


There’s some nice new research out of Oregon which shows that beavers are getting around the state nicely. They disperse better in the same watershed but manage even across watersheds thank you very much. Color me not at all surprised.

Beavers are well established and moving through the Oregon Coast Range, study finds

Few studies have accessed the impacts of dispersing beavers, making it difficult to determine best practices for translocations. A new study from scientists at Oregon State University and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Wildlife Research Center begins to change that.

The scientists, who collected genetic samples from almost 300 beavers in the Coast Range of western Oregon, sought to understand whether landscape features, such as slope and distance to water, influenced gene flow among beavers.

They detected relatively strong genetic differentiation of beavers, which they believe is shaped by watershed boundaries and past relocations of the rodents. This led them to recommend that relocation efforts of beavers in topographically complex landscapes, like the Coast Range, occur within watersheds when possible.

Well, okay. I’m up for more relocation so that we can spread out the water in the gene pool.

“We wanted to see if there were things that are limiting beaver dispersal in western Oregon, whether they are not able to disperse because of geography or some physical limits,” said Jimmy Taylor, a research wildlife biologist with the U.S.D.A’s National Wildlife Research Center in Corvallis and a courtesy faculty member at Oregon State. “Our findings indicate that doesn’t seem to be the case. They seem to be moving freely within watersheds, with at least occasional movements between watersheds.”

Jimmy Taylor is a complex character in beaver world. I called him about Martinez wayy back in the day. He is definitely the kindest and most genuine beaver friend in the entire breadth of Wildlife Services USDA. But honestly there’s not much of a contest. I have to remember to readjust my standards every time we speak because he definitely doesn’t LOVE beavers the way I do. But he does know they’re important. And works to understand and share that fact as much as he can.

All God’s children got a place in the choir, you know.

In the recently published paper, the researchers focused on beavers in the Coast Range of Oregon, a region characterized by multiple watersheds, dense forests and steep hillside slopes.

They then mapped records of beaver translocations during the 20th century to consider the effect of those movements on the genetic structure of beavers.

They concluded that slope and distance to water did not strongly limit dispersal and gene flow by beavers in this system, but that dispersal is more common within watersheds, as opposed to between watersheds.

This is a native species” Taylor said. “I’m pleased we see gene flow. This is an animal that’s well established and dispersing in its native ecosystem.”

Beavers get around. They find their way to move from one watershed to the next. That’s what we see in the Bay Area. And that’s what our European friends are noting as well.

Taylor is also hopeful that this research will lead to a greater appreciation of beavers in the Coast Range, where they are not as visible because they don’t tend to build dams or lodges in that landscape.

“There are a lot of beavers on the landscape but people don’t know that because they don’t see the classic signs that they learned in children’s books,” he said. “Part of what I’m trying to do is politely, respectfully educate people that there are a lot more on the landscape out there, and they are not all providing the cascading series of dams that people are looking for, but they still contribute to ecosystem services.”

Well said, Jimmy. Beavers provide ecosystem services even in habitats where people don’t expect them too. Like say in CITIES for example. In Martinez we watched that happen up close.

You must induldge me this morning because ever since the Caldor fire started I’ve been hearing phantom helicopters in the back of my mind and last night the monster turned towards my favorite place in all the world. Now the place where we canoe, skied, hiked and explored many seasons over many year has been evacuated and my parents property cannot be far in the future.

. If you have are lucky enough to own a tree, be kind to it today.

Way back in February I was contacted by Louise Shirley the curator of the High Desert Museum in Oregon about including some of Cheryl’s photos in their upcoming beaver exhibit. I believe we talked about the artwork when it opened. Well yesterday a buddy sent me their beaver interactive. I have zero idea how this escaped my attention all this time but spent an entire day forwarding it to literally everyone I know.

This is the coolest thing that has ever been. Period. Click on the image to go to the interactive. Turn your sound up and press f11 to go full screen. You’re welcome.


Well? Did you go? How frickin cool is that? I mean really? Turn the sound UP. I could stay there forever. I want it as a screen saver. What I really want is for Louise to introduce me to the graphic designer who put this together and to hire him/her to do the same thing for URBAN BEAVERS so adapt the species to green heron and maybe an otter eating crayfish out of the pond. A few sticklebacks or a tule perch. And maybe include a zoom out feature so you see that the entire surrounding area is in the middle of a terrible drought and all their trees are dying, except for at the beaver pond.

And maybe there are flames approaching and everything burns EXCEPT the lush pond. Or maybe there’s a human figure that has the option of trapping out the beaver and then the entire pond and wildlife gradually disappears. But since it’s virtual you can redo it and choice to live WITH the beavers instead, install a pond leveler, and then the entire wetland doubles and more species burst on the scene.

The possibilities are endless.

I’m leaving the link in the sidebar for now because EVERYONE needs to see this and share it with three friends that have no idea why beavers matter.

All hail the High Desert Museum.

I want to go, don’t you? Bonus points for falling right before my birthday.Beavers and Meadows in the Eastern Sierra Interpretive Hike in Bridgeport with Lily Emerson – 9/17/2021

Join Lily on a nice walk in the woods along the Green Creek Trail up to an area of beaver activity. We will discuss the roles beavers play in an ecosystem, how their behavior contributes to mountain meadows, and a brief history of beavers in the Sierra.

    • Where: Green Creek Trailhead (outside of Bridgeport)
    • When: start 10:00am (roughly 2 hrs)
    • The Hike: 2 mi / Elevation: 100 ft gain, starting at 8,000′

This hike is limited to 12 participants, so RSVP today!

I am VERY VERY curious whether Lily will be using our Sierra paper when she describes the history of beavers in the Inyo. I already tried to connect with her and gotten no response. Let just cross our fingers, shall, we?

Lester the beaver must move as dam causes concerns in Ottawa’s south end


Now wait a minute, I’m so old that I remember that the mayor of Ottawa promised our friend Anita to “move the beavers”and then sent the film of the happily grown up kits living in safety. He sent the letter a month after they were captured and the footage showed them at least 6 months older.

And hey beaver relocation isn’t even LEGAL in Canada. Could the city be lying? Shocking!

Well they have their hands full and I will see who I can write and encourage or threaten, But mostly I want to tell you Fairfield’s Very Very good news yesterday morning. Just look what got seen by Penelope Parra the VP of the Laurel Creek Beavers yesterday,


Here’s what she said about her sighting. You will want to read every magical word.

This morning, I went to the Beaver Lodge at 545 in this morning. I was so so thrilled, I saw the Kit swimming around by himself. Then I spoke softly to him and he swam over to me super close. Then to my surprise, the momma beaver came over and splashed me. Then the kit did not leave, so momma beaver picked up the kit and swam close to where I was standing and gently put him down in the water In front of where I was standing.

I told her what a beautiful baby and what a good momma. She and the kit played by me, she taught him how to climb up the lodge. She took off and swam towards Heretic Dam I just have to share and share these pics with you. I am hopeful this will keep the city from destroying the beaver dam as there is a baby Kit in the water adorable.



Beaver Alphabet Book



Our story told around the county

Beaver Interactive: Click to view




Ten Years

The Beaver Cheat Sheet



Ranger rick

The meeting that started it all

Past Reports

Story By Year


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