I got to thinking yesterday about how long I’ve been doing this. I really have lost all track of time when it comes to beavers. 365 articles about beavers a year for 12 years ads up. I just checked the stats and by the time we hit 2021 I will have written 5000 columns about beavers. That’s a lot of unpaid advertisement for the hero that never stops surprising.
I guess there are a few fruits to my labors. I at least have learned a lot. Even if no one else ever ever reads this. I have seen the beaver needle edge ever so slightly towards the plus column. I have even seen things change in California, to a minuscule degree, And I have seen a new wave of beaver heroes swing onto the horizon.
Emily Fairfax gave a knock-it-out-of-the-park podcast interview to Artemis that dropped yesterday. It’s an hour of the very best beaver discussion you are likely to hear this year or many others. She did a bang-up job, and has a delightfully engaging way of presenting science in an unscientific way. There are about three things I would quibble with if we up late comparing notes and swapping stories in the tavern somewhere. But this is must-isten radio. Some day I’ll hand in my keyboard and retire from the beaver stage. But I’m no longer worried.
Emily can inherit beavers.