Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Category: Who’s saving beavers now?

I honestly don’t no whether to be excited or dismayed by this news. I mean it’s kind of like you’ve been trying to teach your baby brother to use a fork when he eats his macaroni instead of eating with his fingers. And one day he suddenly pics up sand shovel and starts putting them in his mouth. It’s definitely an improvement and you are proud of him in a way. But he still has a long way to go before he can sit at the big kids table.

‘Beaver stops’ help road crews keep rodents at bay

Those pesky beavers seem to be intent on building dams wherever they see flowing water. While their dam-building prowess can be a boon for storing valuable water in the backcountry, it sometimes makes a mess when water backs up around Idaho roads and potentially floods them.

To combat this problem, Idaho Transportation Department maintenance worker Gary Cvecich went into the shop and welded channel iron and rebar into 4-foot by 3-foot panels that bolt together to force space between the culvert and a dam-building beaver. The “beaver stops” were put in place on Idaho 75 south of Stanley and Highway 21 at Banner Summit west of Stanley and Idaho 128 north of Ketchum.


“Every time you have a body of water and it has to narrow down and flow through a culvert, (beavers) can really jam that up quickly,” said Reed Hollinshead, information specialist for the Idaho Transportation Department. “It seems to be attractive to the beavers. It provides a good foundation for them to build a dam.”

Cvecich’s design is made to be removable and easy to clean.


Just. Wow.

You welded that in your workshop all by yourself? Good job! Did you think about maybe looking to see what was already invented and has worked for two decades? Of course not, don’t be silly.

Do you think beavers might build against your little starter kit thingy? No of course not. Why would they? I’m sure you know best.

Hollinshead said the rebar fence allows water to continue to flow and creates space should a beaver get busy building dams next to the culvert.

So far, the system seems to be working.

“We’ve only had one incident where a beaver has tried to build after we installed these devices,” Cvecich said.

He said the devices could be adapted and used statewide and save road workers time and money.

Now maybe I’m wrong. But I imagine three beavers just sitting at the willow bar boasting about how fast they can block it. One beaver is like “Man I can plug that thing with two nights work”

And the other beaver bests him and says “I can do it all in ONE!”

Here’s what Skip Lisle, inventor of the thing you’re trying to avoid using has to say about them on Facebook.

 Without a good pipe system it will just become a big beaver dam. If that’s the goal, terrific. Like thousands of prior flow devices, however, the danger is that the ultimate conclusion will be that “it” can’t be done and the beavers have to be killed. Then ground, or progress, will actually be lost.

But there is good news this morning anyway. A million years ago back I went to my first state of the beaver conference in 2011 and said, wow that was great! Why is it only every other year? There should be one on the East Coast in even years! So that people all over can learn about beavers.

An East Coast Beaver Conference is soon to be a reality! Co-hosted by the Beaver Institute and Ecotone Inc., we are inspired by and wish to complement the successful SURCP State of the Beaver Conference in OR. It is named BeaverCON 2020 and will be held near Baltimore, MD this March. This conference will be held every other year, alternating years with the west coast SURCP Conference. This means we can now have an international beaver

A Save-The-Date official notice will be released soon. However, readers of this blog can have a sneak preview now! ? Check out our website: Enjoy! We already have a lot of great speakers lined up. I hope to see you in Baltimore in March!Beaver On at BeaverCON!

I’m pretty dam excited to be able to share this news, and I want EVERY single person here to think seriously about going. I want it to be so successful they run out of space. I can’t say I’m in love with the graphic but hey. all those smart minds gathered together under one roof is bound to produce some more artistic designs.

It’s been a long time coming, but it’s actually here. As Beaver Institute founder Mike Callahan aptly put it on the website

“Beaver on at the BEAVER CON!”



We have entered a golden age of beaver reporting, where suddenly the list I keep of articles to write about is getting longer and longer even after I go through and ‘weed out’ all the depressing ones! I don’t know what could possibly account for this spate of good news unless it’s our festival, blowing beaver-goodwill pollen all across the nation and making people briefly smarter.

I can’t decide whether to talk about Alaska or Nevada this morning, so were doing both. Buckle up!

Nature Notes: Bringing a desert stream back to life

Surrounded by sagebrush covered hills, seeing flowing water is always good. When the small stream is surrounded by sedges and willows, and the air carries the sound of water tumbling over a beaver dam, it looks even better.

We are standing on a dirt road where Dixie Creek passes through a culvert beneath us. Carol Evans first saw this stream in 1988, when it carried no water, had no vegetation and no real streambed. She shows me the left photo above to emphasize what it looked like then.

You remember Carol Evans right? She’s the fisheries biologist advocating for beavers in Nevada that Ben Goldfarb’s book described as having the “Gentle voice of a painting instructor”.

(I believed he described me as “Not having the gentle voice of a painting instructor.” Fair enough.)

Earlier downcutting had dropped the stream between high banks. In a 1980 stream inventory, Dixie Creek was listed as an intermittent stream. But as willows and sedges returned to its banks, water flowed farther downstream and for longer periods. The water table along the stream rose and drowned out sagebrush, replacing it with more water-loving plants.

Today, the stream flows most of the year and even if it runs dry, water is still stored in the soil, among the dense, tall stands of willows. The high retaining walls of that old down cut remain, but between them is a healthy riparian area.

The biggest change came about with the return of beaver. As they dammed the stream, the impounded water collected sediment flowing downstream, sediment that raised the streambed and created deep pools. The water table rose even more, along with the streambed. Carol told me “it just takes backing off, giving it a chance, and it will grow.”

Ahh Carol, you patient wise woman, working over decades with ranchers and cattlemen in the desert to bring back healthy streams for your beloved cuttthroat trout, We salute you!

Beavers brought back other wildlife. During our visit, we saw a merganser adult swimming in front of a line of ducklings, a great blue heron and a chattering kingfisher. We listened to the call of a willow flycatcher perched in the willows. Dozens of bird species have been recorded here, species that would not be found on sagebrush flats. One survey recorded less than seven bird species in 1991, which grew to over 37 bird species in 2010. Several sensitive species have been seen here, including bats, sage-grouse, pygmy rabbits and California floaters (a species of freshwater mussel).

Whatever happens in the future, Carol will continue to come here, to walk the banks, check on beaver families, watch wildlife, and enjoy this healthy riparian area with its flowing water.

The reporter of this story, Larry Hyslop, has written about Carol’s amazing work for more than a decade. You can tell how much affection he feels for his subject matter knowing her stalwart spirit for so long. When you read an article like this it all seems peaceful, gentle and storybook-like.

Be assured that the battle to keep beaver on the landscape long enough to make a difference was a actual BATTLE and Carol just fought tooth and nail day in and day out armed with persuasion and the “the gentle voice of a painting instructor,”

Now lets go to Alaska where the similarly indomitable spirit of Mary Willson has been making a difference in Juneau since 2008.

The Beaver Patrol of Juneau helps maintain balance with wildlife and humans

They call themselves the Beaver Patrol, and they’re on a mission to ensure that beavers coexist in balance with people and salmon. Beavers, of course, intentionally dam streams to create their ponds. But when they block culverts in the wrong place it can cause problems, like flooding trails.

That’s what can happen in the Dredge Lake area near Mendenhall Glacier in Juneau — a network of trails and ponds connected by culverts.

One way to fix the problem is relocating or killing the offending beavers. That option was on the table well over a decade ago if other methods of managing them failed. (No one seems to remember it ever actually happening). But years ago, a group of volunteers stepped up with a plan to keep beaver dams from interfering with trails or salmon — without trapping any beavers.

Mary Willson is a long-time member of the Beaver Patrol. She said the group came together around the idea of balancing all the competing interests.

“We said, ‘Wait a minute, no — we can manage this, and we can try to find a compromise,’” she said. “We can keep the beavers, keep the habitat they make for the fish, allow the spawners to come up, decrease the trail flooding — let’s try to do it all. It’ll never be perfect, but it’ll be a whole lot better.

The trick is to let beavers keep building their dams, but make sure enough water is flowing to keep the trails from flooding and the salmon swimming through. In a natural environment, it’s easier for salmon to make their way through beaver dams — but when beavers jam sticks and logs into a narrow culvert, it can become impassable.r.”


You might remember Mary as the author of the awesome ‘Beavers of the Mendenhall Glacier book‘. She is a retired university professor of ecology that also does a trails column for the juneau paper. The book has amazing photographs by our friend Bob Armstrong – and one of these is STILL my wallpaper on the computer after more than a decade! When I share it you will understand why. I love it because of the color and the amount of hope it communicates – both in the glacial sunrise and in the sturdy nights effort by the beavers who must know FULL well that dam is going to be ‘beaver-patrolled’ by morning.

Armed with saws and gardening tools, the Beaver Patrol trudges along the trails in the Dredge Lake area, checking the dams. Here and there, they dig out parts of dams that are at risk of raising the water level too high. It’s an ongoing task — the beavers are constantly building, so they come out twice a week during the summer to keep things under control.

“We have proved ourselves to be at least as stubborn as the beavers,” Willson said with a laugh.

That’s what it takes to save beavers in this world. Patience. Good humor. And an appreciation of the stubborn.

Repeat as necessary.

Let’s start by hopping out to Connecticut where a familiar story awaits our attention. It’s full of conflict and interesting points to ponder. How would you like to live in a town they named a disease after?

As Beavers Flood Properties Old Lyme Debates Need for Action

OLD LYME — Dave Berggren can’t do laundry in his house any longer. He keeps his showers brief and he worries that having guests will overtax the septic system.

Berggren’s septic system drains so slowly that if he washes a load of laundry or uses the bathroom too often the water backs up into his pipes. His leach field – and his lawn – have been inundated with water due to beaver activity which has raised the level of Black Hall Pond.

“I don’t dare put a charge of water that large [like laundry] and I use the bathroom gingerly,” Berggren said. “It is a good thing I live alone and there are no females here. My leach field is backing it up.”


Truly it’s a burden to have a leach field backing up because of beaver damming. But you think its good there aren’t women on the property in particular? You may have threatened your sympathy card Dave. Because you know how women are. Always flushing the toilet with their selfish, flushy womanly ways.

You know I’m suddenly not actually surprised Dave lives alone.

Not only have the beavers flooded Berggren’s property, his neighbors have all seen the flooding of lawns, as well as trees and shrubs chewed and felled by the beavers. The Ames Open Space Property has also had over 17 acres of land flooded due to beaver activity on Bucky Brook and in a culvert near Whippoorwill Road.

“The beavers took half my ornamental evergreens,” said Rick Humpage, another resident of Boughton Road. “Traditionally I could see two boards of my retaining wall, now there is just one.”

On June 19, Mark Wayland, a building official for the Town of Old Lyme, surveyed Berggren’s property, also on Boughton Road. Wayland wrote a letter, now filed in the building department records, summarizing the problem: “At the time I observed obvious high water of Black Hall Pond encroaching on the property caused by active beavers and beaver dam at the south end of the pond. The water table has risen to the point where it has affected the existing structure’s foundation bearing soils to an extent of causing the structure to be “sinking.”

Wayland wrote that “[i]t is the purpose of this letter that the condition be made and documented to the destructive nature of the beaver dam at this location in question. It is also in my observation with the rising ground water at this location the existing septic system may also be in jeopardy and/or damaged.”

Oh those rotten beavers, sinking property! Dave needs to trap that varmint fast! Trouble is this beaver is sneaky and avoids the law.

Last year, Berggren did reach out to DEEP and was granted a trapping permit. The permit, however, was only good for 21 days.

“I had 21 days to get a trapper to trap the beaver. I sent the permit to the trapper and it took three days to arrive. It arrived the Friday of a holiday weekend,” Berggren said. “My 21 days were shrinking fast.”

The beaver was never caught, and Berggren has instead been forced to tear down the dam every other day in an effort to keep the water level from rising further.

Why do people always think it’s ONE single beaver culprit? A beaver that builds and maintains a successful dam is keeping the water level up to protect his family. I must say you picked QUITE the trapper. Who doesn’t work on weekends and couldn’t find the beaver in question’s resident calling card. And only 21 days? That makes me actually wistful. Our CDFW issues permits for the year and is usually happy to extend it.

Never mind. Something tells me the article is about to get a whole lot better.

Evan Griswold, a member of the Open Space Commission, expressed support for the beavers at a recent meeting. “I’m on the beaver’s side. They are part of the natural environment,” said Evan Griswold. “Yes, they are changing it from woods to grassland, but so what? Let the beavers do what the beavers do best.

Regardless of jurisdiction, the commission strongly opposes trapping and killing the beaver. Instead, the commission is recommending that if the town were to take action, that the town consider a beaver deceiver — a device that blocks beavers from dam-building in protected areas.

A beaver deceiver would cost the town about $3,000 and has a 90 percent success rate for the lifetime of the device. Trapping is typically only a short-term solution.

The culvert under Whippoorwill Road “is definitely a site where a beaver deceiver would be effective,” said Michael Callahan, the founder of Beaver Solutions LLC which has installed more than 1,500 beaver deceivers in the past 20 years. “Beavers are smart and probably look at that road bed as a dam with a hole in it. With a little bit of work the whole road bed becomes a dam. They get the biggest pond for the smallest amount of work.”

Dave, Dave. Dave. You’re in very good hands. Mike will fix this problem for you way better than that stupid trapper who couldn’t find the beaver in the first place. Let him do his job and your toilets will be flushing so well you might be able to have an actual WOMAN over to the place once in a while.



Maybe you’re very busy this morning and you have to get Janie to day camp and the cat to the vet. Maybe you just had a fight with your best friend and found out your mother is coming for the weekend. You MUST click on it anyway. If you do nothing else I ever advise, for the rest of your entire life, you MUST do this.  I’m not kidding. This is seriously, fatally, adorably, cute. Stupid baby pictures, cat videos or puppies don’t even comes close.

Sometimes people’s hearts are in the right place, but there simply aren’t fund to pay for a flow device. Well now if you live in the right place there might be a foundation to help.

Lauren R. Stevens: Living with our friend the beaver

Thanks to Nion Robert “Bob” Theriot’s Foundation, the MSPCA in Boston accepts requests for assistance from individuals or entities in the four western counties of Massachusetts “to humanely, non-lethally and ecologically mitigate beaver-related flooding.” The property owner is asked to share the cost. The local Conservation Commission must give permission.

Theriot, who died December 31, 1998, owned Tall Pine Farm in Monterey. He helped conserve many acres in Massachusetts and California, working here with the Berkshire Natural Resources Council and Monterey’s Preservation Land Trust, of which he was a founding member. Clearly he was also a friend of beavers. So may we all be.

This was a pretty surprising group of sentences to read. I never knew that there was a foundation that could help install flow devices. I had to go look up its benefactor. But I was pretty blown away by what I found.

Nion Thieriot — Conservationist

Nion Robert “Bob” Thieriot, a dedicated conservationist and a great-grandson of Chronicle co- founder Michael H. de Young, died yesterday at a hospital near his home in Massachusetts after a five- month battle with brain cancer.

Mr. Thieriot, 52, had a lifelong passion for the outdoors and for working with his hands, leading many efforts over the years to preserve open space and woodlands in Massachusetts and California.

Mr. Thieriot also helped create the Sonoma Land Trust in Sonoma County, dedicated to preserving open land and forests in the county. He ran a vegetable farm on more than 300 acres there, in Cazadero, in the 1970s. When it burned in a forest fire in 1978, he donated the land to the land trust.

So this man first formed a preserve and then when it was burned to the ground in the made one of the biggest donations to the Sonoma land trust asking that they continue to expand and preserve more land.

The Thieriots left their mark on geography and history by donating Little Black Mountain to Sonoma Land Trust, anchoring our conservation efforts on the Sonoma Coast and presence in the region. Their intent was to preserve Little Black Mountain as open space and dedicate it to the community. The grant agreement includes a request that SLT expand the preserve whenever possible, which we have since accomplished through our acquisition of the 5,630-acre Jenner Headlands property and recent 238-acre Pole Mountain purchase, creating a 6,368-acre protected landscape.

After the fire the couple move to the east coast and start a new foundation and historic farm and continued to focus on conservation.

From a young age, he was enamored of the forest and wild spaces,” said his brother, Peter E. Thieriot of San Francisco. In his conservation work, “he tried to move strategically just in advance of the developers” to preserve as much open land as possible.

This effort was so successful that through the Berkshire Natural Resources Council in Pittsfield, Mass., alone, Mr. Thieriot bought and either donated or restricted for preservation more than 4,500 acres of land. Mr. Thieriot was a director of the council as well as a founding member of the Monterey (Mass.) Preservation Land Trust. Through his estate, 3,600 more acres of land will be preserved, including his Tall Pine Farm.

He cultivated vegetables for sale on his 200-acre Tall Pine Farm in Monterey, Mass., living there in a historic 275-year-old farmhouse and specializing in craftsmanship with antique hand tools.

He also maintained a sawmill, and was so skilled in traditional carpentry that when he built a vegetable stand on his farm a decade ago he did the whole thing from scratch, handcrafting the boards out of trees and constructing the sturdy stand with pegs instead of nails and screws.

I’m guessing that MSPCA pursued a grant from the foundation for preserving habitat and wildlife by preserving beavers. I sure wish I could read about that story and how it happened.

WILLIAMSTOWN — It might not be a good idea to fool Mother Nature, but fooling beavers might be in their best interest. And, thanks to the generosity of a former Berkshire resident, financial help is available—for people and beavers.

In fact Bob never, ever stopped working to make things better. Before he died the governor of Massachusetts presented him with THE award for saving open space in the state.  Earlier in his life he started another foundation to help children called “Janet’s fund”.

His brother, Peter, said that at the time of his death, Mr. Thieriot was halfway through negotiating, in conjunction with the Berkshire council, for the preservation of a 430-acre milk farm in north Berkshire County. His family and the council intend to continue the negotiations, to buy development rights ensuring the farmland will have logging restrictions and protection from subdivision.

What a thrillingly fulfilled life that was stupidly cut short by brain cancer. How incredible to have a foundation that helps install flow devices. Have you ever noticed how all the wrong people seem to die of cancer? And the useless nasty ones survive to be president of bomb Iran?

And hey, if you are sitting back and feeling kind of useless like you’ve never done anything in your entire life even the tiniest fraction of good compared to Bob, you’re not alone.

Well, California may not be ready for anything like Wyoming, but South Windsor is about to get a whole lot more like Martinez.

Let me explain.

Hearing set Thursday on beavers

SOUTH WINDSOR — With the possibility that more beavers will move into Nevers Park, Mayor Andrew Paterna is hosting a forum Thursday night on how to manage the large rodents and their activities that cause flooding and tree damage.

Attendees can hear from Christopher Vann of the state Department of Energy and Environmental Protection’s Wildlife Division, the Humane Society of the United States, and Michael Callahan from Massachusetts-based Beaver Solutions LLC, which provides advice and methods on how to coexist with beavers.

Hey. I’ve seen that movie! Don’t a whole lot of people show up and demand the town save beavers? Then some city plants stand up and say the town needs protection from flooding and everyone boos. Am I thinking of the right one?

Nearly 2,100 people have signed an online petition created in April by Abbe Road resident Stephen Straight that called for town officials to meet with Callahan and implement his solutions. There is almost no doubt that beavers will return, Straight said.

“We need to stop all trapping NOW and work toward coexistence with the next beavers,” Straight’s petition states. The beavers harm no one, he added, and South Windsor residents and visitors should be able to enjoy these creatures as they go about their work.

I bet you didn’t know Martinez would be a model huh, and that other cities would follow in our footsteps? Apparently standing up for beavers is the hot new thing. it’s so cool everyone wants to try it now.

Other residents, including Carrie Morse of Maine Street, agreed that the town should have explored other options before deciding to have them trapped and killed.

Straight hired Callahan after the beavers were trapped and removed in April. The system would cost the town around $2,000 for materials and installation, Callahan said. Several residents, including Straight and Morse, have said they’ve pledged to donate to the effort.

“People really care,” Morse said. “I hope our officials realize the importance of preserving our wildlife and ecosystem.”

Nicely done Steve! I’m thinking that you have just become eligible for the Worth A Dam scholarship. It’s lovely to think of your community taking this on and your beavers benefiting because of it. To paraphrase the old Chevron commercial: Do people really show up to a meeting like this just because they care about beavers?

People do.

Ahhh memories! Like the corners of the mayor’s mind. If I live to be 102 that will remain one of my very favorite days on the face of this earth. Maybe our beavers are MIA at the moment, but by golly our hearts are still in the right place.

Oh and you can stop watching dash-cam police videos forever now. It’s been done. This is way better than a white bronco on the freeway. There’s no competition anymore. Ever again.
See for yourself.



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