Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Category: Beavers elsewhere

Well the price of dead beavers just went up in the tippy top of Canada, behind Alaska. And just before international beaver day to boot. How thoughtful!

Beaver castors being bought for $65 ‘long overdue’ addition to N.W.T. fur program

Hunters and trappers in the N.W.T. are able to make more money harvesting beavers, after the territorial government added beaver castors to the list of things it’ll pay advances for. 

Male and female beavers have a pair of castor sacs located under the skin, between the pelvis and the base of their tail, which produce castoreum. The scent is used to mark the animals’ territory and according to a press release issued Monday, it’s also “highly prized” as a flavour and an ingredient in perfumes.

Now, a pound of dried castors will fetch an advance of $65.  (more…)

There is an old joke about a man discovering his wife bent over searching hard for something on the kitchen floor.

“What are you looking for?” He asks.
“My Contact lenses! They fell out while I was reading on the couch and I cannot seem to find them.”
“On the couch? In the living room? Then why are you looking for them in here?” Asks her husband, very confused.
“The light’s better in here.”

Which happens to be one of my favorite jokes because it explains so much of what we do. Why we went to war in Iraq even though we were attacked by Afghanistan. Why we are upset when movie stars do annoying things that our friends do every day. And why we keep suing Wildlife Services instead of slamming CDFW for issuing mass depredation permits to everyone and their brother, whether they work for Wildlife Services or not. (more…)

For the purposes of CDFW the state of California is divided up into six regions – 7 when you include the ocean. We’re the Bay Delta region and that includes just what you’d expect. Fresno is the central and Placer and Sacramento is the north central. Each region is in charge of granting permits for trapping in their respective boundaries and they all do things a little differently.

Here is a graph of the allowed depredation permits issued for beavers in 2021 by region. Let me know if you spot any patterns.


Don’t be alarmed. That big BOOM you heard was just the sound of your neighbor blowing up his beaver dam. Perfectly legal destruction. Just ask the sheriff who doesn’t sugar coat it. He tells it how it really is. I mean it’s like anyone in Newberry South Carolina needs clean water, wood ducks for hunting,  trout for fishing or protection from fire, flooding or drought, right?


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Every so often I hear from the new believer crowd that the “Tide has finally turned” and that  “People understand why beavers matter now” and I make a grinding noise with my teeth and push back my bangs and point to articles like this. In FIELD AND STREAM no less.

It’s not over till its over.

You’ve Never Tried Beavercue? Maybe You Need to Start Trapping

I know hunters who are uncomfortable with trapping because they don’t like the idea of killing an animal without eating it. Generally, I’m of that mindset too. But there are limits. I’ve seen the virtue-signaling videos of people cooking and eating coyotes, for example, and carrying on as if they’ve done something really noble. But every winter I watch turkey vultures ignore skinned coyotes. Personally, I can avoid eating anything a buzzard won’t touch and still sleep OK. (more…)




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