Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Category: Beavers elsewhere

Tuesday night was beaver night in the city council in Oakley. Their meeting started with a presentation from Flood Control about the pesky beavers that built the dam in Marsh Creek and were subsequently shot. They assessed the dam as raising the water by a whopping 7 inches and restricting their 50 year flood plan for a particular segment of creek 400 feet upstream of the dam. You can watch the whole thing here, and the presentation is the very first part after the pledge of allegiance, but this was my favorite part of the meeting.

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It’s nice to know Martinez made some ripples in the world, although clearly the head of flood control thinks beavers live IN the dam. Sign. Our work is never done.

Yesterday a new buddy Jorge Echegaray, on the beaver management forum posted the first beaver booklet released in Spain explaining to landowners about their new odd flat-tailed neighbor. I took a look through and thought you’d be interested. My retired spanish-teaching sister very kindly translated the chapters for me which get me very interested.

Robin grabbed this as her favorite photo for obvious reasons.

I was intrigued by the range of questions, especially ¿Para qué sirven los castores? (What good are beavers?) and the even more intriguing ¿Son los castores un icono de conservación y educación ambiental?

Are beavers and icon of conservation and environmental education?

Let me save you some time gentlemen. YES. Yes they are.

They could have just described beavers and left it at that. Don’t you agree?

7 Keystone Species — and Why they Matter for Our Planet

“Keystone species have low functional redundancy,” explains biologist Raquel Filgueiras of the conservancy group Rewilding Europe. “This means that when populations of these species decline or disappear, there are very few or no other species that can fulfill their role. Ecosystems then degrade, and sometimes completely collapse.”

Wolves are one of many keystone species that humans have viewed as pests or, even worse, enemies to control or remove.

The wolves’ return also aided beavers. North America’s largest rodents are essential ecosystem engineers, and they now had a plentiful supply of leaves, roots, and bark to eat, and wood for building dams.

Yes, yes, wolves are the handmaidens of beavers in that they keep the elk away from the fresh green shoots so that they stick around to make beaver food. Then they can build their dams and restore stream function. Yeah beavers.

Beaver dams can be a nuisance for humans: They may divert waterways where we don’t want them and cause flooding; the trees beavers cut down can destroy our sense of the picturesque.

But beaver dams play a grander role in the ecosystem that we may not comprehend. They slow water flow in streams, which can help reduce erosion and provide water during drought. The flowage behind these dams creates wetlands, which can absorb seasonal flooding. And the wetlands filter water, replenishing aquifers and producing cleaner water for all.

So tell me, does this matter to any other animals besides the beavers themselves?

Other mammals, fish, amphibians, insects, and birds depend on the beaver’s dam-building. Some 85 percent of North American wild-animal species rely on wetlands — including many threatened and endangered species.

The beavers’ work is also becoming recognized as key to fighting wildfires. Not only do their dams retain water in the land-scape, but channels dug by beavers -appear to act like irrigation canals, keeping vegetation too wet to burn even during droughts. These wetlands become a beaver-generated safe space for frogs, salamanders, birds, and other animals to wait out a fire.

Come to think of it. Beavers are the ONLY keystone species that have been shown to impact stream health, biodiversity, fire resilience and reduction of pollution. That seems pretty dam important. The article goes on to discuss cactuses and prairie dogs but honestly, our interests are limited for obvious reasons.

Worth A Dam Comments.

Now then you might want to just remind yourself of these facts when you put together your comments for the USDA which is meeting tonight in on the first of their open  forums for discussing the impact of their actions on wildlife species in California.

The meeting is zoom accessible from 5:30 to 8:30 tonight. They won’t be posting the link to the meeting until 5 pm but it will be posted here.
Give them lots to think about tonight. You can send your comments HERE and I hope you do. Beavers need you.



We’re just in time for your Geography lesson. Airdrie is a small town north of Calgary in Canada with about 61000 people,  When you read this article you will begin to appreciate it very much.

Airdrie woman concerned by killing of beavers

An Airdrie resident is upset by the City’s plan to deal with problem beavers that call Nose Creek home.

Waterstone resident Doreen Schulz, whose property backs onto Nose Creek, said she recently learned from a neighbour the City of Airdrie will occasionally trap and kill beavers that are deemed a nuisance.

“I phoned the City because I was quite upset about hearing that,” Schulz said. We like our beavers along here.”

Schulz, who has lived in Waterstone for 12 years, said there is a beaver den located on the banks of Nose Creek near her backyard. She said she used to see a family of beavers swimming in the area but has not seen them in many weeks, which makes her think they’ve been killed.i

 Now that’s just about my favorite kind of response. Not “don’t kill beavers because  its mean” or even “Don’t kill beavers because they’re a keystone species”, Just straight out “Don’t kill them because WE LIKE THEM!” Plain and simple.

According to the City’s Integrated Pest Management Plan, beavers will often make their way to Airdrie via Nose Creek, searching for new areas to start a colony. To deter the animals from damaging trees along creekbeds, City employees wrap wire mesh around tree trunks, but “this is not always successful.”

“In instances where beavers result in unacceptable damage to the natural environment and/or infrastructure, the City may lethally remove individuals by trapping,” the plan stated.

Yup, That sounds about right. But its modestly responsible that they try  wrapping trees, I guess that comes from being is near to our friends at Cows and Fish all these years,

Archie Lang, the City’s manager of Parks and Public Works, confirmed the City will occasionally trap and kill beavers as part of the municipality’s wildlife population control.

“Wildlife control is something that all municipalities do, and Airdrie is no exception,” he said. “You have to control the populations because they are living in a little microcosm that doesn’t involve their natural predators, for the most part, so animals will tend to overpopulate.”

Lang said there have been a “handful” of instances where local beavers were killed this year. He noted the City is not trying to cull beavers, adding there are at least three or four families the municipality is aware of along Nose Creek.

We don’t kill them all, we just kill some. Think of us as a very picky angel of death. You know how it is,

“This isn’t a mission to eliminate them – absolutely not,” he said. “We control the populations so they don’t become a problem to themselves, actually, and for us as well.”

The main reasons a beaver would be killed, according to Lang, is if it caused significant damage to trees or if a dam causes overland flooding and property damage.

“Trees are expensive, and when they start to take trees down, they can do thousands of dollars of damage in just one evening,” he said.

Prior to 2017, Lang said the City would relocate any beavers that were deemed a nuisance. However, he said Alberta Environment and Parks no longer supports beaver relocation, as they have a low chance of survival in a new habitat.

Hmm, that’s interesting. I’m pretty sure beaver relocation is illegal in Canada. So are you saying you used to break the law but you stopped because they had a low chance of survival? You know what gives them an even lower chance of survival? 

Killing them.

But Schulz remains adamant that local beavers should not be killed, given their benefit to the environment and the effect of the City’s wire meshing around tree trunks.

“They have their dens right on the sides and they don’t bother anything,” she said. “They’re certainly not hurting the environment and I think beavers are pretty intelligent. If they know, for example, that there’s no food in an area, they’ll move on of their own accord.”

“Like the eagle is the American symbol, the beaver is our symbol, and I wouldn’t consider them a pest,” she said. “You see people all summer long, they’re walking along the creek, and if they spot a beaver – usually they’re out really early in the morning or after 8 p.m. – people will be taking pictures. It’s quite nice to see a beaver.”

Nicely put Doreen, I could hardly of said it better myself,

So the USDA dropped this from the mountain yesterday. It’s their data G list – a list of all the animals they killed in the United States in 2019. It includes starlings and badgers and coyotes and eagles and foxes and wolves and oh beavers across forty states in this great country. Coyotes were the most targeted animal, but beavers are number two.

Guess how many were killed? Go ahead guess.


Mind you that’s in 40 states and that’s only the numbers of beaver deaths we know about. If you hire a private trapper or kill some yourself on your ranch no one reports it. Here’s the numbers for California.

717–  firearm

50 — neck snare

11– night vision

31–  cage trap

82–  body grip

22–  suitcase trap

913– total

And it’s sobering and shocking, I know, but just remember this is only about a third of the beavers killed in the state. The others are killed by private trappers. Now that the CBD lawsuit means they won’t trap beaver in salmon or steelhead streams the demand for private trapping has gone UP. You can see also there is a decline in cage trapping and an increase in shooting. I guess because they are killing less in small streams and more in big bodies of water where salmon aren’t an issue. Here are the same numbers from 2009.

Of course there are already lawsuits announced by the usual suspects. I continue to think that USDA is merely the most visible player in this grand death game. At least in my state the ones we can’t see, the ones who aren’t even required to tell us what they do or how many they do it too, are a much bigger problem for beavers.

Trump’s USDA Sued Over Program Allowing ‘Horrific’ Mass Slaughter of Native Wildlife

The lawsuit (pdf) was filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of New Mexico by WildEarth Guardians and accuses Wildlife Services (WS) of running afoul of various federal regulations stipulated by the National Environmental Policy Act, Council on Environmental Quality regulations, and Administrative Procedure Act.

According to the court filing, the program has failed to provide an Environmental Impact Statement on the program’s impact on key ecosytems, nor has it provided timely supplemental analysis mandated by law. As such, the document states, WS is disregarding “new scientific publications on the ineffectiveness of lethal predator control and the negative cascading ecological consequences of removing keystone species from their native ecosystems,” according to the filing.

Oh so THAT”S what that big action about putting a EIR on every species killed in California was about. Keeping up with beaver news is sometimes like reading a murder mystery backwards. It all makes sense eventually, but not until you get to the beginning.

The lawsuit portrays the annual killing deaths as folly—especially in light of the climate and ecological catastrophes as well water shortages affecting the U.S. West. Regarding beavers, Smith said the agency is “removing the very animals that will save us from these crises.” 

They “act as ecosystem engineers, increasing biodiversity and ecosystem function—including filtering drinking water and removing water-borne pollutants—where they are native,” the filing states, adding:

Beavers, due to their beneficial engineering of ecosystems provide outsized ecosystem services. One study, conducted in southern Utah, a landscape analogous to much of New Mexico, found that in terms of wetland habitat only, a mere 2,560 beavers in the lower Escalante River basin would provide $275.5 million dollars per year in wetland habitat services. If riparian and aquatic habitat services are added to that number, it becomes nearly $450 million dollars per year. […] Beavers particularly can have remarkable impacts on reforestation in areas affected by wildfires.

Well, they aren’t wrong. And since they’re based in New Mexico the fate of beavers and their ability to store water really matters.

Another conservation group, the Center for Biological Diversity, offered similar condemnation Wednesday, characterizing the program as both barbaric and needless.

“Year after year Wildlife Services continues to needlessly kill wildlife, even though effective tools exist to prevent most conflicts,” said Collette Adkins, carnivore conservation director at the Center.

I asked Collette about the differing methods yesterday and whether she thought it was because of their salmon action. She hadn’t considered it but she thought it was better they are mostly using rifles because the method is more humane and specific to the target.

Maybe. It’s also a lot less work. You don’t have to come back the next day and check the traps.  I’m not sure their work should be any easier.

Click below to go read the entire lawsuit here:


Nature Scot has launched the largest beaver survey asking folks at the national level to report beaver sightings. Mind you they released permits to kill 20 percent of the known population last year. But they’d now like to know, was it enough? Should we kills more?

20 percent isn’t what it used to be.

Biggest ever Scottish beaver survey begins

NatureScot has begun the most comprehensive survey of beaver numbers and their range ever conducted in Scotland.

Work was expected to start on October 1 to gather detailed and up-to-date information on the locations of active beaver territories, as well as assessing the health and spread of the overall population, which will help inform future beaver work.

It is thought that since a first assessment in 2012 beavers, other than those introduced to Mid Argyll in 2009, have spread from where they originally established on the Tay, as far as the Forth and the Clyde.


The nature agency is asking the public to help by reporting their beaver sightings.

Mind you this is a “Survey” like a field survey, not a “Man on the street how do you feel about beavers” survey. Odds are they are going to do something very stupid like count the number of dams, multiply it times 5 and come up with a hugely inflated number which means more killing next year.

But what do I know?

Captive European Beaver (Castor fiber) Highland Wildlife Park, East Highland Area.
©Lorne Gill
For information on reproduction rights contact the Scottish Natural Heritage Image Library on Tel. 01738 444177 or

The survey will cover Tayside and the surrounding river catchments, including the Forth and river systems in the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park. NatureScot will be working with experts at the University of Essex to conduct the survey this autumn and winter.

This is the first survey conducted since beavers gained protected status as European Protected Species in Scotland.

Roo Campbell, NatureScot project lead, said: “From sightings so far this year, it looks like beavers are spreading even further in and around Tayside – there’s even been a beaver spotted in the west of Glasgow. This is wonderful news, as beavers play a vital role in creating habitats such as ponds and wetlands where other species thrive, alleviating flooding and improving water quality.

“But sometimes beavers can cause problems particularly on prime agricultural land, which is principally found on low lying farmland particularly in the east of the country.’

And when they do we’ll be ready for them. We shall fight them on the beaches. We shall fight them in the fields. Never give up. Never surrender. Always say die.

Er somethings like that,




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