Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Category: Beaver ecological impact

Beavers always do better when they have friends in high places. How high is Wyoming? 6700 feet above sea level give or take. I think they going to are really appreciate this.

UW Receives Major Gift to Support Conservation Across Wyoming With Initial Focus on Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

The University of Wyoming has announced a major gift from Joe Ricketts’ Jackson Fork Ranch that will support environmental stewardship and conservation across Wyoming, with an initial focus on the greater Yellowstone ecosystem.

The substantial donation will fund the Jackson Fork Ranch-University of Wyoming Research Project, which will support the university’s conservation and biodiversity research throughout Wyoming. It will help to increase public awareness of the unique value of biodiversity in the state and will promote the importance of environmental stewardship as an enduring value.

This financial commitment is timely because the wide range of biodiversity in Wyoming is not well studied, especially those lesser-known species that have a disproportionately large impact on ecosystem function and biodiversity.

Hey I know who you’re talking about and it starts with a ‘B’ right? I suppose if you’re in Wyoming you might care about biodiversity because you want there to be more big game and ducks to hunt. I wouldn’t get distracted with that argument rght now. Eyes on the prize. We all want more beavers around, Let’s start there.

— The first will focus on small- and medium-sized mesocarnivores, which form an important but poorly known component of the state’s fauna and food web.

— A second focus area will be the ecosystem impact of American beavers.

— A third study will examine the impact of red squirrels on forest biodiversity. These conspicuous animals store food for winter in large piles of conifer cones and feeding debris called middens. These are biodiversity hotspots for small mammals, birds and insects.

— Finally, the project will study golden eagles, an iconic avian predator across the western United States. The project will assess the distribution and productivity of these birds by intensive survey routes and the identification and observation of nest sites.

Okay, if I were you I would take all that money you are sliding into category 1, 3, and 4 and put it into section two. Beavers are as far as you need to look searching for species that impact biodiversity. Let the make more of everything first. And then you’ll have more to study down the line.

Beginning in 2023, this research will increase the understanding of biodiversity throughout Wyoming by engaging outstanding UW researchers; training the next generation of wildlife conservation biologists; and sharing the research results with the world. This also will grow sustainable conservation tourism in the region.

“This is such an exciting, generous and forward-thinking gift that fosters collaboration to learn more about our lesser-known but impactful wildlife species across the wild and working lands of Wyoming,” says John Koprowski, dean of the UW Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources. “The stories that will be revealed promise to inform our conservation and management strategies and to capture the imagination of Wyomingites and our many visitors.”

The Jackson Fork Ranch and the Ricketts Conservation Foundation work with private and public agencies to study, protect and enhance the populations of at-risk species while working to understand how lands can be sustainably managed for the future.

Joe Ricketts is an entrepreneur and philanthropist who founded the online brokerage firm TD Ameritrade. Don’t you wish you could be an philanthropist and donate millions to the university of your choice influencing science and ecology for years to come? You know just last year  I was approached by a woman wanting to start a beaver festival in Jackson Hole. I think she should definitely approach the Ricketts Conservation foundation to get started! This was from Montanaast year but you get the idea…


Happy Valentine’s eve. I’ve been getting ready for a pod cast interview on Tuesday. I was contacted by Jeanne Rosenmeier, one of the hosts if Linksploration  at the beginning of the month to discuss the beavers in Martinez, how beavers in general could matter in the Bay Area and the way that they can mitigate the effects of Climate Change. The podcast drops once a month and is specifically dedicated to the Diablo Valley and the wider Bay Area which makes it kind of cool and locally specific.

Jeanne said she was encouraged to contact me because of the presentation I gave to Alameda Fisheries a while ago, which was a nice surprise. That had been a fairly frustrating talk to the mostly beaver-wary so I’m delighted to think something positive came out of it. After I listened to it I suggested she also invite Mitch Avalon, formerly a deputy supervisor at Flood Control and on the beaver subcommittee with me. Mitch has since grandfathered into a consultant from the county and started his own creek consulting business. He became somewhat of a believer in his own right I’d say over the years. He also has way more hydrological clout than I ever hope to muster so I’m thinking he will reach some ears I couldn’t.

Anyway that’s on Tuesday but it won’t air right away, I’ll let you know when it is ready to hear. For now we can all relax and imagine that someday the Bay Area will be ready for beavers instead of just ready to trap them. Along those lines, this was a nicely zen way to start my morning, and I’m hoping it warms yours too.

There are articles about the installation of BDA’s that fill my heart with dread: clearly when real beavers stroll into the project they will be trapped outright because they’re destroying their trees or ruining their hydrological experiment. But every now and then one comes along and makes my heart sing…

Returning to past practices for future water management

In 2014, John Coffman arrived in Wyoming as The Nature Conservancy’s new steward for the Red Canyon Ranch and quickly encountered an unforgettable lesson. “We were trying to figure ourselves out on some new country and trying to make sure we were on top of getting the hay meadows irrigated. An intern was having trouble with a beaver plugging a headgate,” he says, preventing water from getting to the fields. They opted to get rid of the pesky beaver, as agricultural operations have done for a long time.

The following year, high spring flows washed away bridges and crossings from the fields, forcing Coffman and his team to restore irrigation ditches and pipes, a resource-intensive process. In a different part of the ranch, however, a stream system that still had beavers showed more resilience to the spring flows. “Instead of those streams eroding away, the [beaver] ponds slowed everything down,” says Coffman. “The ponds filled with sediment and are now growing willows and lush grasses.”

Seven years later, during a mid-July visit, Coffman showed me this historic beaver complex, still thriving after those floods. For twenty feet on either side of the stream, floodplains were green with grasses, willows, goldfinches, and a rattlesnake we were lucky to hear first. Coffman chuckled; he had cautioned me earlier that they’re after the rodents abundant in the area. Four beaver dams bridged deep, still ponds. The beavers built with no regard for clean, neat lines or straight waterways—challenging my understanding of what streams should look like.

After the consequential floods in the spring of 2015, Coffman says, “We came to the observation that there were some serious benefits to having beaver dams and beavers in place.” This beaver complex serves as a model for the conditions that he hopes to restore several streams to. Across an increasingly parched and degraded West, land managers and researchers seeking effective and efficient water management solutions may benefit from the same realization. Perhaps, it’s time to end recent antagonism against beavers and instead form an alliance with nature’s most effective, once prolific waterway engineers.

Wha-a-a-a-t? You mean maybe the beavers had the right idea all along? And maybe when you work for the freakin’ Nature Conservancy you should know better than to kill them anyway? Isn’t that funny? It’s almost like beavers know more about how a stream should work than YOU do!

“None of us in our lifetimes have seen how common beavers would have been,” says Niall Clancy, a PhD student at the University of Wyoming surveying fish diversity in beaver ponds. Before the arrival of Western settlers in the early 1800s, there were as many as four hundred million beavers in America, creating wetland mosaics that covered almost three hundred thousand square miles of land in serene greens and glittering blues. Beavers dam up slower streams to form deep moats around their homes, creating refuges not only for themselves, but also for plants and animals that rely on, and co-evolved with, these dam structures. Series of dams spawn floodplains, wetlands, and ponds—so called “beaver complexes.” Sheltered pools of standing water provide safety for young fish, invertebrates, and amphibians. They are also havens for threatened or rare birds, like sandhill cranes. “The more complex the types of habitats you have, the more types of wildlife you can support,” Clancy says. “Messiness is good in ecology.”

Messy can also be how land looks when humans are stewards. “When we think of the past, we need to add Indigenous people,” says Rosalyn LaPier, faculty in the history department at the University of Illinois and enrolled member of the Blackfeet tribe of Montana and Métis. “When the first settlers arrive in the West, what they are seeing are these ecosystems that have co-evolved with plants, animals, and humans.” To survive in water-limited environments, Indigenous communities living between the plains and Rocky Mountains studied and manipulated natural processes. LaPier says that they managed beaver populations to manage water; beaver ponds provided a water source for Native peoples as well as the animals they hunted. Beavers were so important that the Blackfeet considered them sacred and divine. Thus, humans developed a close, symbiotic existence with beavers and their natural worlds.

Isn’t funny how the white man moved in and displaced all the “primative” natives and built their farms and factories and ultimately their universities so that their masters candidates can suddenly report that science shows that maybe those backwards peoples weren’t so backwards after all?

It’s almost like people who lived in harmony with the land for thousands of years knew something we didn’t.

In their places are thousands of miles of down-cut streams like the ones that caused Coffman and his team so much trouble a few years back. In straight, unobstructed waterways, controlling transportation to agricultural fields is the main objective. The force of water travelling quickly does not allow water to collect in the soil or for nutritious sediment to be deposited, so incised banks become unable to support plant life. Without roots to hold the banks together, exposed soil dries and crumbles in the heat of summer, eroding the streambanks.

Braided stream systems shrink to a single water channel, drying the surrounding land. This cycle eats away at floodplains and wetlands, which otherwise accumulate nutritious sediment, retain water underground (resisting evaporation), and promote biodiversity. With nature’s “sponges” gone, water and nutrients wash out to the ocean, leaving behind arid land and lost habitat.

Reconnecting waterways, reducing erosion, and replenishing groundwater is difficult and expensive. When I asked Coffman about solutions for managing and retaining water on Red Canyon Ranch, he emphasized the hefty costs of bringing heavy machinery and hiring engineers and landscape architects. Such disruption could also set back ecological processes, displacing invertebrates, mammals, and birds alike. The integrity of the ecosystem could take years to recover. Not to mention the challenge of maintaining such an elaborate construction when faced with the unpredictable nature of rivers and streams, which change their courses over time. All in the hope of mimicking the effortless effects of floodplains and wetlands.

Nationally, hundreds of millions of dollars have been allocated toward the labor and materials required to develop water resiliency projects in the West alone. These interagency developments prioritize the storage and protection of water in reservoirs and groundwater, as well as the restoration of wetlands and waterways. Though this large sum recognizes the importance of restoring ecosystems, humans cannot accurately replicate natural processes.

“What [modern] restoration practice has done is borrow from empirical observations and produce average conditions. We are crap at designing for variability and complexity,” explains Joe Wheaton, an ex-civil engineer studying nature’s engineers at Utah State University. Nature, he says, does not adhere to averages but is rather unpredictable. The movement of water and how streams change course are challenges that researchers and engineers cannot account for. Unlike scientists, though, beavers instinctually adapt to and engage with the changing courses of water. They foster jigsaw ecosystems, supporting critters that are co-dependent on one another in ways that scientists often overlook and would be hard-pressed to reproduce.  That makes beavers cost-effective tools for maintaining and helping manage the natural water systems that so many people, industries, plants, and animals rely on. For Wheaton, beavers are tools of restoration that engage natural processes, balancing the “mismatch between effort and scope of problem.”

In the most degraded waterways, beavers and their accompanying biodiversity will not return on their own, but we know how to entice them. Clancy’s team facilitates the return of beavers by installing beaver dam analogs, commonly called BDAs). He and his collaborators strategically select for where a beaver’s work is required, targeting heavily eroded streams devoid of life and too deep for cattle to cross. Spanning the width of these channels, they weave sticks and logs, and pack mud to mimic dams. These barriers slow the force of water as it moves downstream while creating pools, the goal being to create a habitat appealing to beavers. Should beavers move in, they build upon and maintain these structures without need for human labor and constant surveillance.

And planting willow right? Lots and lots of willow.

In places where beavers have been reintroduced, ranchers and researchers alike have seen streams flowing anywhere from an extra week to an extra month. Beaver restoration can also replenish groundwater, often a key source for municipal water use. Meanwhile, burying plant materials during the damming process sequesters carbon, preventing it from entering the atmosphere as a greenhouse gas. And in some once-degraded sites where beavers have been successfully introduced, their restoration effectively increased the variety of habitats and the abundance of critters they could support.

Exploring a symbiotic relationship with beavers is still a new but growing practice that has not been without challenges. Coffman says, “Since that situation years ago, we got beavers back creating messes: damming up ditches, plugging up headgates. But we’re trying to approach it a lot differently now.” Rather than treating beavers like nuisances, his management approach centers around the balanced relationship between beavers and stewards. Like Clancy, he is installing beaver dam analogs throughout streams on the ranch—a project that started with five and expanded to over forty structures. Though there are headgates and irrigation ditches where damming is undesirable, Coffman still allows beavers to exist under his watchful eye. After all, early dams can be dug out and individuals relocated—but beavers’ effectiveness in retaining water and restoring floodplains cannot be replicated.

Beavers may not be the ultimate clean-cut solution for our water resource problems. Messy, multi-faceted tools, they challenge the modern concept of controlling water. But researchers and land managers alike have found that nurturing an alliance with beavers, adapting to their activities, and integrating science with natural processes—the way Indigenous peoples have—can help build resiliency in the face of dynamic environmental challenges.

My my my. Beavers are messy little balls of magic. They do grand things in a very cluttered way. This isn’t your father’s concrete channel or shooting stream anymore. It’s a braided wandering tangle of obstructions and sinks. And it’s much much better than you or your engineers could create.

Let it Beaver.

If your were me you would have been reviewing beaver headlines since Bush was president and you’d be startled to see the shift. Starting slowly but becoming obvious since last year. It used to be that nine out of every dozen beaver stories was about flooding or trapping or eating something important. It was very rare to see one or two about the benefits beavers could bring if left unimpeded. Now its not uncommon to see 10 out of 12 talking about beaver benefits. When I shop for which to write about here I am, to coin an old phrase, ‘spoiled for choice’.

Beavers tapped for water management

Beavers and humans have this in common: They both work to alter the flow of water to their own benefit. Unfortunately for both parties, their activities are sometimes at odds.

“Beavers are land managers like farmers,” said Brian Bangs, aquatic ecologist for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. “They don’t always see eye-to-eye, but some values are shared.”

In the past, trapping or killing has been the main way to control those beavers disturbing operations on the farm with their dam-building. But lately, scientists, tribes, conservation groups and landowners are re-discovering ways to work with nature’s pesky engineers, according to the Mid-Willamette Beaver Partnership in Oregon.

The partnership includes eight regional and local-level partners and dozens of other supporters who are exploring beaver-based restoration, according to Kristen Larson, executive director of the Luckiamute Watershed Council in Polk and Benton counties.

Whoo hoo! A beaver partnership sounds promising! Yesterday it was Maryland that was winning the beaver cooperation award, now it’s Oregon. Hey maybe some day even California will make the charts.
Despite centuries of beaver annihilation for their fur, the beaver persists, clogging culverts, creating ponds, moving channels, chewing up young trees.

“The conflicts exist, but there are lots of ways to coexist, said Chris Jordan of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. NOAA provides technical support to the partnership.

For decades, conservation organizations have mimicked beaver activities to create and enhance lost salmon habitat, according to Larson. Human engineered log placements in the upper Luckiamute watershed, for example, have been successful in recreating gravel beds for salmon spawning that had been scoured out by channelization. In some cases, beavers have reclaimed human engineered log jams as their own, she said.

Now, the partnership hopes to enlist beavers and landowners who host them to do similar work in some reaches of the Willamette Valley. Although unique to western Oregon, the beaver partnership has plenty of regional and national projects with beavers on which to draw as it assembles suggestions for local landowners. Jordan’s 2015 scientific publication pointed to a successful project in the John Day Basin where reintroduced beavers helped increase the water table in Bridge Creek. A Baugh Creek, Idaho, project pictured on the partnership web site,, created a wet fire break in the land. Successful beaver collaboration projects are becoming more common across the northern U.S., Jordan said.

That’s right! If you want water and salmon work for beavers! Oregon has been shouting this from the rooftops practically since there were roofs. It’s good to see this partnership gaining traction.

Still, the long-held belief persists that the simplest solution is to kill them, Bangs said. Replacing that belief with other possibilities will take some time.

“Beaver will do what they do,” Jordan said. “It won’t be right for everyone.” In a recent op-ed published in the Los Angeles Times, he suggested beaver projects are a benefit to public as well as private lands. “We can entice beavers to remote areas such as millions of acres of national forest and other federal and state lands. And we have tools to prevent beavers’ work from damaging property, such as devices that keep beaver ponds at safe levels, fencing or paint to protect trees and screening to ensure drainage systems are not plugged.”

The council this year is gathering information from land managers about beaver practices that work in the Willamette Valley — and those that don’t. The information they gather will be shared on a website to help landowners choose which strategies would be best to help with specific beaver-related issues.

“People are already making the choice to do that behind the scenes. This is an opportunity to share that message,” Larson said.

I have a good idea what kinds of beaver management works best. It’s called let them live there and make it work. Sound good to you?

Later this winter, Bangs is scheduled to talk about beaver ecology and restoration, one of several “Sips ‘n’ Science” presentations hosted by the Luckiamute Watershed Council that is open to the public. More information is at Willamette Valley folks who want to contribute their beaver experiences to the project can do so at

When you really want to talk to people about a very important thing you need them to hear, you should start by listening. Seems counterintuitive right? It’s not. Being heard and listened to creates the “landing pad” where your important message can drop. It’s not always the easiest thing because you may feel you already know the answer, but trust me. listening IS the answer.

Well, listening and beavers.

Lately it seems like everyone is just waking up to the idea that beavers perform beneficial tasks. Beavers clean water, they proclaim. Beavers can mitigate climate change! Beavers can make up for the snow pack. Everyone is SO surprised.  I can’t help feeling a little affronted that it took them THIS long to notice.

Where ya been guys?

People in Montana are constructing artificial beaver dams to re-create their ecological benefits and, hopefully, attract the animal back to the area.

The reason they’re doing this is that the ecological benefits of beaver dams have been lost. Going back to the 1800s. Trappers have reduced the number of beavers there. And because the snowmelt is rarer with climate change, with warmer temperatures, with a recent drought, and without beaver dams, it’s actually changed the environment, and made areas less marshy because water runs through more quickly. And there have been several beaver dams constructed by humans to replicate the environmental benefits of dams built by actual beavers. And there’s actually a hope that the existence of beaver dams built by people will help draw back actual beavers.

Goodness gracious! Actually wanting beavers back in Montana? Will wonders never cease? Next think you’ll be telling me is that some farming state thinks they’re worth while.

Beaver dams:             Beneficial for watersheds?

AMES, Iowa – A novel research project investigating beavers and the dams they build is exploring the influence of this industrious, little-known animal on water quality and hydrology (water movement) within Iowa watersheds.

Beck is leading a project to learn more, with assistance from Andrew Rupiper, a graduate student in natural resource ecology and management. Their three-year study, supported by the Iowa Nutrient Research Center, is looking at beaver dams across north-central Iowa’s Des Moines Lobe region, with a focus on dams at two locations. One is along Prairie Creek, at the Smeltzer Farm near Ft. Dodge — a larger watershed almost entirely in row crops, where the stream is more steeply incised, and the water runs faster. The other is along Caton Branch, near Woodward, Iowa — a smaller, wider stream with more tree cover, in a watershed of about 70% cropland. 

“We’re really starting from scratch to try and understand if these fascinating rodents have an appreciable impact on our watersheds, and if so, what it might be,” Rupiper said.

Beck and Rupiper will discuss their study, ”Beavers: Superheroes for Water Quality?” at a free, virtual field day on Thursday, Feb. 9, from 1-2 p.m. The event is hosted by the Iowa Learning Farms in partnership with the Iowa Nutrient Research Center and the Conservation Learning Group.

What in tarnation is going on here!?! You mean the rat trap of those measly rodents that my cousin Asher just blew up on his corn field do good things for the water and soil? Do you have a screw loose? Are you pulling my leg?

Beavers: How Nature’s Engineers Are Making a Comeback

To some, the beaver is an important symbol of North America’s diverse wildlife. Others revere the animal for its productivity. (You’ve no doubt heard the phrase “busy as a beaver!”)

To others, though, the beaver is simply a pest to be dealt with. Over the years, this bucktoothed critter has gained a bad reputation among landowners for its tendency to chew down trees and craft intricate dams capable of stopping a rushing river and flooding agricultural land. 

Although people sometimes complain about beavers chewing down trees, they actually create more habitats than they destroy. Landowners have also voiced fears that beavers can damage valuable salmon stocks in local rivers. Beavers don’t eat fish—though plenty of people think they do—and landowners mistakenly imagine their dams could cause problems.

Well not mistakenly exactly. Dams CAN cause problems. Just like tires can get flats. But smart landowners FIX the problems rather than throw the entire car away. There’s enough good that beavers can do for us that it’s worth a little effort to keep them around.

Not only do beaver-built waterworks create habitats for wildlife, but they also improve water quality and mitigate the threats of climate change, such as drought and flooding. American Indians referred to the beaver as the “sacred center” of the land, because this magnificent critter creates such rich, watery habitat for other mammals, fish, turtles, frogs, birds and ducks.

Maybe beavers are like love itself. Life would be easier without them or if we didn’t need them, but it would be much less rich and rewarding. All in all beavers might just have their uses, but for most of the world they’re still hoping that something better comes along… 



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