Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Month: July 2024

This was all over the beaver air waves yesterday. It bothers me strangely more than perhaps it should.

Chewy will now kindly send 12 cans of beaver meat to your beloved Fido or Mr. fluffy pants for 66 dollars  (with free shipping!) and since the company is based in Minnesota there can be no shortage of supply.

I just hate the idea of thirty somethings talking baby talk to their beloved pet while opening a can of beaver meat. I mean I love dogs as much as the  next woman but do dogs protect us from drought or fire? Can dogs help us with climate change?

I’ll ask Lassie.

It is true that beavers chew sticks which dogs love to chase. but does that mean necessarily that dogs should chew beavers?

Sumit Singh is the Chief Executive Officer of Chewy. He makes a little more than 35 million a year and might need to hear what you think about this.

Chewy CEO Sumit Singh
7700 W Sunrise Blvd.
Plantation, FL

Dear pet-providers,

I am writing to express my concern about the canine caviar product marketed as beaver meat. Obviously neither the beavers or the canines are endangered, and the country has lots of both. My concern isn’t that we will “run out of beavers” (although we certainly did once,” it is that we will run out of people who understand how valuable these animals are to the planet, at the very time in which we need them most. In study after study beavers have been shown to reduce fires, mitigate drought, slow flooding and boost biodiversity. I am sure every pet owner wants clean fresh water to give to themselves and their dog. Beavers and their carefully maintained dams improve water quality and remove toxins, phospherous and nitrogen.

Are you sure their meat sold in a can is the best way to secure their services?

It is certainly alienating to beaver advocates like myself who cannot imagine making another order with your company or any company you partner with as long as your protection of this species remains so unclear.

BeaverCon will be a Colorado gathering in October of scientists and advocates focused on research and education for this valuable ecosystem engineer. If I were your CEO I would make a very noisy donation to this event and back away from the sales of beaver meat as quietly as possible.

As the climate warms beaver services are now being valued more than ever and your tone deaf product fails to grasp an essential truth being recognized about nature based solutions.

Even Lassie knows better.


Funny to hear this most dam famous dam letter read aloud. Enjoy!

If the promised land ever comes to beavers in our lifetimes, it will come first to Vermont. Home of Skip Lisle inventor of the beaver deceiver and the man who solved our problems years ago.

Vt. towns look to mitigate flooding while allowing beavers to thrive



The LAist is wild about beavers. Check out their recent homage.

Wildfire fighters

Why it matters: But in recent years there has been a growing interest in traditional ecological knowledge from tribes, and the beaver has become celebrated as an ecological engineer. 

The backstory: Prior to colonization, the North American beaver population was estimated to be around 200 million. But in the 1800’s, beavers were hunted for their pelts by settlers, decimating the population, while farmers and landowners viewed — and still view them — as pests.

What’s next: After a decade of work, the Tule River Tribe has released nine beavers into the nation’s reservation in the foothills of California’s southern Sierra Nevada mountains. The beavers are expected to make the landscape more fire and drought resistant. Beaver dams trap water in pools, making the flow of water slower so the surrounding ecosystem can reap the benefits of the moisture while making it more difficult for forest fires to start.

Go deeper: To learn about how exactly beavers can impact their local ecosystems…

First a love affair with a mountain lion and now THIS! LA is a city that’s ready to try anything once.

After a decade of work, the Tule River Tribe has released nine beavers into the nation’s reservation in the foothills of California’s southern Sierra Nevada mountains. The beavers are expected to make the landscape more fire and drought resistant. Beaver dams trap water in pools, making the flow of water slower so the surrounding ecosystem can reap the benefits of the moisture while making it more difficult for forest fires to start. They can also help a forest heal after a fire by rehydrating the area.

“We’ve been through numerous droughts over the years,” Kenneth McDarmet said, who is a Tule River tribal member and former councilman. “It’s going to be wonderful to watch them do their thing.”

What do you know?

Around 80% of the Tule River Reservation’s drinking water comes from the Tule watershed. Because the area is so important for the health of the community, the tribe has been preparing the area since 2014, building manmade dams to help the new beavers adapt more quickly.

Temperatures worldwide are expected to get hotter, increasing drought and creating conditions that make wildfires bigger and more deadly. In California, some of the worst wildfires on record have happened in the last five years partly due to drought. In 2020, three fires burned almost a million acres in the Sierra Nevada Forest, and in 2021 a wildfire burned an additional 1.5 million acres. Bringing beavers back may offer a break.

And a bunch of micro climates.

Prior to colonization, the North American beaver population was estimated to be around 200 million. But in the 1800’s, beavers were hunted for their pelts by settlers, decimating the population, while farmers and landowners viewed — and still view them — as pests. Today, the beaver population is estimated to be about 12 million.

But in recent years there has been a growing interest in traditional ecological knowledge from tribes, and the beaver has become celebrated as an ecological engineer.

In 2022, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, or CDFW, secured funding for the Beaver Restoration Program, a program designed to restore the beaver population and support conservation efforts. In 2023, the CDFW recognized beavers as a keystone species, an animal that affects other animals on the landscape like bison or bees, and thus influences the ecosystem in major ways. Their absence typically has negative effects on the landscape and its interconnected ecosystems.

I believe the phrase “dragged kicking and screaming” was accidentally omitted from this paragraph.  That would at least explain the deep claw marks stretching from Sacramento to Fresno.

Today, the CDFW program partners with tribes, non-profit organizations, land-owners, and state and federal entities to restore beaver populations and habitats in an effort to improve climate change, drought, and wildfire resilience in California.

“We expect better habitat conditions for native critters on the land,” said Krysten Kallum, a public information officer with the CDFW. “It creates a refuge for plants and wildlife.”

More water means more plants that can attract other types of animals to the area. The CDFW expects to see better habitat development for amphibians like the western pond turtles, southern mountain yellow-legged frogs, and southwestern willow flycatchers, which will help increase biodiversity.

McDarment, of Tule River, said that tribal pictographs show beavers living in the area, and it’s good to see them here again.

“My hope is to have beaver throughout the reservation,” he said.

It’s a new day, baby. A new day.



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