PEEC Presents Program On Reintroduction Of Beavers At Bandelier National Monument
Bandelier National Monument’s Biological Science Technician Priscilla Hare will discuss the Beaver Reintroduction Program at Bandelier National Monument this evening. Attend in-person at the Nature Center or via Zoom at 6 p.m. Wednesday, March 8. Learn more at Photo Courtesy PEEC
Heidi posted on this project in November of last year. It looks like it will be an informative talk and the ticket price is reasonable — FREE! More about the project is here:
Under the Willows | Beavers Return To Bandelier National Monument

More good press on the petition to Biden on the WildEarth Guardians site:
Large coalition of nonprofit organizations, scientists, and advocates call on President Biden to protect beaver on federal lands
Beavers have been touted as an efficient and natural climate change mitigator
I’d say that beavers are PROVEN to be excellent at repairing riparian systems that we have damaged and if we work along with them and decide not to keep doing things that harm the environment, the climate will soon began to improve for all.
Great talk by Ecologist Mark Beardsley on process based river restoration on Sarah Koenigsberg’s Vimeo site:
Restoring Rocky Mountain beaver wetland landscapes
And another excellent presentation by Geologist Ellen Wohl:
Hoping that Heidi will be back to posting soon!!