Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Month: March 2022

Time for some good news for a change. This dropped from the sky two days ago but I had grim things I  needed to report on first. It’s Sunday night. Let’s have a nice beaver-bask and read something positive for a change. From Sean Kriletich at the Calaveras Enterprise,

‘Smokey the Beaver’ and the role furry aquatic critters play in preventing wildfire spread

These warm winter days have kept my hands busy in the soil and forest, reducing the amount of time I would ordinarily spend on research. However, this week I did take time to follow the sandhill cranes north and join over 50 people to attend the Scott River Watershed Information Forum in Siskiyou County, Calif. Over the course of three days, this event featured a wealth of information, ranging from site visits to mine tailings restoration projects and shaded fuel breaks, to presentations in the historic and very comfortable Etna Theater. (more…)

FINALLY! This is the kind of news story I live for! I wish we got a story like this every week, not every blue moon. Just so you appreciate the beauty part Natick is in Massachusetts, hope of the many trapped beaver. And Mike Callahan.

Natick holding town-wide beaver discussion

Beavers are really bringing people together in Natick. Three town groups—Natick’s Conservation Commission, Trails and Forest Stewardship Committee, and Open Space Advisory Committee—will unite for a town-wide beaver discussion on Wednesday, March 9 at 7pm

“The impetus for the discussion is the impact beavers are having on the trails at Town Forest specifically,” says Claire Rundelli, Planner Conservation Agent, Natick Community and Economic Development. “The beaver dam within Little Jennings pond has caused such a backup of water it has flooded out a number of trail sections, including a portion of the main trail in Town Forest. It has also resulted in a bridge needing to be removed, as the high water levels had caused water to flow over the bridge which would have damaged the wood in the long-run if left in place.” (more…)

Every so often I hear from the new believer crowd that the “Tide has finally turned” and that  “People understand why beavers matter now” and I make a grinding noise with my teeth and push back my bangs and point to articles like this. In FIELD AND STREAM no less.

It’s not over till its over.

You’ve Never Tried Beavercue? Maybe You Need to Start Trapping

I know hunters who are uncomfortable with trapping because they don’t like the idea of killing an animal without eating it. Generally, I’m of that mindset too. But there are limits. I’ve seen the virtue-signaling videos of people cooking and eating coyotes, for example, and carrying on as if they’ve done something really noble. But every winter I watch turkey vultures ignore skinned coyotes. Personally, I can avoid eating anything a buzzard won’t touch and still sleep OK. (more…)

File this under ARE YOU FREAKIN’ KIDDING ME column. You would think that after doing this for 14 years I would lose the ability to be completely shocked with horror at the bizarre and grisly torture muggles invent for beavers but this takes the proverbial wedding cake.

Grisly experiment at south Georgia swamp leads to “monster” discovery

WAYCROSS, Ga. — Biologists in south Georgia set off on a grisly experiment at the Okefenokee Swamp Park that led to some “monster” results. UGA Coastal Ecology Lab found a dead beaver floating in the swamp. So they did the natural thing that scientists do: Set a camera up next to the carcass to see what monster would rise from the deep to make it a meal.

A series of photos taken by the researchers’ spy camera gives a spectacular, up-close look at the giant alligator that eventually snacked on the carcass in its natural habitat. The photos were captured over a period of a couple days in which the alligator snacked on, played with and basked with his prey. (more…)

What is wrong with me? I had grand plans for a beaver festival and a beaver mural but I never even thought about a “Beaver Park”! How silly I was and how cool would it be to have THIS at the marina.

Well lots of people in Delaware are way smarter than me, because they already made this a reality. I’m suddenly getting a very strong urge for a field trip. (more…)



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