Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Month: March 2022

This is your last chance to learn about living with beavers from sustainable Corvalis tonight: I’m especially interested in the second talk from the parks person “Ten Years Observing  the Beavers” which is about what Martinez got.


Learning to live with beaver communities is one of the more productive actions we can take to help survive climate change, drought and wildfires. Benton County has a long, dark history of slaughtering local beaver. There is finally movement to change that course of history in Benton County.

Meet and hear some of these changemakers in a 3-part webinar starting:


The 2022 Liz and Bob Frenkel Hiking and the Environment Spring Webinar Series is focused on local beaver and human interactions. The first webinar shows you how a beaver functions and how our local governments manage beaver activities and lives. The second webinar shows you how “beaver deceiver” technologies are helping local landowners and beaver live together, how beavers can be used in the planning for Oak Creek regeneration and how current State legislation that could help beavers help us. The final webinar features world-famous beaver believers showing us how beavers will not only help our local community survive and thrive, but how beaver will help humanity survive globally.

Webinar #1: THURSDAY, MARCH 31st – 6:30-8:00 PM

Local Beavers: How They Live and How We Live with Them

Presenters include:

  • Brian Bangs, Aquatic Ecologist, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Region 9 – “How Beavers Function
  • America McMillan Parks Operations Specialist, City of Corvallis Parks & Recreation Department – “Ten Years Observing the Beavers of Starker Arts Park
  • Sheanna Steingass – Benton County Environmental Project Coordinator, Agriculture and Wildlife Protection Program – “The Benton County Way to Manage Beaver
  • Q&A follows.

You must register in advance to view. Even if you cannot watch the presentation live, by registering, you will receive the link to the recording a few days following the live webinar.

To register for your personal link to the 1st webinar, click on:

Did you ever have one of those days at the beach or the lake where it wasn’t too cold and wasn’t too hot and you were there with just the right people and just the right beverage and the sun was warm and sleepy and you laid in the sand and just BASKED.

There’s been soo much good news lately I feel like I’ve been Basking in Beavers.

Take this beautiful report from Blaine Callahan in Connecticut is a reminder of all the good things that can happen when people live with beavers.

Exploring the Last Green Valley: Beavers, nature’s eager and industrious engineer

Last week I traveled to New Hampshire to walk the forest lands my grandparents purchased in the early 1930s. In the woods are beaver ponds, each in a different stage of use or abandonment. March is a perfect time to get a close look at each of them when the still-frozen ground and ice makes for easier walking on wetlands. (more…)

I realized yesterday’s story in Marin was a big, big deal. All day different people, including my 94 year old uncle. sent it to me. It occurred to me, it was the first time, not counting Martinez I mean, that Californians really DEMANDED beavers. Asking CDFW to allow them to have beavers is pretty groundbreaking. I kept hearing the tune of Dire Straits “I want my, I want my.I want my MTV” all day in the back of my mind. Except we’d have to change it to “I want my BÆV”

And then there’s articles like this; From the California Water Blog

Nature has solutions…What are they? And why do they matter?

California’s water problems are intense; so much so they are often referred to as ‘wicked’ for their extraordinary depth of complexity and general unsolvability. Yet it recently occurred to me that some of the better and more creative solutions often derive from one particular source – nature itself. Indeed, studies of nature-based solutions or ‘NBS’ are rising rapidly (Davies and Lafortezza 2019; Nelson et al. 2020; Acreman et al. 2021), and are especially popular within the NGO and environmental communities. (more…)

Now I’ve been alive a long, long time. And I’ve been waiting for the state agencies to pick up the beaver gauntlet like a puppy with her tongue hanging out watching the Purina box shake. But I honestly never thought I’d see this. Wade Crowfoot, Secretary of Natural Resources talking about beaver as if the were — well — a natural resource.

My favorite part is when he says the GOVERNOR has asked him this several times.

“A Great question and one that Gavin Newsom asjed me about and continues to ask me about”

Color me all kinds of happy. Now I’m very demanding. Immediately after throwing a party that he said this at all I became very dissatisfied that he doesn’t say more. That the first thing he thinks of doing with them is throwing them out of airplanes. That he relies on these mealy mouth tropes that beavers don’t belong everywhere.

Of course they don’t. They should only be where people need to drink water.

But it all makes great timing for this article to emerge. I heard this week that the Marin Municipal Water District was voting on this issue in their last meeting, and by the looks of things the measure passed,

Marin interests make push for beavers in Lagunitas Creek

A coalition of biologists, ranchers, public agencies and environmental groups is exploring the idea of reintroducing beavers to lower Lagunitas Creek as a way to improve habitat for endangered salmon and provide benefits to nearby landowners.

While the idea of reintroducing beavers to Marin is by no means new or close to being implemented, it recently has gained a broader range of supporters who are now endeavoring to bring state wildlife officials on board.

Two ranches near Point Reyes Station that include sections of the creek have given their support for allowing beavers on the land. The Marin Municipal Water District, which is responsible for monitoring Lagunitas Creek and its endangered fish runs, is preparing a letter to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to begin more seriously evaluating the idea.

“At this point, more people are involved in the discussion than used to be involved,” said Eric Ettlinger, an aquatic ecologist with the district. “I think more people are going to be brought into the discussion including the public. We are closer, but there is still a long way to go to work out all of the details of reintroducing beavers.”

I’d definitely involve the public, because they’re the ones that are going to be dealing with these beavers on the front lines. I’m really interested in how this issue plays out, because Marin County is chock full of money and influence.  At the California table, they usually get what they want.

While beavers do reside in nearby counties, there has never been a beaver relocation project in the Bay Area, according to the state.

“I am not aware of any beaver relocations in the state since the 1950s,” said Greg Martinelli, lands program manager with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.

But many questions and issues would need to be resolved before the semi-aquatic mammals would arrive in Lagunitas Creek. The state would want to know whether there is suitable habitat, what residents think of the idea, whether there is a risk to human health or safety, whether there is an urgency to take action, how disease transmission would be prevented and what the intended benefits would be.

One of the main drivers in the push to bring beavers to Marin is the benefit their dams could provide to endangered salmon runs and other wildlife on Lagunitas Creek.

The creek has the largest population of Central Coast coho salmon from Monterey Bay to the Sonoma-Mendocino County line. The salmon population, once believed to have been in the thousands, dwindled to the low hundreds as the creek was dammed and other land-use changes occurred.

Well well well. You know Jerry Brown’s water guy lives in Marin and has been ringing this bell for some time. Things are finally shifting a little. Good, I’m sure Marin has all the skills to make this happen, if it can happen.

One of the main strategies biologists are using to restore salmon populations throughout the state is working to recreate their historic habitat, mainly by anchoring large wooden logs in the creek and restoring lost floodplains. The logs were often removed from the creek without an understanding of their benefits to the salmon, including habitat, food and refuge from predators.

The Marin Resource Conservation District has been working with landowners to make these habitat improvements, which often come at the cost of millions of dollars. Nancy Scolari, the district’s executive director, said the same benefits can be achieved through beaver dams.

“They essentially do all the work that we do to help with the environment, but they don’t have to do any of the paperwork,” Scolari said.

Additionally, some ranchers in different parts of the state have found that floodplains created by beavers helped irrigate their pastures longer, providing more forage and better livestock distribution, Scolari said.

Other benefits include groundwater recharge and removing silt from streams, Martinelli said.

Here that clock ticking? It’s time. It’s Time. It’s TIME.

At the same time, Scolari said, there are potential drawbacks that continue to concern ranchers and property owners. For one, beavers introduced to one area could end up establishing themselves in other parts of the county. Other issues include disease transmission, bank destabilization, flooding, agricultural damage, depredation and property damage.

“There are still many questions,” Ettlinger said. “These are still early days. I think we’re far from requesting that beavers be relocated.”

The Black Mountain Ranch and the Gallagher Ranch, which both have sections of Lagunitas Creek running through the properties, have expressed support for reintroducing beavers on their land. Black Mountain Ranch owner Marcel Houtzager said he has worked on other habitat restoration projects and learned about the potential benefits of beavers.

While he said his cattle likely wouldn’t benefit from the project — the nearly 2 miles of the creek running through the property mostly go through wooded terrain — the bees, birds and other animals likely would.

“I have zero commercial incentive to be excited about this,” Houtzager said. “The habitat around the creek is important.”

‘Nuff said.

Every so often the universe throws you a truly unexpected gift. You’re just sitting at home, minding no body’s business – not even your own – when this song is dropped on a podcast that a friend sends to Jeff Baldwin and he passes on to you.

You MUST play this recording. You. Just. Must.

I’m told it’s the work of Anna Bosnick and was played friday on The Scathing Aethiest to mock the ‘I’m into Jesus’ meme. I’m sure they never intended to hold the full ecological discussion it deserves. But Anna obviously read Ben’s book or spent some time admiring a beaver pond.

I would like to edit the lyrics just a little to cover the biodiversity a beaver brings and then have her play at the beaver festival. The website says she lives in New Jersey so it’s a bit of a commute, but I’m sure she’d be happy to help out.

Sound good?

The confusing part is that Anna teaches fiddle lessons and is an accomplished fiddler. And hey we had the Scottish Fiddlers at our festival for years and years and years and watched the remarkably skilled siblings grow up before our eyes. You don’t think…?



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Ranger rick

The meeting that started it all

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