Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Month: October 2021

This was just released yesterday and you should get everyone you know to watch it. Carol Evans is blossoming in retirement. Clearly you need to be a little bit retired to fully speak your mind about beavers if you work for a large federal agency. Or a state agency, Or anywhere really. You get the idea.

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I can’t believe the headline isn’t from me, but you’ll never guess who that quippy little approximation of Biden’s infrastructure plan came from: Boris Johnson. But it works, I like it, and I’m taking it forward. Lots of surprises this morning, 30 names added to the letter so far. And a nice upcoming talk with Dr. Fairfax that mentions the beaver festival?

Beavers in the Landscape with Dr Emily Fairfax

Beaver dams are gaining popularity as a low-tech, low-cost strategy to build climate resiliency at the landscape scale. Emily Fairfax

Join Santa Barbara Permaculture Network for an evening with Dr. Emily Fairfax, PhD. as she shares her research focused on beaver, a keystone species that until very recently was a vastly underrated ecosystem restoration hero. Passionate about science from a young age, Emily Fairfax was happy when nature and science came together with her interest in beavers. As a geoscientist who studies ecohydrology of wetlands and riparian areas, it was a perfect academic and vocational match.

With extended droughts and catastrophic fires plaguing California and the West in recent years, Dr. Fairfax began focusing her research on the impact of beaver on wildfires. Squishy, wet landscapes simply don’t burn. And where beaver are, with multiple dam complexes and ponds, squishy land abounds. These conclusions prompted Fairfax to coin the phrase “Smokey the Beaver”. (more…)

Send me your name and title if you want to add your signature to this letter by November 5th, or send your own comments. Review the document here: Expanding Nature Based Solutions (more…)

Well will you look at that! The California Natural Resources agency just released their guidelines for nature based solutions to the Climate Smart strategy ordered by the Governor and they’re asking for public input. Isn’t that a coincidence because I was just about to offer some!


This was nice to see, from the Colorado Rockies side of the Audubon family. Of course it’s true for all the other places water flows too. But you knew that.

Beavers Offer Help for Western Waters

Colorado and the West face unprecedented drought conditions, impacts from wildfires, and water scarcity driven by climate change. These changes threaten our local and regional water supplies, our food supply, bird habitat, economies, and our quality of life. Beavers can help mitigate these impacts. Beavers re-shape the landscapes where they live, creating wet meadow complexes in an otherwise dry area. These diverse wetlands provide important habitat for birds and other wildlife. Beaver wetlands even survived Colorado’s largest wildfire, the Cameron Peak Fire, and continue to provide critical water quality and wildlife habitat functions, a weighty win-win.

To learn more, Audubon Rockies staff went into the Poudre Canyon to capture images of the stark, burnt landscape surrounding vibrant green vegetation and clear flowing water at the Cameron Peak burn scar. We also caught up with an ecohydrologist and researcher who specializes in beavers, Dr. Emily Fairfax, to ask questions about the resilience and benefits of beaver complexes. Here’s what we learned. (more…)



Beaver Alphabet Book



Our story told around the county

Beaver Interactive: Click to view




Ten Years

The Beaver Cheat Sheet



Ranger rick

The meeting that started it all

Past Reports

Story By Year


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