Beavers are catching on. And they dam well should be. Look what’s happening in Corvalis Oregon.
I was contacted by Ralph a while back and plied with questions about our festival. I gave lots of ideas including getting some children’s activities that could teach about why beavers matter. I told him about our beaver billboards and beaver tours and he invited me to come talk about our work in Martinez but I demurred. Too bad covid is still requiring masks but I’m hopeful that will get lots of photos of Oregonians in beaver tails soon.

Now that’s enough good news for one day, but while I was still glowing over this I got an email from Karen Pope at the forest service who was part of our Beaver summit team and she suggested that there was a call for natural resource inspired ornaments for the White house Christmas tree and wouldn’t it be great to have a beaver one?
Every year, a different national forest is selected to provide a tree to appear on the west lawn of the U.S. Capitol building for the holiday season. The 2021 tree will come from the Six Rivers National Forest in California. From ornament making and special events to sponsorships and a cross-country tour, we invite you to follow the journey to D.C. Throughout the year.
They are calling for ornaments for both the large white house tree AND the several smaller trees they will erect around town.
Large Ornaments Requirements (4,000 needed)
The large ornaments will decorate the outdoor 2021 U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree.
– 9 to 12 inches
– Colorful & reflective
– Lightweight
– Durable materials such as natural products (wood, pine cones, shells, etc.), aluminum or repurposed material
– Weatherproof to withstand the elements (wind, rain, & snow)
– Will be hung from 14 gauge wire
How to submit ornaments
Click here to view mailing information and drop off locations.
Ornaments must be submitted by Sept. 15, 2021.
Well sure it’s not a lot of time for folks to get it together but it comes in handy if you already have the perfect graphic. I spoke with Amy Hall yesterday and have her full consent to print this on wood and run with it.