St Patrick is celebrated for driving the snakes out of Ireland. Maybe Starlight Baptist church will be remembered for trapping the beavers out of Alabama.
Beaver builds a dam that floods Starlight Baptist Church
MOBILE COUNTY, Ala. (WALA) – Starlight Baptist Church has a unique pest problem. Beavers have made a dam underneath a railroad sewage drain causing flooding in the area.
The Original Starlight Baptist Church was established In 1867. The church will be celebrating its 158th anniversary this coming weekend. Pastor Joseph Barren Sr. told Fox 10 how concerning this flooding is starting to become.
“We have this problem this flooding problem. Out of the 26 years I have been here I’ve never had this much water before. I had no idea that beavers were out there, but this is what I was informed that this was a beaver problem that was causing the dam up under the railroad track.”