Someone on the block has a SHINY new website to test drive. Mike Callahan of Beaver Solutions was once the only website with useful information available lo these many years ago. Now he’s improved the look, feel and accessibility with so many real changes. Go check it out!
It’s got a section about pond overflow, and his Snomish Pond Leveler for salmon. It’s even got a ‘blog’ section where he can write about latest exploits. And some nice beaver photos that I’m curious about. No credits that I can see but I wonder who took them? Mike works in beaver habitat A LOT but he usually doesn’t get to watch them.
Oh look, he has a new resource page that isn’t alphabetical anymore and we’re STILL FOURTH. After the link to Wikipedia that I got Rick to write with Mike and the link to its own website and the link to BWW again because why the hell not? (You know writing about every single goddamn day that happens in the beaver world every day and broadcasting it for every one to read for free isn’t NEARLY as important as offering a newsletter for money a couple times a year.)
Vanity aside, the thing I have always liked least about Mike’s website has not changed and in fact has gotten worse. Besides being patently not true, if he had given this advice to our city in 2008 the beavers would have been killed. Thank goodness none of the city council did any research on their own and I certainly wasn’t going to tell them.
Unless it’s Martinez, where Skip Lisle dropped the dam by 2-3 feet and our beavers decided to stay.