The whole of California is literally on fire, family and friends are evacuated, our oldest state park burned to the ground last night, and no one knows it what remains of Big Basin’s giant redwoods. Plus there is supposedly another lightening storm on the way.
Thank God for some sweet good news relief.
Wolverines return to Mount Rainier National Park after 100-year absence
WASHINGTON — Mount Rainier National Park has some rare new residents this summer. For the first time in over a century, scientists said they discovered the first reproductive female wolverine and her two offspring, called kits, in the park.
That’s one powerful trail cam. Notice how they run, almost like raccoons with arms and legs of different lengths. I used to have an old english calendar with a tear of word of the day. One of my favorites was “Hurple” which is kind of like a like a variation of a limp. To walk in an ungainly way when your limbs are different sizes. Raccoons hurple. And so do wolverines but they hurple powerfully. Just look at that foot.
When researchers are looking for wolverine they famously nail a little of its favorite food to a tree by a camera and wait. Of course you can guess what it’s favorite food is and why it is being featured on a beaver website. Wolverines are the definition of wild.
I hope the fact that there are more of them mean there’s more of their favorite food to go around.