The news is quite catching, you see, like a cough
It just takes one news to start other news off
Right now on the covers of seven more papers
Great news are in blossom! They’re rising like vapors.
A paraphrase of Dr Seuss’ Sleep book.
The unhappy BBC did its job. Despite their mealy mouthed un-coverage of the quaint Stirling ‘study’ they set off a host of reports yesterday and today around the science-reporting world. I must have received 5 emails telling me that they were in “Science Daily“, or “The National” and finally our good friends at Or as we’ve come to think of them….
Beavers bring environmental benefits
Examining head water streams which drain water from 13 hectares of Scottish countryside, scientists compared areas where beavers had been active with areas in which they were absent. The study formed part of a programme of research at this site by Stirling scientists that has been ongoing since 2003.
Leading the research Dr Nigel Willby of the School of Natural Sciences, said: “Our study found that beaver behaviours have several benefits for the environment. Their dam building skills help restore degraded streams and increase the complexity of the surrounding habitat, consequently increasing the number of species found by 28 per cent. The dams also help improve pollutant levels and store flood water.”
I for one, am shocked, SHOCKED! I tell you, to find that beavers perform a similar function in a narrow patch of southern England as they do in all of Europe and North America! I ask you, what’s next? Will you expect me to believe that gravity functions similarly around the globe? Or that light travels at the same speed no matter what country you’re in? Here’s a photo of that radical beaver conspiracy theorist and an interview from today’s “Good morning Scotland”.
Favorite question: Is biodiversity always a good thing?
Last night’s presentation was well received I think, and folks were positive about the mural. Just got word that the PRMCC voted to approve the project and send it for review by the city council. Hurray! Mario came with his updated painting including a chewed tree and a beautiful green heron. Really exciting to see how this comes together. If you want to watch the presentation (and happen to have powerpoints on your computer) click on the photo below. I tried embedding it on slideshare but it lost all my animation, so I’ve given up on that idea. The average ppt presentation uses about a pinky fingernail size of what the program is capable of – so folks looked pretty impressed last night.