Every so often I hear from the new believer crowd that the “Tide has finally turned” and that “People understand why beavers matter now” and I make a grinding noise with my teeth and push back my bangs and point to articles like this. In FIELD AND STREAM no less.
It’s not over till its over.
You’ve Never Tried Beavercue? Maybe You Need to Start Trapping
I know hunters who are uncomfortable with trapping because they don’t like the idea of killing an animal without eating it. Generally, I’m of that mindset too. But there are limits. I’ve seen the virtue-signaling videos of people cooking and eating coyotes, for example, and carrying on as if they’ve done something really noble. But every winter I watch turkey vultures ignore skinned coyotes. Personally, I can avoid eating anything a buzzard won’t touch and still sleep OK. (more…)