Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Tag: Susan Davies

argyllGreat news this morning from across the pond, (unless you are terrified angler immune to facts).  It’s even in the Times. Nearly a decade after their famous trial began, beavers have finally been granted “native status” which means they can be allowed to belong there in small proscribed doses. We are thrilled at the news but can’t resist saying that we think calling beavers NATIVE after all these years is, as they say,  mighty white of you.

New beavers to be set free in Argyll

Scotland’s official wild beaver colony is set for a boost after conservationists were granted a special licence to bring in more of the animals to help ensure their survival. Up to 28 more beavers will be set free around lochans in Knapdale Forest, in Argyll, where a small population has been living since a trial reintroduction project was launched in 2009. <

The success of the five-year trial resulted in Scottish ministers granting the animals ‘native’ status, allowing them to remain in the wild and spread naturally. 

This marked the first successful reintroduction of any wild mammal to the UK.

There are at least two unofficial beaver colonies living wild in Scotland – a large one around Loch Tay in Perthshire and a small one near Beauly in the Highlands – thought to have sprung up after captive animals were illegally released. Scientists believe bringing in new beavers will give the small Knapdale population the best possible chance of thriving in the long-term and increase its genetic diversity. The animals will be sourced from a variety of locations and will be screened to ensure they are healthy before being allowed to set foot on Scottish soil. Read more: Beavers’ return to wild backed by Scots in survey The reinforcement will be carried out by Scottish Beavers, a new partnership between the Scottish Wildlife Trust (SWT) and the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS) created to continue the work of the Scottish Beaver Trial, under licence from Scottish Natural Heritage.
Conservationists says the move could safeguard the future for the newly reintroduced “native” species. “Reinforcing the population at Knapdale is an exciting step forward for the future of beavers in Scotland,” said Susan Davies, director of conservation at the Scottish Wildlife Trust.

“Beavers are natural engineers with a unique ability to create new wetland habitats. “They can benefit wildlife including otters, water voles, and dragonflies, and long-term research in Tayside has shown how their presence has revitalised previously drained land by doubling the range of plant species. “The ponds and pools created behind beaver dams can also help improve water quality and regulate flooding, and their return to Scotland has great potential to boost our growing wildlife tourism industry.”

This has been a epic journey from the very start and we have watched as they argued, prodded, measured and accommodated the concerns of the entire countryside to bring beavers on board. They have made more friends along the way and are in an even better position now, but the farmers and anglers are still in shock to discover they have to share their waters with beaver neighbors. Someone should really make them some brownies and tell them to have a snack while the grownups handle things.

We were wondering last night what America would be like if we had no beavers. Would the entire country agree to bring them back because they were good for the environment if it hadn’t already been done a century ago? Absolutely not we decided after a moments consideration. We do not share our spaces with wildlife, we can barely stand to farm differently or do anything for the bees who are in the direst of straights. We would never, never, never overcome the interests of industry to convince Americans to reintroduce beavers. It’s horrible but true.

It might interfere with our fracking, for heavens sake!

superSo Scotland deserves HIGH PRAISE INDEED, and the patient pressure of endless advocates, researchers and scientists has paid off at the highest levels. You have truly done a wonderous thing, and your American cousins are terribly proud of you. (And just in case you didn’t notice, those pesky illegal beavers helped your cause a great deal, because they forced people to care about this issue and put the advocacy at the street level where it belongs.) Congratulations Scotland! You did all the right things!

(I just watched this video all the way through and it brought tears. Good lord we’ve been at this a long time too.)



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