Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Tag: State of the Beaver Conference 2017

stateofLouise Ramsay posted this photo of what looks to be the well-attended start of the beaver conference yesterday and I was so struck with such gripping envy that I couldn’t remind myself why I wasn’t there listening greedily to every word. Thankfully my mother also sent along this news story and my sanity was restored, (if only briefly). Apparently 1-5 was closed at Medford due to snow and rock slides. Well, okay then.

snowYesterday was the day I most mind missing, (well one of the three anyway). Because it was the day that the Wales project was presenting and the day that Gerhard Schwab was presenting on the idea that most of what was needed to manage beavers in Germany was managing the people – their enormous fears and reluctance to share. Ahem! Which of course, is a topic near and dear to my heart.

This morning there will be a tribal welcome breakfast and I was supposed to present at 9:30. Then after a break Mike Callahan will have a big announcement which I will tell you about later because he asked me not to spoil his thunder here. Both Mike and Sherry of the Sierra Wildlife Coalition said they’d send me tidbits, so hopefully we’ll hear a little of what’s going on. In the meantime, I am hopeful that a few of you will enjoy this and feel like you are there. I guess it’s practically 9:30 now!

beaver strategy meetingOoh how nice to see the upcoming beaver conference get some positive press! I hope that gets many more curious people in the door.

Seven Feathers to host conference on beaver restoration

CANYONVILLE — Oregon’s official state animal, the beaver, plays an important role in the state’s wetland ecosystems. Those advocating for the beaver plan to convene next month for a series of presentations focusing on beaver ecology as a crucial part of threatened species recovery.

The fifth State of the Beaver Conference, slated for Feb. 22-24 at the Seven Feathers Convention Center in Canyonville, is meant “to provide an international venue for academia, agency and stakeholders together to disseminate information pertinent to beaver ecology,” according to Leonard Houston, conference coordinator and co-chair of the Beaver Advocacy Committee (BAC) of the South Umpqua Rural Community Partnership.

We chose the theme of ‘agents of regeneration’ largely to highlight the role that beavers play both in natural regeneration, which is ecological succession, and designed regeneration, which is restoration ecology,” Houston said.

Sherri Tippie and Me

The nicest part about this conference, and there are  many, is that the famous names you have been reading about for years here or elsewhere are walking or sitting right next to you. Or coming up to say ‘hi’ and ask

about your presentation. The truth is that it is both a blessing and unfortunate that the science of beaver ecology isn’t yet so advanced that names like Woodruff,  Obrien or Pollock can send

Mike Callahan and Me

their undergrads to do the presenting for them and report back if they find anything interesting. As renowned as they are, they have to do their reporting in person and are eager to share ideas and learn from each other. They’re even happy to hear what you have to say.

small suzanne
Suzanne Fouty and Me

Admittedly,they are probably even happier if you invite them out for a beer to say it. (And happier still if you offer to pay for it. Government salaries being what they are.)

santa barbara dinner
Michael Pollock, Mary Obrien, Sherri Guzzi, Mike Callahan and Me!

The point is, I think this is a golden moment in time where beaver science hasn’t become dominated and controlled by lofty minds and  big research institutions. You can contribute, you can interact.  They need you! But already the world is starting to shift. More and more folk are interested in taking charge of the beaver meme, and it won’t be easy and collegial forever.

Beavers are getting so famous, you better come this year. Just to be on the safe side.

MIT continues to make great strides on beaver-inspired wetsuits.

Leave It to Beaver: Why a furry wetsuit could keep you warmer and drier.

Beavers and sea otters lack the thick layer of blubber that insulates walruses and whales. And yet these small, semiaquatic mammals can keep warm and even dry while diving, by trapping warm pockets of air in dense layers of fur.

Inspired by these fuzzy swimmers, MIT engineers have now fabricated fur-like, rubbery pelts and used them to identify a mechanism by which air is trapped between individual hairs when the pelts are plunged into liquid.

The researchers are particularly interested in improving wetsuits for surfing, “where the athlete moves frequently between air and water environments,” says Anette (Peko) Hosoi, a professor of mechanical engineering and associate head of the department at MIT.

Biologists had observed that beavers and other semiaquatic mammals trap, or “entrain,” air in their fur. But, as graduate student Alice Nasto notes, “there was no thorough, mechanical understanding of that process. That’s where we come in.”

The team laid out a plan: fabricate fur-like surfaces of various dimensions, plunge the surfaces into liquid at varying speeds, and use video imaging to measure the air trapped in the fur during each dive.

“We have now quantified the design space and can say, ‘If you have this kind of hair density and length and are diving at these speeds, these designs

will trap air, and these will not,’” Hosoi says.

Ah science! Working so hard to do what nature does without thinking. Not much new in this news, I admit, but I like the graphic. Given the temperature outside yesterday I can understand the need for really efficient entrainment.

I found out this weekend that Lorne Fitch from Cows and Fish is accepting our offer of a transportation scholarship and coming to the State of the beaver conference in February! Whoo hoo! The line up looks really grand with folks from Whales, Scotland AND Germany flying out to present their beaver work, as well as American experts like Suzanne Fouty, Mike Callahan, Damion Ciotti and um, me. I also found out that stalwart beaver champions Sharon and Owen Brown of Beavers: Wetlands and Wildlife will be presenting there. Which is wonderful because I always get a little tired of hearing about ‘beavers as a means to an end’ by Friday! The video below is theirs and narrated by Sharon. You should really think about being there. We’re renting a house so we’d invite you for dinner and everything.

I’m not sure what to think about the Whit Gibbons learning curve. He wrote back that he’d look at the website and I sent him all sorts of educational links. His column is obviously syndicated and has appeared in a few other papers. But today’s appearance bears this headline:

Beavers Make Great Neighbors

Same exact column, but this one is printed in New York.  Authors don’t usually pick the headline. So who knows what the explanation is?


The State of the Beaver Conference Website is up and running. They are still in the process of adding presenters to the agenda so the schedule isn’t filled in yet, but it is already looking fine.

The State of the Beaver Conference

This Year’s Theme: Beaver – Agents of Regeneration

From its inception the Beaver Advocacy Committee (BAC) has well understood that a lack of data, disinformation and a dearth of understanding regarding the benefits of beaver ecology has dominated many State agency policy making venues. There was also evident a deeply entrenched cultural intransigence and social stigma in local communities associated with beaver in western society. “Grandfather did it this way and so do I.”

In contrast to this, many valuable studies have been done by several reputable academic institutions and government agency employees making it clear that beaver ecology a significant component essential to threatened specie recovery.

beaver_sceneAs a result BAC began directing its efforts to gather as much current information that they could find to address restoration ecology issues. A cursory survey of contemporary individuals interested in the science and application of beaver ecology turned up an wonderful array of resources. The end result was the establishment of the State of the Beaver Conference regime. A strategy to consistently meaningfully gather new and old beaver ecology advocates was born.

The conferences are designed to be low budget. Though we value immensely the investments  individuals have made  to glean data and discover critical influences of beaver ecology, we wanted to make the conferences affordable to anyone that wanted to come. At the same time it was important to have the highest caliber of academic and professional standards possible for the purposes of disseminating worthy information and networking. The design was to have science and information meld with grass roots passion and commitment. What value is a published pier reviewed scientific paper if it sits on a shelf or remains in the ethereal realms of intellectual nuance?

captureSince then we have had the incredible experience of working with deeply committed scientists, academics and visionary advocating individuals at these biennial events. People from across the world have come to the State of the Beaver Conferences to contribute their expertise and passion. Through the awesome venue of world communication we have become a support network to move this critical ecology forward. We do this as people of place connected to our own ecosystem health. The idealism that drives natural science discovery is melded with practitioners of restoration ecology and human infrastructure/nature interfaces. We are grateful for this participation.

We especially want to thank the many individuals who have contributed to the conference successes. There are far too many to enumerate individually. The Cow Creek Band of the Umpqua Tribe of Indians has been particularly generous in supporting this work. Needless to say we want to extend our sincere gratitude to Leonard and Lois Houston for their tireless commitment to enhance life in our world.

 Contact us at

The conference is truly  THE place to hear and talk about new developments being done to cooperate with beaver and benefit from their hard work. If you’ve ever thought about going you really should plan on making the trip. It’s a pleasant drive and it truly exciting to be in a room full  of these eager minds connecting and recharging off each other. I have heard that Cows and Fish’s Lorne Fitch is gratefully considering being there with Worth A Dam and Leonard Houston’s help. Obviously I’ll be there as well – so you’ll already know people.

Here’s the outline for my talk I just pulled together last weekend.

Surviving and Thriving with Urban Beavers

Urban streams boast the low gradients and comfortable conditions beavers prefer. Even more inviting, these neglected corridors often come decorated with appetizing trees. In 2015 alone 38 states reported beaver activity in urban areas. While trapping is still the most common answer to uninvited beavers, more and more cities like Martinez CA are learning to welcome these ecosystem engineers with surprisingly beneficial results.

2015 map with words

HEIDIDr. Perryman formed Worth A Dam to defend the beavers in her home town of Martinez CA. Using  outreach, resource coordination  and the  educational website ‘’ the group works to teach other cities how and why to co-exist with beavers. In 2016 the group won the John Muir Conservation award for education.  Since 2008 it has organized an annual beaver festival that has inspired similar efforts in 5 states and Canada. Last year, the festival was formerly recognized and added to the national congressional record. As California faces more drought years, Perryman believes that it is more important than ever to coexist with these important ‘water savers’.

Skip Lisle made a flow device in the conference hall at the first meeting which I didn’t attend. I talked Mike Callahan into attending the second one where I was star-struck to meet Sherri Tippie, Mary Obrien and Glynnis Hood. I convinced Leonard that Brock Dolman of OAEC should talk at the third one and Mike Settell of Watershed Guardians on stage as well.  I’ve played my little part in deepening the beaver bench over the years so to speak, and I sometimes get fed up of listening to talks were people are only thinking about using beavers as a means to an end but I always come back a little smarter and eager to work harder.



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