Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Tag: Raptors Are the Solution

More and more when I stumble towards the computer in the bleary hours and try an decide what to write about beavers, it is like being a raja sorting through a pile of rich jewels and deciding which to wear for the party. This morning I feel positively indulged with treasures. Let me assuage my Catholic guilt at having too much good fortune by sharing all of it with you! The first is from Melanie, who I met at the beaver dam Sunday night, and got her permission to post this morning. This is an example of how nurtured kits are by family members. We couldn’t even say if this is mom, because that’s a pretty big tail for our little mom. It might be dad or uncle for all I know, but I am certain beyond any doubt that beaver kits are loved.

Photo by Melanie 6-23-13

Many of you may be following the rodenticide-raptor problem which is killing and sickening hundreds and thousands of birds around the world and even prompted the EPA to rear its head in response. Our friend Lisa Owens Viani started the organization RATS {Raptors Are The Solution} to help educate and get cities to ban the poisons that are killing hawks an owls at an alarming rate. She has been hard at work to get the word out an asked me a while back if I thought Ian Timothy might be interested in helping and would I introduce them? So it turns out that Ian’s first natural passion was raptors and he was VERY interested. In the midst of going to Carnegie Hall and graduating from high school he agreed to work on this which was just released. Remember that telling the story is the most important thing we do, and Ian just made Lisa’s job a lot easier!

Isn’t that amazing? One of the things I love about his work, besides his delightful humor and artwork, is his compassion. He has the judgement not to show the dying hawk on camera just like he had the wisdom to show the teddy bear [and not its owner] get stuck in the trap. He gets the point across without shocking the viewer, which is very, very rare. I can’t wait to see what he does to improve Pixar!

A final jewel in today’s crown of beaver activity is this. The Beaver Whisperers aired in Canada in March this year, but the International Version is still being finalized. It will include a great segment on Sherri Tippie and have less of a Canadian focus. The producer has promised to generously donate a copy for the silent auction, but she let me watch the entire thing yesterday, which is where I saw this. I can’t tell you how irrationally happy this makes me.

Silent spring for Bay Area’s raptors?

Rodenticide-related wildlife mortality may seem an abstract issue until your child finds two dead hawks in the backyard wading pool. That happened to Berkeley resident Dan Rubino on the Fourth of July in 2007. Rubino sought out his neighbor Lisa Owens Viani, who has a background in wildlife rehabilitation. She identified the birds as juvenile Cooper’s hawks, the offspring of one of 13 local pairs.

Owens Viani suspected rodenticide poisoning: “When Dan told me they were going to the pool, I knew right away what it was. I knew they would be bleeding internally and looking for water.”

Joe Eaton & Ron Sullivan

Thus begins part one of the two part series describing the danger that second generation anti-coagulate rodenticides (SGAR) pose to birds of prey. See, folks use the poisons to kill rats, but the rats take a while to die. Raptors eat the toxic rats and get killed themselves. In 2003 the EPA responded to growing concern and litigation by requiring that SGARs would stop being sold to the public in 2011. They wanted them marketed only to wildlife control specialists, but that hasn’t exactly happened. In the mean time, children are finding cooper’s hawks in their wading pools.

So long-time beaver friend Lisa Owens Viani (formerly of SFEP and now of Golden Gate Audubon) has taken up the gauntlet and is marching city by city getting them to agree not to use or sell SGARs. She has started the aptly named organization Raptors Are The Solution (RATS) and is working hard to raise awareness. Go read the entire article and give RATS a thumbs up on facebook. This is just another example of narrow thinking having very broad consequences that cause unanticipated results. More vicious poisons to kill more rats leads to more raptors dying leading ironically to more rats because there are no more predators and the demand for even more vicious poisons to control a booming population. Repeat as necessary.

The article is written by Joe Eaton and Ron Sullivan. Joe wrote my favorite article about mother beaver’s death and is a long time beaver supporter. In March, we attended a St. Patrick’s Day Dinner with them at Lisa and Riley’s home in Berkeley, it was a wonderful evening with stories about bird watching, wildlife rescue, and city council struggles of epic proportions. Riley (author of the most famous creek restoration book and working on her second) is top tier of the water boards where people send really thorny problems. She told very amusing stories of a certain Hollywood royalty  mogul in the Bay Area once asking for permission to fill in the creek behind his house with cement so his children could cross it easily to get to school!

Bridges are SO passe.

The second installation of the article comes next week and will talk about what citizens groups can do and are doing. Don’t miss it. I keep telling Lisa that RATS needs a booth at the Beaver Festival to raise awareness and connect with folks out here, but does she listen?



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