Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Tag: Netherlands

It’s still the same old worry
The digging, damming, furry
A danger to the dry
The world will never welcome beavers
As time goes by

Apologies to Herman Hupfeld

Thriving beaver population ‘threatens’ Dutch flood banks

The Netherlands' beaver population is expected to grow from 700 to 7,000 by 2032

A thriving beaver population is threatening the stability of the Netherlands’ sea defences, a group of experts has warned. The Mammal Society has brought together other wildlife groups to work out how to protect these important water-blocking dykes from the small but potentially destructive semi-aquatic rodents.

You know, it’s a funny thing about the worry that beavers are tunneling all through your ground, and the folks in Martinez could tell you the story over a mug of bier and a kopstoot or two. This might come as a shock, so sit down and get comfortable. Are you ready?

Sometimes they lie.

So far, there have been no beaver sightings in the capital, Amsterdam.But beaver expert Vilmar Dijkstra assures me it is only a matter of time.

“When people have not had beavers before they do not know how to cope when they come and that is why we need to make sure we are all prepared.”  ‘In their nature’ The Netherlands’ famous dykes protect the land from being flooded: without these sea defences huge swathes of the country would be underwater.

In areas where the dykes are directly connected to the water, the beavers are starting to burrow through the ground.  There have been two cases that the Mammal Society is aware of, in which the water board has been called in to repair the damaged dykes.

Two cases? Two cases in a quarter of a century where you have assumed that damage to the levies was caused by beavers and the BBC reports on it? Are you serious? You do realize that beavers don’t ‘tunnel’ right? I mean they’re not excavating mine shafts of staging jewelry heists. You might want to glance at this and think a little about the reality of beaver digging before you leap into alarm mode.

Or you could be like Martinez and spend half a million dollars to put a wall of sheetpile in front of another wall of sheetpile. That works too.

One of the most exciting things that occur “backstage at the website” is the list of visitors to this site from other countries so I can see how beaver  information is trickling to folks around the world. The second column shows how many unique visitors we’ve had from that country this month.Yesterday, more evidence came in the form of an interested reader. You can read a delightfully translated page about her films here. It refers to beaver lodges as ‘castles’ which amuses me.

I (Willy, woman, 59 years) am a beaverlover from The Netherlands and I make movies/documentaries about the European Beavers who live in our country. They were re-introduced in 1988 and now there are about 600/800 beavers in The Netherlands. If you are interested, you can watch some films at YouTube. All made in the free Dutch nature. You can put the links on your website if you want.

Nice to watch your website en to know that there are beaverlovers all over the world. Best wishes and greetings, Willy

Even though the attached videos are in dutch you won’t want to miss this spectacular footage. She clearly has been working hard to see what happens in beaver world. I told her they deserve an English voiceover or subtitles and she said she’d do it when she had time. In the mean time you probably can guess what she’s saying anyway.

I asked her about the recording of the vocalizations of the kits and told her it was the sound that got me involved. This was her reply:

Indeed, it is a lovely sound that makes you happy. I recorded the beaverkits with a small micophone (and a MD-recorder) that I layed on the lodge between some branches. It was a lodge where I heard the babybeavers often but mostly on different spots in the lodge. Sometimes close to the microphone, sometimes to far away from it. On this photo you can see that Lodge in wintertime when the water was high. In summertime the waterlevel is about 1 meter lower and you can see then how big this lodje is.If I ever come to the USA, I hope I can visit the Beaverfestival. Willy

A new documentary about “beavers in the Netherlands”. A unique and versatile film with lots of casual shots of beavers in the free Dutch countryside. . Made with love for this interesting animal.   Already three years following and filming the journalist Sittard / nature cinematographer Willy King beavers. The vast amount of visual material and knowledge she now has a documentary assembled with a complete story about the life of the beaver.   This is sometimes quite surprising, even for the experts. . With images of a beaver who fled to the high water on top of the lodge sits, with pathetic sounds of young beaver little from a lodge, toy factions between adult beavers and their offspring, beavers at ease grooming or images of beavers, are unobserved thinking he had arrived, quietly walk on land.

The DVD contains three versions. As the first comprehensive documentary for adults (30 minutes), slightly less than a complete story for 9-12 year olds (20 minutes) and thirdly a simple way complex information film for 5 to 8 year olds (15 minutes). Each film contains information, music and language appropriate to the age group.   The DVD, in lovely DVD box, with a total of 65 minutes footage costs only € 15.00 (excluding shipping) and can be ordered by sending an email to:




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