Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Tag: mom’s death

Greenwood Wildlife’s veterinarian, Alison Hazel, DVM, and Wildlife Rehabilitator Josh Traver are trying to get a good look at Justin’s teeth. (Photo: Greenwood Wildlife Rehabilitation Center)

‘Justin Beaver’ chips 2 front teeth after falling

BOULDER – A young beaver – creatively named Justin Beaver – is recovering from his injuries after taking a tumble off of Boulder Falls on June 19.

According to Greenwood Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, Justin – who is a little over a year old – broke his upper front tooth down to the gum line and chipped his lower front tooth. He also had to get multiple stitches to repair the laceration on his head. He was brought into the facility by Boulder Park Ranger Dave Gustafson.

Gustafson says he found Justin just above Boulder Falls on State Highway 119.

 “I was driving on into work – happened to be on call that night – and saw him in a place that beavers don’t live,” Gustafson told 9NEWS. “He was trying to walk back up the canyon. There’s some beaver dams [near Nederland.]”

 Justin’s lower tooth will have to be shaved down to be at the same level as his other, undamaged lower tooth. If beaver teeth are misaligned, beavers cannot eat anymore and will die. His upper front tooth will have to be trimmed on occasion, but since they are still coming in, a more permanent solution won’t happen until the tooth is done growing.

Ow! Poor Justin. That’s a long fall. Good thing a rehabber was on hand to help, although I’m not sure how a beaver with shaved down teeth is a solution. Rodent teeth never stop growing. So that means he’s never going to be able to go back to the wild?

This article makes me think about our original mom beaver and her fatal broken tooth. I don’t think upper and lower incisors are supposed to ever meet but I guess the pair matching matters because she punctured her own palate which left her vulnerable to a host of infections. In the end she couldn’t even chew because her mouth hurt too much. I remember she let us nudge her easily into the carry crate. She rode in the back of my subaru to the Lindsay Wildlife hospital where they decided to euthanize because her injury was so severe.

It was five years ago almost to the day.


Honestly when I went down this morning I purposely decided not to bring a camera because I thought it would just be too sad, but I wish I had filmed it so you could all see how completely calm and unpanicked mom was. she just was in no condition to react, and if we had left her alone she was in such a visible part of the creek that people would have intervened and/or called animal control. This way she was completely protected by us and not at all agitated or frightened. It was almost like she knew we wouldn’t harm her, and it certainly felt right, after everything we have been through and all the mornings I have spent with mom to have her riding peacefully in my subaru. We will be out tonight to make sure the kits are feeding and happy. It was becoming clear that the family has already transitioned and the kits have been relying on the yearlings care more and more, which is just like we’d hope.

You would think after five years, a lovely new mom and 8 new kits, it wouldn’t make me cry anymore. Hmm.

The original mom beaver – Photo by Cheryl Reynolds 2008

Upon the anniversary of mom’s death, Worth A Dam members gathered at the bridges in the evening to mark the occasion and see what might transpire.  We met a big family with young children who had tried to come with kayaks the night before to watch the beavers from the water. I explained that our creek is way too small for the beavers to emerge when 5 floating boat-shadows  are bobbing in the water, and suggested they watch with us from the bridge.

Coming to see - Cheryl Reynolds

While we were waiting we saw two muskrats, one barely bigger than a hamster ducking in the shadows and a bolder one the size of a guinea pig swimming about the pond. At eight o’clock, this fellow showed up on the bank by the primary. He climbed out onto the land and gave us all a good view of how truly healthy he is growing up to be, striking this pose for effect.


On Farmer’s Market days there is a very generous/indulgent homeless man that insists on leaving strawberries for the beavers at the dam.  This little fellow downed one after another until his lips and nose were bright red. This photo is actually the least painted one Cheryl too that night!

Beavers love berries - Cheryl Reynolds

All that berry-juice must have went straight to his head because after he was done he paddled about in the water and bobbed out of sight right about where the pipe to Skip’s flow device ends. The roundfence (or cage looking thing) was pulled off in the flooding and is now sitting in the corp yard. The pipe for the Castor Master has been open and exposed for three months, and one of the best clues we have that Dad or GQ aren’t in residence is the fact that it still spouts water and hasn’t been plugged like a leak to stop the pond from draining. Beavers can feel suction and the pull of water in their dams so they are very sensitive to things that drain water away. Well, apparently older beavers are very sensitive to it, because up until that moment our kits had been completely oblivious to it.

Up until that moment, that is. At 8:30 in the evening, on the anniversary of mom’s death, we suddenly noticed lots and lots of this coming from the end of Skip’s flow device.

Growing Up - Cheryl Reynolds

1 Corinthians 13:11
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.



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