Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Tag: Martinez News Gazette

Young Otter Grooming: Photo - Moses Silva

When Jon trotted down with the dog on New Years’ eve around 4:30 there was a crowd gathered around at the Escobar bridge watching this little fellow meticulously grooming his fur without any awareness of his audience. Moses Silva was there filming of course, and very kindly gave me some photos afterwards. What a fantastic way to draw attention to Mom’s memorial! Thanks Otter! The mayor walked by on his way to the creek monkey, but if he had any impulse to look at what his constituents were watching, he gamely resisted it.

Photo: Moses Silva

As you can see, the dedicated grooming paid off, and The nibbler eventually fluffed himself into a very warm and furry young otter. Otters are born blind and helpless but are in the water by two months. They stay with the mother for most of a year, then straggle of on their own to make their way before the new pups are born in spring. Obviously this young one was introduced to Alhambra Creek as a prime fishing spot, and came back because it was easy and familiar.

Great Egret: Photo - Moses Silva

This great Egret was jealous of the spot and came to check it out for himself when the otter retired. Wow, what a creek!

Speaking of memorials, did you spot the End of the Year Highlights in the Gazette? Along with a mention of August Events that gave the beaver festival  top billing over the Peddler’s Faire there was this bit of reflection.

September ended on an ignominious note for City staff after a downtown, creek-side property owner complained about the inclusion of a beaver in a new mural being painted in Main Street Plaza. When staff directed the artist to remove the beaver illustration at the behest of the property owner, word got out and area media, including the San Francisco Chronicle, wrote about the latest chapter of the “city’s conflicted relationship with its resident beaver family,” as Chronicle reporter Carolyn Jones wrote.

Did you catch that? A creek side complaint! That didn’t make the earlier reports and I suppose the rumor eventually percolated to the surface. Good Ol’ Dave Scola, taking the heat for a powerful landowner’s petulant decision AGAIN.  Well, we always knew how it happened. But it’s nice to see it in print. Thanks Greta.

And our Georgia friend wrote me that Sherri’s interview plays annoyingly with every page load if you are using Chrome, and doesn’t play at all if he’s using another browser. I tried several and realized he was right.  I apologize for that and will work on the fix. Sometimes I forget to check how the website is working with other browsers. We’ll get the hang of this eventually!   We’re on iTunes now, so GO SUBSCRIBE, avoid the hassel and never miss an episode! And while you’re there maybe you could rate beavers kindly?

But this mornings Gazette reminds me they flooded it in a GOOD way – as in “flooded” with thousands of visitors over the weekend. Nice coverage in both the morning’s Gazette (link will come when they post it) and Martinez Patch, who also shot this charming video of the day.

(You have to excuse me for looking exhausted but I had already done about 1oo of these…)

It was great to have so much interest in wildlife and such remarkable turn-out. Cheryl shot 2000 photos and is still wading through them. Lory’s husband sent a few  today that I thought I’d share. The bread to my right in the above photo was a gift from Bob Rust (the kayaker who cleans the creek) who also came up with this idea and somehow made it come true…

He made some amazing ceramic paperweight beavers too that were delightfully displayed at the Friends of Alhambra Creek booth.  He’s been a true beaver friend since the beginning, and as near as anyone ‘discovered’ the beavers in late 2006. Apparently he has no monopoly on creativity though because check out the table at the Sierra Wildlife Coalition

Now that is truly inspiring. They drove down from Tahoe for the event and Lory put them up for the weekend. Beaver friendships are for life I believe. One of our attendees was a colleague and friend who brought her grandchildren and bid valiantly at the silent auction. On the day a message was forwarded to me of her having her children say what they learned. The usual beavers eat leaves and live in the lodge was repeated, and then the youngest piped in cheerfully with the unexpectedly somber axiom

“Beavers never, ever get divorced!”

Kathy & Ted Radke were among the first official ‘friends’ of the Martinez Beavers. Kathy’s generous protection of our watershed and cheerful sense of what was right was truly an inspiration to be near. If you haven’t read Greta’s lovely obituary in the Gazette, go find out a little of how truly remarkable her life was.  I wanted to send a giant boquet of willow and lillies to the memorial, but here is the next best thing. Our hearts go out to her family.

Thank you Kathy for everything you gave Martinez.

Got a call from the Gazette last night as I was closing up shop, saying that being as today is April Fools they’d like to run a fake story about the beavers leaving town and then say “just kidding”. Did I object? What, you mean having a newspaper falsely print that the beavers were leaving? (CCT April 2008). Have a newspaper misrepresent Worth A Dam? (LA Times October 2009). Have a newspaper lie about the activity or intentions of the beavers? (San Francisco Chronicle 2007). Hmm. Looks like it ‘s all been done before, really. You have to get up pretty early in the morning to say something untrue about our beavers that hasn’t already been said.

So I did.

  1. Fishermen complain beaver are reducing catch rate of bass.
  2. Beaver breeds with housecat; creates world’s first “Catver”
  3. After three years of close contact with people, beavers imitate human speech.
  4. Cell phone dropped in water causes brain tumor in yearling.
  5. Couple who got engaged at beaver dam seek divorce, blame otter.
  6. Child sues city: “I want my Tile Back!”
  7. Public Works declares “National beaver Day”
  8. George Miller refuses to visit Martinez again unless he can see the beavers.
  9. Council complains beaver ate staff’s wooden leg.
  10. Beavers gnaw through first layer of sheetpile. Staff worries they will start on second.

Now that was fun! You should try your own. I can see it now, a National Inquirer for Beavers. Coming to a check-out line near you! In the meantime, know that it’s April Fools, our beavers are fine, I spent yesterday on the phone with a dixieland Jazz band that wants to play at the August 7th beaver festival, nailing some key research for the beaver prevalence paper, and may soon be able to announce a new sponsor for the event that makes, I am told, a dam fine wine!

This appeared in the Gazette after the closing ceremonies. Don’t tell me Martinez hasn’t learned a LOT about beaver mangement! I sent it to Skip Lisle and he was very appreciative. Just wish we could get one of those big inflatable beavers for the festival. How great would that look in the air over the creek?



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