Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Tag: Leave it to beavers festival

CaptureGovernment plans to capture ‘wild’ Devon beavers unlawful, says Friends of the Earth

Friends of the Earth has written to the Environment Secretary Liz Truss to warn that plans to capture a beaver family on the River Otter in Devon “may be unlawful”.

However Friends of the Earth claims that Britain forms part of the “natural range” of beavers and that removing them could be against EU laws governing protected species.

 “Beavers belong in England, and are an essential part of our ecosystems – Government plans to trap them should be scrapped,” said Friends of the Earth Campaigner Alasdair Cameron. “Beavers bring huge benefits to the environment – reducing flooding and boosting fish stocks and biodiversity. Rather than try and get rid of them, we should be thrilled to have them back in our landscape.”

Nice! Friends of the Earth are are new best friends! (Bonus points: Their acronym and website is FOE.) This report was on the radio in the UK this morning and all over the press. Let’s hope it throws a little monkey wrench in the spokes of this dastardly plan. I mean another one. In addition to harboring evil intent, DEFRA appears to suck at their job. No beavers caught yet, and their success at badger killing is equally laughable.  Fingers crossed the EU threat will just tip the scale into oblivion.


litbDYesterday was full of last minute preparations trying to track down Mary Obrien to confirm that I am really honest-to-goodness going to Utah Friday to present at their “Leave it to beavers” festival on Saturday. She had said someone would pick me up from the airport but, in my usual precise way,  I needed to know WHO and WHEN I was presenting. She hadn’t responded to my emails and I wasn’t sure I could talk Jon into getting into an airplane without more details.

Since I wasn’t able to get a hold of her, I called her friends and co-workers and generally sounded alarmed enough that I got a call back last night from a very exhausted Mary in the field. Everything was fine. Yes, it was really happening. Children had gotten notices at school and it was on the radio.


I apparently am presenting at 11:00 and 2:00 on Saturday. Mary or Phil Brick will pick us up, and her students from Whitman will make us dinner that night and I’ll talk to them about our historic prevalence papers and how we did that research. Hopefully we’ll get to see a little of St. George before we fly home Monday, after spreading the beaver gospel in a third state!

So I guess that’s what I’ll be doing this weekend.


ST. GEORGE – The Utah Department of Wildlife Resources is holding its annual festival, “Leave it to Beavers,” aimed at educating the community about beavers and other wildlife on Saturday at the Tonaquint Nature Center, 1851 South Dixie Drive, in St. George.

 The event, which will run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., will feature a myriad of family friendly activities and opportunities to learn about the benefits beavers provide to the local environment and ecosystem, said Lynn Chamberlain, conservation and outreach manager for the DWR’s southern region, Lynn Chamberlain said.

 “There are more beavers on the Virgin River and its tributaries than most people realize,” Chamberlain said.

 Previously held in Boulder, this annual festival has been moved to St. George to provide the local community a chance to understand and appreciate this industrious and charismatic river creature, Chamberlain said.

 This is a free event for the whole family, she said, and everyone is invited to come out and spend the day.

 Event details
Where: Tonaquint Nature Center, 1851 South Dixie Drive, St. George
When: Saturday, Sept. 27, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Cost: Free
Online: Leave it to Beavers

Something tells me the Martinez Beavers are going to be right at home in St. George.

I can’t exactly decide on the title for this post. I’m torn between the “Agony and the Ecstasy” ,”The Sacred and the Profane”, “Mary to merry” or maybe even from “‘kits’ to ‘kitch”, but to paraphrase Donald, you go to press with the title you have, not the title you wish you had. Let’s start with the lovely upcoming beaver festival in Utah which recently added this to their webpage.

Can you read that? The part where it says they got the idea from a GRAND DAY in MARTINEZ and the good people at WORTH A DAM??? Isn’t that a warm, cozy, accomplished feeling? Well, actually when I first saw it on Monday it produced more of a cold, prickly, stiffening feeling since it said the good people at GIVE a dam. (Horrors!) After the convulsing stopped and I could feel my fingers enough again to dial I called Mary right away and begged her to please, please change it. I decided not to mention that it was actually August and not July: priorities. Everything is much, much nicer now, and I’m so happy our influence is memorialized.

Mary O’brien Utah Forests Program Director of the grand canyon trust checking out out tiles.

This morning I was greeted with the most-adamant-ever tail slap. It was delivered with such drama that it even had springback action over the head! Here’s the inadequate video with slow motion  so you can see for yourself how much s/he wasn’t kidding.

Now onto the more jaw-dropping  part of the morning. Imagine my surprise when I read this:

Animated beavers busy educating children

BEIJING – While “Tom and Jerry” and Mickey Mouse still reign supreme in kids’ entertainment in China, a band of highbrow beavers have arrived on the scene to help fill a void in early-childhood education.

As Chinese children’s new online friends, the beavers from sing, tell stories and encourage kids build good habits. As a hit among young parents and their children, the site has over 3 million registered members since its launch in 2010.

Its popular children’s songs and original Flash cartoons have an average of 10 million online views every month.

That’s right. Hello Kitty-like beavers are busy teaching Chinese toddlers to brush their teeth, respect authority and play fair. Apparently since 2009 it has steadily grown to be the ‘can’t miss’ cartoon for millions of children. It was designed by one of the youngest CEO’s in the country, who quit his IT career to start launch this idea instead.

“Children need a partner to understand society and obtain knowledge and skills. The beavers meet their emotional needs, and that’s why they’re so popular among children,” said Yang Wei, co-founder and CEO of

In just two years, Yang has expanded his business beyond the Internet and into the development of mobile applications, books and educational toys for children and parents.  “As the kids love the beaver, they take his ‘advice’ very seriously,” Yang Wei said.

Castor Kinder-Care! To be fair, the animation is no worse than ‘My little pony’, the songs no more insipid than Barney and the whimsy no more plastic than ‘Teletubbies’ – but even I don’t believe I will be watching Beva any time soon. Still I would be remiss not to assure all young fans and their parents that they are of course welcome to join us for the Beva – festiva August 4th.

And because this site is perhaps the only one with the word Beva in it that will escape a particularly scouring kind of  attention…



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