Maybe you, like me, are left wondering what the heck Dipitus refers to here. I let my fingers do the walking and learned that Dipitus is an ecological wear website where the message is uncorporate and the materials are recycled. The artwork by Joz Kooz is really engaging and fun. I, of course, am drawn to this one for some reason. (Go figure.) But you might like some others, so go shop.
Speaking of remarkable beaver artwork, illustrator Shirley Harvey was very generous with her donation to the silent action, and sent us four remarkable prints. Thank you so much for your generosity Shirley! In addition to the bass she included this one, which made Ian Timothy’s (of the beaver creek films) eyes light up very brightly indeed. You see, in his spare time at Walt Disney’s college of a
nimation CAL ARTS doing unimaginably brilliant things in experimental animation he has been learning to pla
y the banjo. And of course, since he’s Ian, he’s also been trying his hand at making banjos using Cookie Tin boxes. Rumor is, he wants to make one with a beaver chew for the neck and donate it the the silent auction when he comes to the beaver festival this summer! All my fingers are crossed. Here’s Ian’s film from his first year in college. Imagine how good he is now!