Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Tag: Beavers and Salmon

WILD ALASKA LIVE | Exploring a Beaver Dam | PBS

Just because it’s called ‘educational programming’ doesn’t mean it makes you any smarter. GRR! Wild Alaska had so much potential and mentions how important ponds are to other wildlife, but it decided to emphasize instead that salmon HATE beaver dams.  (At least it clearly shows them jumping over.) Quick, to the bat beaver mobile! Leave a comment so they read some research that shows how crucial beavers are to those precious fish.

Meanwhile there’s plenty of good news from beaver central, with a nice beaver article published yesterday in the Mercury News, written by our old friend Sam Richards. The nicely-written plug even links to the festival website!

Beavers or not, annual Martinez festival happens Aug. 5

MARTINEZ — There probably aren’t any beavers in Alhambra Creek as you read this, but there definitely will be a 10th annual Beaver Festival, to honor both the paddle-tail swimmers that put the city in the national news in 2007 and 2008, and the creek environmental experts say benefited greatly from the beavers’ presence.

This year’s festival runs from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 5, at what’s come to be known as “Beaver Park,” the grassy plaza off Marina Vista adjacent to Alhambra Creek, near the Amtrak station.

The festival boasts environmental booths and displays from groups in five counties, live music, a wildlife-centered silent auction and children’s activities that combine craft-making with environmental learning.

Festival participants can learn everything they need to know, through a kid-friendly illustrated “beaver wall” showing the process, and a costumed beaver expert explaining on stage the good works that beavers do to help the overall ecology where they live.

Brock Dolman of the Sonoma County-based Occidental Arts and Ecology Center’s Water Institute will give a presentation about the beaver’s worth in an ecosystem. That group leads a “Bring Back the Beavers Campaign” to encourage their return to more local creeks.

Award-winning author Ben Goldfarb will be on hand to discuss his upcoming book about beavers, and other experts will be on hand to offer their views.

The festival is free, and decidedly family-friendly. For more in formation, click here

Wonderful! He did a great job of sifting through my tome of a press release and finding the important bits. (There’s always too much to say or explain. I have a pith problem, I admit it.) I’m glad that he talked about the importance of Brock’s presentation and the “Bring Back Beavers Campaign” and even happier he mentioned Ben Golfarb’s upcoming book. But I love decidedly family-friendly the best, and that’s why it’s in blue. It makes us sound soo cheerful and appealing.We’re also expecting an article from Jennifer Shaw and the Gazette, so with any luck at all I won’t be the only one there.

BTW if you haven’t seen the festival page yet you should check it out.

The interview we were waiting for about beavers and salmon is finally available. And it’s a great one. If the nuts and bolts about how beavers restore salmon habitat are a little fuzzy in your brain, this fantastic interview with Will Harling will straighten them out. Listen to the whole thing, because after you do you’ll be a much better beaver advocate.


Beavers Provide Free Labor To Build Salmon Habitat

Isn’t that JUST what the doctor ordered? Will’s monumental work on streams in the Klamath uncovered the paleo beaver dam that archeologist Chuck James carbon tested back in the day for our first historic prevalence paper. So I’m very thrilled to hear him. I sent congratulatory praise his way and he wrote back that he was sorry he forgot to mention the great work we’re doing (!).


Lookng at our website stats this morning I see we had a huge spike on the 10th and 300 visits from reddit. Not sure what that means, but Jean mentioned last night that she was amazed to see the video I posted of our kits in a push match. She doesn’t think she ever saw it before. So I’ll try and share another golden oldie and see if that makes a ripple. Enjoy.

If you’re feeling a case of Deja Vu, you’re not the only one. Honestly, how long will people act like this is suddenly news? OPB did an entire program on the subject 5 years ago, and now they just now ‘discovered’ it?

Beavers provide free labor to build salmon habitat

Oregon Public Broadcasting

 They may be our state animal, but many people think beavers are a nuisance. They can cause flooding to parks, backyards, and farmland, and it was long believed that salmon couldn’t pass through beaver dams. But now some scientists have found that beaver dams actually create a good habitat for young salmon.

Not that we’re not thrilled to people finally reading the writing on their own walls.  But it would be nice if the jury decision showed any sign of sticking. It seems to wash away over night. This story originally appeared in 2010.

Beaver Assisted Restoration . TV | OPB.

CaptureStay tuned! Because in five years this is going to be a very exciting headline again!

But the best news this morning is from Devon, England. Where the beavers have all passed their test with flying colors and are ready to be released. Really.

Devon wild beavers cleared to stay on River Otter

 Devon’s wild beavers will be allowed to stay on the River Otter after being found clear of a disease.

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) confirmed the beavers were free of tapeworm.

 Devon Wildlife Trust won a five-year licence to look after the beavers as long as they were free of the parasitic disease which is harmful to humans.

Whooo hooo! After being bagged, tagged, poked and prodded the beavers are free! (And just three days after you read it HERE FIRST it appears in the BBC!) I couldn’t be happier for these new citizens. Congratulations to all the farmers, teachers and shop keepers who talked to their neighbors and shared the news to pressure DEFRA into allowing this. Congratulations to the Devon Wildlife Trust for making it happen, and congratulations to the beavers themselves, who obviously let themselves be seen in the first place.

Just like we saw here in Martinez, sometimes beavers can be protected by the opposite of camouflage.

The wildlife trust in Kent England is leading the way again, and showing us how it’s done.

There’s another round on Maria Finn’s excellent article on beavers and salmon, this one from The Ecologist.

Beavers are saving California’s wild salmon

With California’s wild Coho salmon populations down to 1% of their former numbers, there’s growing evidence that beavers – long reviled as a pest of the waterways – are essential to restore the species, writes Maria Finn. In the process, they raise water tables, recharge aquifers and improve water quality. What’s not to love?

Beavers are the single most important factor in determining whether Coho salmon persist in California. They work night and day, don’t need to be paid, and are incredible engineers.

Beavers, which were almost hunted to extinction in California during the 1800s, can help restore this watery habitat, especially in drought conditions. Fishery experts once believed the animals’ dams blocked salmon from returning to their streams, so it was common practice to rip them out.

 But, consistent with previous studies, research led by Michael M. Pollock, an ecosystems analyst with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, shows the opposite: wild salmon are adept at crossing the beavers’ blockages.

 In addition, the dams often reduce the downstream transport of egg-suffocating silt to the gravel where salmon spawn, and create deeper, cooler water for juvenile fish and adult salmon and steelhead. The resulting wetlands also attract more insects for salmon to eat.

 In ongoing research that covered six years, Pollock and his colleagues showed that river restoration projects that featured beaver dams more than doubled their production of salmon.

 Can the animals help bring back the Coho salmon? “Absolutely”, Pollock says. “They may be the only thing that can.”

Ahhh admit it, don’t you sometimes want to MARRY Michael Pollock? He’s the best friend beavers ever had. And I should know. Thanks Michael! And thanks Maria for your excellent article. I hope a few more spots pick it up before long.

Rusty from Napa mentioned the other day that he hoped I said more about the beaver conference. Well he’s in luck, because here’s my interview on the topic from Michael Howie from Fur-bearer Defenders Radio. I wasn’t as brilliant as I had every intention of being, but the conference was a lot of dazzling information and I was/am still percolating and putting things together.


And saving the best for last, guess what we saw with our own dam eyes last night? I’ll give you a hint, they had flat tails and little ears. 3 tails and six ears to be precise. Dad, Mom, and baby all side by side and happy as you please living in the same bank hole and coming out around 7 in the evening. Since we have been down several times during the winter and seen nothing but our dashed hopes, we were understandably elated. I came right home and started watching this, from our friend Willy De Koning the Netherlands.

You need your sound UP for this because it captures our mood perfectly!

If it’s February, it’s time for dispersers! This story is from Burien Washington.

IMG_6445-500x375Meet ‘Valentino,’ a Beaver rescued at Three Tree Point on Valentine’s Day

One local resident quipped, “It takes a village to heal a beaver.” For several hours on Valentine’s Day afternoon, nearby neighbors gathered around a large beaver that was beached, likely injured, at one of the public access points just north of Three Tree Point.

 Big questions circulated:

imagejpeg_0-3-357x500 -How did this fresh water-inhabiting mammal end up on the salt water shoreline?
-Where did it come from?
-Was it sick, injured, in shock, in pain?
-Would it survive?

 Some imagined that it had been a stowaway on a barge and somehow got dumped into the Sound. Others thought it had been washed down one of the local streams. No one remembered having ever seen a beaver in this area.

We know the answers to those questions, right? That beavers disperse at this time of year to find their own habitat, and that these fresh water animals often use salt water passages to get around. Three tree point is an easy 1 mile  swim across Puget sound to or from Vashon island. And there’s a lake and stream nearby as well. I’m sure he was fairly docile to pick up. Beavers usually are. (Unless you’re from Belarus.)

Two great ‘finally’s this morning, the first some new research out of Australia examining the fact that wetlands actually sequester carbon. (I believe the word your looking for here in response is “Duh!”) And the second a story I’ve been waiting for since Maria Finn contacted me way back in October. Apparently it’s been so long in the making that all sign of Worth A Dam’s contribution has been eroded from the story but trust me, we’re in there!

Leave it to Beavers

Once considered a pesky rodent, the animals are busy saving California’s salmon populations.

In an unexpected twist to California’s drought saga, it turns out that beavers, once reviled as a nuisance, could help ease the water woes that sometimes pit the state’s environmentalists and fishermen against its farmers.

 In California, where commercial and recreational salmon fishing brings in $1.5 billion a year, and agriculture earns $42.6 billion annually, farmers and fishermen have long warred over freshwater from the Klamath and Sacramento rivers. Dams built for reservoirs on these rivers have cut off many salmon from their breeding areas, which has severely depleted the populations. Typically, up to 80 percent of the diverted water is used by agriculture, much of it sent to the arid Central Valley region where moisture-demanding crops like almonds are now being intensively farmed.

Beavers, which were almost hunted to extinction in California during the 1800s, can help restore this watery habitat, especially in drought conditions. Fishery experts once believed the animals’ dams blocked salmon from returning to their streams, so it was common practice to rip them out. But, consistent with previous studies, research led by Michael M. Pollock, an ecosystems analyst with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, shows the opposite: Wild salmon are adept at crossing the beavers’ blockages.

In addition, the dams often reduce the downstream transport of egg-suffocating silt to the gravel where salmon spawn, and create deeper, cooler water for juvenile fish and adult salmon and steelhead. The resulting wetlands also attract more insects for salmon to eat. In ongoing research that covered six years, Pollock and his colleagues showed that river restoration projects that featured beaver dams more than doubled their production of salmon.

 Can the animals help bring back the Coho salmon? “Absolutely,” Pollock says. “They may be the only thing that can.”

Hurray for Pollock! And hurray for beavers! Now let’s get this story picked up in more places and keep repeating the message until even Trout Unlimited stops ripping out dams! Maria said her original article was intended for the Guardian, but I guess there was beaver saturation with all the reporting in Devon so they never wanted to follow through. Of course SATURATION is the point. Ahem. And the point that California should care about.

But don’t worry, there are still the usual nay-sayers.

Photo: Márcio Cabral de Moura

But California Department of Fish and Wildlife environmental scientist

Matthew Meshriy says North America’s largest rodent is still often unwelcome in the state’s agricultural areas, particularly the Central Valley, where their dams can interfere with the complicated water infrastructure vital to farms. “If we had a more natural system and grew things appropriate to the land and at an intensity level that was sustainable for the long term,” says Meshriy, ”then a beaver could be a powerful part of it. But that’s not the case here.”

 Despite such resistance, beavers are enjoying a comeback in California, even building dams in downtown San Jose, Martinez, and Napa. And interest is increasing elsewhere: Pollock has been hosting standing-room-only workshops on the benefits of beavers in salmon watersheds all along the West Coast.

 “Fishermen welcome beaver dams much more than the human-built dams on salmon streams,” says Zeke Grader, executive director of the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations. “If beavers are allowed to do their jobs, they’ll help the fishermen keep salmon on the plates.”

It would be wonderful if more fishermen in California knew enough to thank beavers. When we’re done with the pacific conversion, and the midwest conversion, then we can start working on the atlantic. Those anglers have a LONG way to go!



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