Rendezvous: Late summer gathering regarding beavers. Men could trade, swap stories and gather information before fall lead to future beaver endeavors. The first in 1825 was a small affair designed to move these shaggy rough men away from civilized company. After that the hosts realized they’d make more money on the event from whiskey sales than they ever got from beaver. From FadedGlory Blogspot “Mountain man James Beckworth described the festivities as a scene of ‘mirth, songs, dancing, shouting, trading, running, jumping, singing, racing, target-shooting, yarns, frolic, with all sorts of extravagances that white men or Indians could invent.‘ An easterner gave his view: ‘mountain companies are all assembled on this season and make as crazy as set of men I ever saw.’ There were horse races, running races, target shooting and gambling. Whiskey drinking accompanied all of them.
Hmm. I prefer ours but I guess it’s good to have historical roots.
2011 Alhambra Creek near Amtrak, California.
Not sure this rendezvous is worth the journey? Wait until you see the beaver tail fashion show at 1:30.