This is one of those ‘come to Tennessee for our great fishing and have the vacation of your life” websites. I just happened upon it when I saw this photo with this very surprising caption.
While using a trolling motor to venture up Manskers Creek close to the dam, I saw two muskrats swimming underwater chasing fish. Later, when leaving the creek, there was one on the bank eating a fish.
Ahh, Vernon, you seem like a nice guy. But there are three little problems with your finely curated caption.
1) That’s not a muskrat
2) That’s not a fish and
3) He’s not eating it.
That’s a little beaver sitting on his tail to groom. I’ll grant you, you aren’t the first one to think beaver tails are a little scaly. (The Bishop of Quebec in the 17th century actually classified them as fish so good Catholics could eat beaver during lent.)
One more funny from Lory and the times last week and a kit photo to start the weekend right. Our Scottish beaver friends are disappointed but 85% voter turnout is nothing to sneeze at, and I know you’ll get there one day.