The first two beaver festivals we ever held I fashioned a kind of flyer for to announce. The third one we met an graphic art student at the dam, Libby Corliss who volunteered to help is. Then she went back to college and could no longer work for free. By the fourth one I learned from my time on the John Muir association about the fine work of Amelia Hunter and I had someone introduce us. She was local, loved animals and thought she could help out.. Amelia designed our brochures every year after that. Bringing her amazing talents to the 5th, the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th festival. I’m sure she would have done the 13th too but Covid interrupted us so she very kindly agreed to do the logo for the California Beaver Summit instead.
Yesterday I scanned through all the covers and put this together. That’s quite a [beaver] body of work isn’t it?