Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Tag: Abi Voss

Remember the very adorable little Abi Voss from Virgina who went door to door campaigning to save the beavers on the lake where she lived? Her father was a musician and obviously knew a thing or two about touching hearts and minds. Back then, he released this video…

Well the local news station checked in with her this year to see how things were working out. Trust me, you’re going to LOVE this story!

6-year-old girl helps save the beavers in Prince William County neighborhood

Isn’t Abi a hoot? I bet putting together the ” Virginia Beaver Festival” would be a snap!

(Somebody should really call the authorities – because that was WAY too much fun.)

Speaking of fun, the father beaver movie has just topped off at 59, 321 views. If you google the terms ‘single dad’ and “beaver” you will get upwards of 25 pages of articles with stories retelling the Discovery article, from TechnologyNews, to GoodMen, to US Weekly and finally  to this mornings favorite and a “FULL CIRCLE” winner!

All of which makes me realize that the world is ravenously hungry for nice Daddy stories, and if this helps folks see beavers in a whole new light, so be it! I will just take a moment to reflect that I went to school for 10 years to learn to do things that were never published in Psychology Today, and now the beavers have brought me there!

Lake Terrapin girl, 5, rallies to save the beavers

Montclair-area resident Abi Voss, 5, holds a pamphlet that she uses in her quest to save beavers who live in Lake Terrapin, which is loacted behind her home, from being killed. YOUTUBE

Hardened beaver advocate, Abi Voss, is marching door to door with a petition to save the beavers living in the lake in her backyard. Seems there were a family of 5 beavers paddling about and doing beaver-y things until the Terrapin Home Oweners Association got some complaints that they were eating her neighbors trees. They brought in a trapper who was able to kill three of the beavers, and Abi is trying to save the remaining two. The whole inspiring tale  (tail?) is gently unfolded  by reporter  David Pierce here.

Now, remember, it’s June, so when Abi says they’re only “two beavers left” I’m inclined to think five or six, because there were almost certainly kits born this year that no one has seen yet – certainly not two weeks ago when the trapper was called in. Hopefully they’ll be old enough to survive without mom or Dad as long as there’s some family around. (Martinez knows all about that….) I’m sure that upon reflection the THOA will hope their contractor failed to kill two, so there’s someone left to take care of the young in the lodge. I wonder what kind of press  adorable Abi would get if her sign said “Save the Orphans”.

Her Dad demonstrates that beaver advocates hail from sturdy stock:

Voss said that there are alternate ways of alleviating the problem without removing or killing the animals.  He said beavers have left trees in his backyard alone after he surrounded them with chicken wire.  “Chicken wire only cost me $5,” Voss said. “It is not a big expense.”  Voss said that people like him who live near a watershed and a lake should plan to “live with nature” and expect to see creatures like beavers outdoors.

Father and daughter’s facebook page is here, in case you want to send some solidarity and love their way. I will be sending him the ‘painting trees with sand’ recipe forthwith. In the meantime, watch the adorable DVD and remember how powerful the voices of children can be. I can’t think of a better start to any campaign than this.

Ohhhhhh and HAPPY SOLSTICE BEAVERS!!! After today your work days will get longer and ours will get shorter!



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