I am happy to announce that after being so rudely interrupted by the pandemic the valiant State of the Beaver Conference will be happening again in Oregon. This is the conference that started it all and the plan has always been to have conference in opposite coasts every other year. It’s where I met Sherri Tippie, Glynnis Hood, Paul and Louise Ramsay and so many other heroes of the beaver journey. And it is the loving and heroic work of Leonard and Lois Houston and the indefatigable Stanley Petrowski.
The focus of the 2023 conference will be on the future of beavers across the northern hemisphere and the best management strategies for both human and beaver.
Subtitle: Winds of Change
At no time in history has the plight of the beaver been so illuminated, authors, film makers and the media have shone the international spotlight upon an unlikely hero, the humble hardworking champion of our aquatic ecosystems. Across the Northern Hemisphere beaver ecology is one of the fastest growing fields in restoration ecology, this event highlights the actions of all whom work in this arena.
From restoration, research, relocation and advocacy, all aspects of beaver ecology are addressed .
I’m so happy to see this back on the landscape, and so pleased with the theme and the language. I’m not sure I would have said the word “Plight” because almost nobody cares much about that. They are much more concerned with the words “Benefits” and “Value”, but yes I agree we’re in a moment and we might as well ride the wave as far as it can take us.
The State of the Beaver
conferences provide an international venue for academia, agency and stakeholder to gather and disseminate information pertinent to beaver ecology. These events continue to lead the way in forming partnerships at both local and global scale. This is a must attend event for academia, expert and enthusiast alike.
The Beaver Advocacy Committee
is currently soliciting presenters and inviting sponsors for the State of the Beaver 2023 Conference. Interested presenters: Please submit a short biography, your presentation title and abstract of less than 300 words to;
Leonard Houston beavers@surcp.org
Interested in sponsoring:
Leonard Houston beavers@surcp.org
Stanley Petrowski stanley@surcp.org
Well I know where I wish I could be next November. Do you?
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