Well it’s happened. It’s finally here. And you should definitely come see for yourself what all the fuss has been about. Come celebrate beavers, learn about wildlife and remember what it’s like to stop city hall in its tracks. Pick up a wildlife trekking scarf for your next hike and outbid your neighbor at our AWESOME silent auction. Help your child or grandchild earn charms for the keystone species necklace, see the world’s first mechanical tail slapping beaver, then stop by and introduce yourself. We’d all love to meet you in person.
Look for everyone here:
And with our brand new solar-powered audio system, 5 bands from bluegrass to dixie land to highland reels that would make Muir jealous, get ready for some toe-tapping, tail slapping fun!
Still not convinced? Just remember this sage advice:
Enos Mills, In Beaver World (1913)
And if 101 year-old advice doesn’t convince you, try this.