Stop whatever you’re doing and close the door very quietly behind you. Are we alone? Good, because this kind of news isn’t for just any ears. Cheryl went to watch beavers last night, and reports that mom came out rather late and stood up by the primary dam and – wait, are you sitting down? Swallow that coffee.
She showed healthy teats!
Healthy visible kit-sustaining teats! That almost certainly means we have kits! We have kits! Martinez has kits! For the seventh year running (no kits in 2011 after mom died) we have kits! Isn’t that wonderful? No photos because it was too dark, but here’s one from 2008 taken by Linda Meza to give you the idea of what she saw.
You can bet we’ll be keeping an eye on how things develop. Maybe you should stop by at earth day to hear the latest. Thanks Cheryl!
I just watched this movie for the first time in years because someone asked about it. It was made for a library presentation in 2008. Gosh, these were magical days of just discovering our beavers! That’s still how I feel when we see a new kit for the first time.