So three times yesterday I had contact with someone who worked in a prominent environmental position, who knew enormously helpful things about beavers and the watershed, who thought the website was delightful and who offered to help Worth A Dam with its endeavors.
They just didn’t want to be mentioned because we were so controversial.
Really? Saving beavers and improving the habitat is controversial? Using humane methods to solve problems and take care of property is controversial? Raising public awareness about the importance of our creeks is controversial? Increasing the waterfowl and songbird population in Martinez is controversial? Making habitat for mink is controversial? Bringing back salmon and steelhead is controversial? Teaching children to pay attention to their environment and the relationship between species is controversial? I had no idea!
Honestly, for all the flashing orange caution tape people see framing our organization you would think we were handing out flavored condoms at a catholic middle school.
Now that would be controversial!
Still, secret friends are hugely important when you need to form an environmental “beaver underground railroad”. I am grateful for everyone who reaches out to us even though they feel the hissing breath of their employers breathing down their necks. Secret Help is HELPFUL, and very much appreciated. I guess it used to be controversial to spay your pet, “daylight” your creek or feed birds in your garden.
Maybe someday efficient and humane beaver management will be as well understood as pruning your trees instead of cutting them down.