On a morning like today, there is really only one question on our minds: How would beavers vote? I’m sure you’ve all s
een the bracelets and the keychains with the initials of this handy moral yardstick. Obviously beavers would vote to keep the national parks in tact, to save clean water and to preserve bioDiversity.
That being said, I woke up this morning thinking about the fact that our house was built 22 years before women had the right to vote. One of the early residents we heard tale of was a daughter/flapper who had the remarkable fortune to drive a flivver. She would reward our old neighbor when he was a boy for the service of washing her car by taking him for a drive which was a big thrill because very few people in Martinez had them then. I thought about her this morning. Her first vote was probably cast for Harding. I imagine she’d be pretty excited about this election.