Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

I get a selfish and affirming pleasure every summer when I read about this. Of course it is much much much harder to have a beaver festival in Idaho. Martinez is a mere pittance by comparison. But this still makes me annually grin from ear to ear.

Annual Beaver Dam Jam Idaho set Aug. 24 to benefit Watershed Guardians

POCATELLO — The annual Watershed Guardians Beaver Dam Jam Idaho will be held from 5 to 9 p.m. Aug. 24 at Lookout Point, 426 W Lewis St., in Old Town Pocatello. This event helps support beaver conservation.

Billed as “a music event to help keep your watershed vibrant by protecting beaver,” the jam will feature four bands, food, raffles, kids’ activities, demonstrations, vendors and organizations. This year’s theme is “Imagine the Possibilities.”

Just Imagine what Idaho would look like if every ranch and watershed was working to let beavers back. It makes me dizzy just thinking about it. Good theme, Mike.

There is no charge for the event, however, guests have the opportunity to donate and be entered into a raffle for an e-bike, and other items will be raffled.

Major event sponsors include Lookout Credit Union, Sportsman’s Warehouse, The Yellowstone Restaurant (providing food and donating a portion of proceeds to Watershed Guardians) and Elmer’s. A variety of other sponsors have also contributed.

Wonderful. I just love imagining that there is another human being who’s year is similar to mike: viewing every favorite business or new friend as a possible potential source for a new donation to the festival. Solidarity, Mike.

Watershed Guardians benefits the Portneuf Watershed by helping beaver. Proceeds from the events will support BeaverCount, a free winter event to census beaver colonies in the Portneuf watershed.

“Funds raised help us pay for snowshoe and ski rental for our annual BeaverCount,” said Mike Settell, Watershed Guardians director. “ We don’t have a city, agency or corporate entity covering operating expenses. We are a 100% volunteer organization. Your support helps fund projects such as BeaverDeceivers, Pond Levelers and ISU scholarships. Please join us Aug. 24, 5 to 9 p.m. for some good music, fun and raffles.”

More information on the event is also available by contacting Mike Settell at

Good for you Mike, and good for pocatello! I first met Mike when I read about him getting a grant from audubon for his beaver count way back in 2014. He’s been doing this as long as I have and I have to imagine the trickle down effect is glowing strong.

It only takes a spark.

Did you know that Great Sand Dunes National Park was in Colorado? And did you know it wants beavers?

Beavers in the SLV: Why you should start giving a dam about this keystone species

Due to a history of hunting and habitat loss, beaver colonies have diminished across the San Luis Valley in the last few centuries. Though beaver populations are stable in parts of the Valley, efforts are underway to restore he species to key waterways that they once occupied. Beavers play a major role in maintaining ecological balance, protecting endangered fish and mitigating the impacts of wildfire.  

It takes a beaver approximately 24 hours to completely re-engineer an ecosystem. These stout, orange-toothed rodents use sticks, mud, leaves and grasses to build watertight dams that slow and redirect water across a landscape, creating lush wetland habitats. Their dams assist in water purification, groundwater recharge, enhance the capacity of soil to sequester carbon and hydrate the surrounding land, making it more drought resilient. Beaver dams also create habitat for insects, fish, birds, small animals and vegetation, increasing ecosystem biodiversity and productivity. 

Beavers play a critical role in mitigating the impacts of wildfire as well. Peter May, a 30-plus year firefighter and Crestone resident, believes that supporting local beaver colonies is key to protecting parts of the SLV against wildfires. “Beavers are water stewards; they rehydrate the forests…We need them so that when a wildfire does occur here, it can tend to be more limited as the landscape becomes more hydrated,” explained May. 

I can’t help but worry about beavers in a Sand Dunes park. What do they eat? Maybe there’s dessert willow around, I don’t know.

May’s stance on beavers is echoed by a mounting body of scientific research. In a 2020 study of wildfires across the Western USA, including Colorado, ecohydrologists Dr. Emily Fairfax and Andrew Whittle found that riparian areas without beaver colonies were three times more affected by wildfire than riparian areas with beavers.

In parts of the SLV, beavers could have the same protective effect against wildfires, though there is concern that local beaver populations have yet to recover from centuries of ruthless hunting and trapping. “Beavers are still here but they are not what they used to be…Anyone who hikes up to Willow Lake knows that beavers are not there, but they could be,” May shared. Working with a small team under the name E3KFM, May aims to revive beaver populations to sustainable and effective numbers, where appropriate and, in turn, rehydrate local forests and increase biodiversity. 

In 2012, May initiated a survey with help from Colorado College to assess the presence of beavers around Crestone, from North Crestone Creek to Sand Creek. The results indicated that beavers occupied Spanish, Cottonwood, Sand Creek, Deadman and Willow Creeks. Shockingly, May’s most recent survey is preliminarily showing that beavers along these waterways have all vanished except for at high elevations along Sand Creek and possibly Deadman Creek. 

The Colorado Beaver Summit was inspired by the California Beaver Summit which was inspired by the New Mexico Beaver Summit which in turn encouraged the Midwest beaver Summit. Good news does travel.]

The Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve is also home to a stable population of beavers. “As a native species with a keystone role in our riparian systems, we are very interested in the wellbeing of beaver populations,” said Great Sand Dunes Biologist, Dewane Mosher. Mosher explained that beavers occupy the Medano Creek and Hudson Branch areas of the Great Sand Dunes. “We don’t have a formal population estimate,” Mosher commented, “but beavers fully occupy about 12 stream miles of year-round habitat,” including a fully occupied population on Medano Creek. “The beavers are a positive influence on native fish populations due to the diversity of habitats their presence promotes,” Mosher added. 

For example, one of the healthiest populations of Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout, a candidate species under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), is found in Medano Creek. Ponds fed by beaver activity also provide vital spawning and nursery areas for Rio Grande Suckers, a State Endangered fish and candidate species under the ESA.   

Mosher identified the Sand Creek drainage as once hosting beaver colonies, but after a large flood event 10 years ago, the creek has since been unoccupied.  He is optimistic that beavers will reoccupy the creek from neighboring populations in the future. “Beaver populations are cyclical and fluctuate naturally due to changes in the habitat that are often caused by the beavers themselves,” explained Mosher. However, if natural reoccupation doesn’t occur, the Great Sand Dunes is open to a re-introductory plan along the drainage.

There;s a nice article about Grey Owl?Archie Bellamy this morning with some images and facts I never heard. I think you will enjoy it.

The 1930s eco-warrior who inspired David Attenborough and The Queen, only to be unmasked as a hoaxer and ‘pretendian’ — but his message still rings true

In late 1935 one of the hottest tickets in England was to attend a lecture given by an imposing figure of a man, tall, hawk-nosed, dressed in buckskin and wearing magnificent feathered headgear on his braided hair who, once a beaver trapper in Canada, had reinvented himself as an ardent conservationist. By the time Grey Owl had stepped off the Empress of Britain in Southampton on October 17th he was already a popular author with three books and numerous articles to his name.

His Damascene moment, according to Grey Owl’s account in Pilgrims of the Wild (1935), came when, after trapping and killing a mother beaver, he was haunted by the cries of the kittens which resembled the sounds of human babies. The following day, piqued by the protestations of his wife, Anahareo, a woman of Mohawk Algonquin descent, he went back to rescue and adopt the babies.

From that moment he railed against the cruelty of beaver trapping, a timely volte-face as numbers of beavers, valued for their waterproof pelts and castoreum, a yellowish secretion used for perfume, had plummeted to dangerously low levels in Canada. ‘Every word I write, every lecture I have given or ever will give’, Grey Owl wrote in 1936, ‘were and are to be for the betterment of the Beaver people, all wild life, the Indians, and half-breeds, and for Canada, in whatever small way I may’.

Now you probably know as  much as I do about this story and the fact that this hawk=nosed scot was no native but this might surprise you:

Grey Owl’s lecture tour of England  attracted around 250,000 people, including the Attenborough brothers, Richard and David, who queued outside a Leicester theatre for five hours to hear him. Grey Owl went on to touch their adult lives, David being inspired to become one of Britain’s foremost naturalist and conservationist while Richard went on to direct the biopic, Grey Owl, in 1999, starring Pierce Brosnan, although he claimed that it was an article in Country Life by George Winter commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of Grey Owl’s death that reminded him of his childhood encounter.

And this photo I hadn’t seen before either:

That man was lying about his ancestry but telling the absolute truth about beavers. Go read the whole article. It even has a nice photo of him as a soldier. Click on the headline to read the entire article.




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