The Beaver Institute recommends “pond-leveling pipes” to keep water flowing between flooded areas and fences to protect trees over the alternative: trapping. The institute will even financially assist landowners with their problems as long as they commit to allowing beavers to remain on their property.
On a walk around the old bogs near Ritter’s home, most waterfront trees were gone and had their bark chewed off, their stumps sticking up like sharpened pencils. Some trees were only half-chewed and dead.
In the distance, a massive beaver lodge rose from the water.
Beaver ponds can improve water quality, biologists say, along with providing ecosystems for frogs, fish, turtles, and waterfowl. In the Pinelands, they can act as buffers against wildfires that sweep
through the forests in summer.
Oh sure, don’t try to fill this mans head with pretty facts. His mind is made up. They are arrogant and selfish. And no he’s NOT projecting. Stop saying that.
‘There’s beaver everywhere’
“Rodents do not get to control the forest!” Ritter wrote back.
Samuel Moore, a seventh-generation cranberry farmer in Tabernacle, Burlington County, also has a low opinion of beavers and tangles with them every year in his bogs. By flooding the land, Moore said beavers even destroy the trees they don’t cut down, like the dwindling Atlantic white cedar.
“An old cranberry grower once told me that ‘people either want beaver around or Atlantic white cedar, but they can’t have both, there’s no in between,’ ” Moore said.
Moore allows licensed fur trappers to take beavers off his land every year. He said beavers are “dumb.”
Trapping enthusiasts believe there are not enough permits issued and noted that in 2020, New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy vetoed a bipartisan bill that would have “removed statutory limitations” on the number of beaver that could be taken in the state.
There are too many beavers and more need killin’. It’s,as simple as that. Arrogant selfish bastards. You know the more I write about this charmer the more it sounds familiar. Let’s just use the search bar and see if i wrote about him before.
AHA! as I wrote at the time…
Can we just stop for a moment and consider what a fine specimen of humanity this man is? With his MAN CAVE and STUFFED beaver. I’m sure there is nothing small or mishapen about his wide-ranging ecological understanding, his deep compassion or his own genitals.
Aren’t you?
Oh yeah he sure got my attention. not clear why this story has to be reprinted every six months. Maybe its contractual or the story he’s proudest of.
Now you want to talk arrogant and selfish riparian players you must mean OTTERS. They never think about anything but themselves.