I’ve been hard at work knitting together my video presentation for Marin Audubon next month. It’s coming along well enough, but the job gives me a chance for some odds and ends housekeeping. The first is showing you the lovely shout out from our friends at Ottawa-Carleton Wildlife Centre in Canada. Director Donna Dubreuil has been a true beaver friend these past years, and she is a big friend of beavers. Nice to see Martinez discussed from 2881 miles away. It may take a moment to load, but believe me it’s worth waiting for. You can use the plus button to zoom closer and read the completely unnecessary praise. (Although I do like the part where she calls me a spark plug.) 🙂 Thanks Donna!
newsletter-OttawaYesterday I heard from author of the much anticipated (and yet untitled) beaver book Ben Goldfarb, who just finished a stay with Louise and Paul Ramsay in their lovely beaver retreat in Bamff! He snapped this while he was their enjoying their hospitality and has lots big ideas for the European chapter. He says he also enjoyed hanging out with Derek Gow in Devon and exploring beaver sites on the river Otter, as well as visiting the Knapale trial.
Jealous yet?
Finally I heard from Chris Scarf, the very kind website wizard from San Francisco who helped us recently, and is back from his trip with the Dromedary Camels in Mongolia. For a change of pace he recently jaunted with his wife over to photograph some beavers in Napa. Here is the lovely photo he has to show for his efforts.
Rusty has been happy to see the pond get busier. Yesterday he captured another beautiful Great Blue heron photo at just the right moment as the bird took off in flight.