After the Napa Valley Register story the Beaver pond began to have more visitors. From a county supervisor to grandparents bringing their grand kids to see the dam, lodge, and hopefully the beavers.
Speaking of grand kids I took this photo May 20th of a beaver but had no idea that it was something special.
The first couple of months after finding the Beaver pond were a very special time. The weather was good, the Beavers were very active, I met new Beaver friends Robin and Hank. Robin was responsible for getting the information on Beaver depredation permits in California and helping to sort out the data so it could be analyzed and Hank is a local Wildlife photographer. For some reason the usually nocturnal Beavers came out an hour or so before sunset during that time and made viewing quite easy.
A typical trip to the pond would have the three of us waiting near the lodge to wait for the Beavers to swim upstream. While waiting for the evenings Beaver action we began to notice some of the other wildlife.